Western leaders are progressives.

Their worldview is warped and cannot understand the simple “realism” that Israel must live in.

Their appeasement of the enemy is futile.

I look forward to reading on X that Israel has destroyed Iranian nuclear capabilities.

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Amen to that!

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Israel has only lost more and more of its power in doing all it can but appease, this with unparalleled backing by your imagined 'progressives'. It's this perception of your own delusions as 'realism' which is why a year ago Israel was untouchable and now its falling apart as a state.

Hamas still hasn't been defeated meanwhile you're writing fan fiction about destroying Iran's nuclear capabilities, it's complete Endsieg vibes

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Nicely said. If ever there was an opportune time (with Hezbullah handicapped) to take out the Iranian nuclear facilities, it would be now. Unfortunately, I doubt the US has the fortitude to back Israel in such an action.

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The Iranian mullahs must suffer a humiliating blow that changes the calculus and gives the Iranian people the courage to rise up and take the country back from the radicals.

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The most basic responsibility of any sovereign nation’s government is to protect its citizens from any foreign aggression.

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As a zoglygite, the irony is your statement is lost on you.

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I have been there and have great concern given the hate indoctrination of Israel’s neighbors and their unwillingness to support life rather than death.

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Ah so - “I have been there” - go visit the thieving murderous Settlers and the ultra orthodox and tell us about peace love and kindness

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Agree 1000%

Peace thru strength. It is time for strength.

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Peace through victory.

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Actually if you believe Trump then you believe Trump’s “strength” led China to unleash the Covid bioweapon into America. So do you believe Trump??

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" and European leaders live in a simple, rational region that bears not the slightest resemblance to the real Middle East."

The region might be rational but these "leaders" are not. They are thoroughly irrational. Their policies and demands bear literally no resemblance to reality. They ignore all evidence all logic and all rationality that would normally provide the tools to create beliefs that are realistic. In many ways they are insane because this is one of the definitions of insanity. Certainly Anthony Blinken cannot actually believe that the proper response to Hamas is to make concessions to it. Or the proper way to deal with the menace of Iran is to empower it. If he does then he is definitionally insane. More later likely he is just a pencil pushing moron without an ounce of Real intelligence or imagination and thus cannot conceive of anything other than what has been drilled into him at the Neville Chamberlain School of Diplomacy.

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The scary part is that Obama and team Biden, and Anthony Blinken, Jake Sullivan and the rest including, do believe that their approach to the Middle East is the right one, and that Iran can be contained and managed the way they want, and the obstacle to it is Israel and its “far right government.” It is quite incredible but it is true! It is the same philosophy of those who truly think that a political giant of Kamala Harris will improve their lives despite a clear evidence to the contrary.

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Wait, who has the right approach?? Trump/Kushner whose actions led to 10/7??

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The Biden Administration and other Western governments should be not only supporting Israel, but thanking Israel rather than pushing for appeasement.

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Every time Israel was about to win the war against terrorists, the U. S. and so call allies stopped Israel from winning. Now we see the same effort, but not winning now is the end of the Jewish state and people because history repeats itself. Some day the West will face the same terrorists on their own soil because they are already there. Who will be there to save them???

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

It's not the fact that Biden and the European leaders live in simple, rational regions. It's a lack of fortitude to treat our enemies - and Iran is an enemy of America - with overwhelming power. The world, including Iran's own people, would be better off for it.

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Trump was president for 4 years…what did he do about Iran?? And remember 10/7 happened after Trump was president for 4 years.

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I remember 1/6. I detest Trump and will never vote for him. The Trump attitude toward NATO, Russia, Hungary, and Ukraine is abysmal. I do credit Trump for exiting the "Iran Nuclear deal," moving our embassy to Jerusalem, the Abram accords, and a few other things, but this is not sufficient to balance his faults. He's lazy, stupid, and childish to quote Kevin Williamson. Nevertheless, the Wimpy foreign policy of Obama and Biden would be reversed if I had my way. Peace through weakness is not the way to go.

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I don’t understand, did Netanyahu have a wimpy foreign policy?? Because he was PM when Israel was attacked by Hamas.

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America is a superpower with serious enemies in Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. These enemies will be more aggressive the weaker they think the U.S. is. Israel's enemies will be more wary in the future, given how Israel has responded.

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So China unleashed the Covid bioweapon into America 🇺🇸 because Trump was weak?? What about 9/11 under Bush? I do believe Putin invaded Georgia in 2008 because of our weakness though but we were super weak and the military was overextended.

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Outstanding article! I hope the right people ( non-Jews) read and understand your important words.

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Yasher koach!

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Thank you, Michael. Well said and true.

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As always, Michael Oren is very eloquent. But let me try to put it more pithily. American and European leaders are decadent: We need new ones.

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We can not allow the creation of a Jihadist nuclear weapon!

There is no doubt in my mind that the jihadists will not hesitate to use this to annihilate the state of Israel and as many Jews as they can kill.

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Correct Michael, Israel has no choice. I have to say, the people leading America today are absolute morons. Would people living in Baltimore, Maryland tolerate missiles fired at it from Washington D.C.? No country would.

Proportionality? Well, if you take the populations of Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Iran and the PA, Israel would have to mutilate, rape and burn many thousands. That’s America’s proportionality.

If Israel’s back were to the wall they would use a nuclear weapon on Tehran. It would all be on the head of the Americans, starting from Obama, who have emboldened the terror regime in Iran.

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