Why don't we see 100,000 Jewish New Yorkers flooding the streets outside the NY Times offices and its press plant in Queens? Why aren't our rabbis leading their congregations in the streets?
The Altneu antisemitism strategy is to blame, delegitimize and slander (BDS) Israel so that slowly but surely Israel and Israelis become isolated and weakened. Once Israel is delegitimized the next step for the Altneu antisemites is to use political and military leverage to force Israel to make concessions which will compromise their ability to defend themselves against Iran, Hezbollah. the Houthis and Hamas (IHHH+)
"Mr. Speaker, I rise to say that such a time is now. As we speak, in this moment, 1.1 million innocents in Gaza are at famine’s door. A famine that is being intentionally precipitated through the blocking of food and global humanitarian assistance by leaders in the Israeli government.
This is a mass starvation of people, engineered and orchestrated following the killing of another 30,000, 70 percent of whom were women and children killed".(REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ:March 22nd, 2024)
"M. President, I would also point out that poll after poll shows that a strong majority of Americans oppose sending more weapons and military aid to fuel Netanyahu’s war machine. And I would also mention that, interestingly enough, according to a poll commissioned by J Street, 62 percent of Jewish Americans support withholding weapons shipments to Israel until Prime Minister Netanyahu agrees to an immediate ceasefire". (Senator Bernie Sanders, (regarding Senate vote to block offensive arms sales to Israel. 11/20/2024)
Not a call for an immediate release of hostages that Hamas continues to hold and torture but a demand for an immediate cease fire.
These are just samples of politicians who echo lies and curate facts to serve their narrative that Israel is guilty of ethnic cleansing and genocide. I guess using J Street as a source is better than quoting the Hamas health ministry. Come on man!
You can add Dick Durbin U.S. Senator (IL) (second in line to Chuck Schumer). "I voted today to suspend three specific arms sales to Israel. My reason is very straightforward. It is reported that more than 43,000 Palestinians have died in the conflict in Gaza-60 percent of them have been women, children and the elderly. The denial of humanitarian aid to Gaza threatens the lives of so many more-particularly children facing starvation."
No verification of numbers put out by the "Gazan Health Ministry", no distinguishing between combatants and civilians, no mention of the continuous hijacking of aid trucks by Hamas for profit. Just Altneus Anti-Semitism with every word, while couching it in the trope of how terrible October 7th was. Read Dora Horn's "People Love Dead Jews". They love us when we are dead victims, hate us every other.
What poll has 62% of American Jews. No one asked me my pov. I live in Ocasio Cortez land....I voted for the Republican who didn't bother to campaign....which is how O C came to her position in the first place....Crowley refused to campaign. Then he sang she "was born to run" what a putz. Sanders is a communist first and last. His Jewishness is negligible. His claim of time on kibbutz is meaningless. Vermont? who the fcuk votes for sanders outside the expats from NYC...you know the Brooklyn Jews who made alliyah like Sanders.
"But not all Jewish Americans are experiencing the conflict the same way. The survey, conducted Feb. 13-25, finds that younger and older Jews often view the war differently, mirroring patterns in the broader U.S. public. In both groups, younger adults tend to express much more negative attitudes toward Israel than older Americans do. U.S. Jews also differ by age when it comes to the level of connection they feel with Israel, as we found in our 2020 survey of Jewish Americans." https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/02/how-us-jews-are-experiencing-the-israel-hamas-war/
Or, perhaps they live in a different world than their Holocaust survivor parents and grandparents experienced. Israel has more to fear from the Israeli far-right than any humanistic advice they received in school and living in the U.S.
If Hamas stopped commandeering food trucks to sell to the Palestinians, the food situation would be better. However I have yet to see a photo of Gazans who appear to be starving.
Brilliantly written as all his works are! So frightening to read and feeling to helpless to combat. Letters help! I wrote after the Coates - Dokupil interview and received hundreds of positive responses. But after talk comes action— what steps can we take besides donating?
Idiot Canadian PM Trudeau has said he would arrest Netanyahu if he came to Canada. I think he’s pandering to the Muslims. There’s more of them than Jews now, thanks his idiotic immigration policy. A warning of how it could get in the US.
It might be that Netanyahu and Gallant are not restrained by the concerns of other democracies. As long as the wars persist then there will be no elections (no democracy) and no trials over corruption charges (rule of law). Democracies are not only beholden to their citizens but to the norms of other democracies worldwide. The world finds Israeli leader's actions unacceptable not because they are Jewish, but because their actions are barbaric and inhumane. There are International rules of conduct in war zones and they clearly have been violated. The world is watching and assigning accountability.
There was an election 2 years ago, John Hartman. Israelis voted and Bibi was able to form a ruling coalition. His popularity in Israel has only increased over the course of the war Israel is waging against its enemies on 7 fronts. He has increased his support with now 66 seats in the Knesset! Israel IS a democracy.
What the Left is doing, whether from the ICC (which most major nations are not signatories to) or from the Muslim block of nations in the U.N., or from the pro-Iran faction in the U.S. State Department, is finding ways to weaken or topple the Netanyahu government. As far as the IDF’s conduct of the war: See the comments of Urban Warfare authority, John Spencer, who has stated that Israel is waging one of the most, if not the most, ethical wars he’s aware of.
What the Biden State Department and the ICC has been attempting to do to Bibi and his government is disgraceful.
"...we have Iran-backed terrorists who say that, through terror, they can establish their power. And I would say they are more and more successful, and more and more forces are willing to appease them.
Unfortunately, Israel has been one of the forces willing to appease. Now Israel has no choice. It has to fight. It is fighting so terrorists cannot blackmail the free world." - Natan Sharansky
I do my small part by writing letters to the media and bcc CAMERA. Most recently re Hardtalk on BBC and the Economist. All attempts to write directly to Nicholas Kristoff or others in the NY Times....fail...I only got my letter to a diifferent man with the same name who replied to me. BBC replied that upon reviewing the tape the host followed legitimate "tough questions." Now I'm reading Landes long tome, Can we all be Wrong? The blood libel , same charges used for Al Durah hoax and the Jenin hoax. The racist posters and slogans. The 'ashamed" Jews who renounce Israel. Everything that is going on now. Especially the blood libel. I wrote to the NY Times letter page about the doctors who charge Israel with purposely murdering children. Now I read that the Palestinians at Columbia complained they were the targets of former IDF students who act as death squads at Columbia. so they practice "legtimate resistance" too.
Even though the schism between the Islamism of today and the rest of the world has never been bigger and more apparent, the “world opinion” refuses to see it. It is a terrible blow to the Islamists that the tiny nation of Israel, a nation of less than 10 million people, has as much power as it has. After the defeat in 1967, Arabs overcame inferiority on the battlefield with superiority in the war of ideas. In a calculated appeal to liberals and radicals, their propaganda redefined their war of aggression against the Jews as a struggle for the liberation of Palestinian Arabs. The tenacity of Arabs’ rejection of Israel and their relentless campaign to destroy Israel’s moral image have reached the desired impact. Nothing unites and elevates more than Jew hatred, which at this point permeated academia, schools, professional organizations, and, above all, the news media worldwide.
The altneu antisemitism described by Oren is particularly dangerous because it is homegrown. The students who grow up in well-to-do households, including those who even get some Jewish education but then carry “From the river to the sea” signs on college campuses and major cities, become elected officials, diplomats, journalists, teachers, and rabbis in synagogues. Their version of the “social justice” movement could prove fatal.
I would contend this is more than Arab "propaganda". Daily pictures of civilian deaths and human misery are a sure way to lose a nation's moral credibility on the world stage. The U.S. certainly has been there and done that a lot recently.
No, the uproar is not about being Jewish, but about disregard for basic humanity. I am no apologist for islamists but there are many ways Israel could have confronted Hamas and defended itself. The Arab propagandists set a trap and Israel willingly walked into it in spite of being repeatedly warned by allies not to. Israelis are not simply Jews but also allies and representatives of liberal Western democracy. That is what the world is reacting to.
You prove Michael Oren's point so perfectly. "In many ways, Hamas understood the world better than we Israelis did. The men who came across the border, and those who sent them, may have grasped the current state of the West better than many Westerners. More than anything, they understood the war they’re fighting when many of us didn’t—and still don’t.
Some aspects of Hamas’s success are easy to see, like the behavior of the Western press. After dealing with reporters through many rounds of violence since coming to power in Gaza in 2007, Hamas understood that most can be co-opted or coerced, and that coverage of Gaza would reliably focus on civilian casualties, obscuring the cause of the war, portraying Israel’s military operations as atrocities, and thus pressuring Israel to stop fighting.
Hamas also knew that when faced with heartbreaking images of civilian death, some Western leaders would eventually buckle and blame the Israelis, helping Hamas live to attack another day. It took about five weeks before this happened to Emmanuel Macron of France (“These babies, these ladies, these old people are bombed and killed. So there is no reason for that and no legitimacy”) and Canada’s Justin Trudeau (“The world is witnessing this killing of women, of children, of babies. This has to stop.”)
And Hamas knew that the international organizations that bankroll Gaza, like the United Nations, having mostly turned a blind eye to Hamas’s vast military buildup at their expense (and, in some cases, on their property), would focus their fury at Israel alone and do their best to blunt the consequences of Hamas’s actions. All of this shows not a miscalculation by Hamas, but an admirable grasp of reality." - this is part of Matti Friedman's piece The Wisdom of Hamas, published several months after October 7, 2023.
As a former AP reporter, Friedman also described meticulously his experience as an AP journalist in an article published by the Atlantic nearly 10 years ago, yet it rings true today more than ever. The world is reacting to Israel the way it does because it is Israel, Mr. Hardman. The world you defend understands that it can't hold Hamas or its financiers responsible but it surely can make a boogieman out of Israel and especially its "far right" government. It is a trap they set up for you and other "liberal" Westerners just like you, and you gobbled it up. Basic humanity? Israel has facilitated the transfer of more than 57,000 aid trucks and 1.1 million tons of aid. Most of it was stolen by Hamas, which means Israel has been provisioning its battlefield enemy, something no international law requires. Military analysts are unequivocally agree that Israel's military may have achieved the lowest ratio of civilian-to-combatant deaths in the history of urban warfare. But "the world" is not reacting to it, it keeps beating the drum of "genocide in Gaza," conveniently ignoring all other fronts Israel is battling with Hezbollah, Houthis, Islamic Jihad in Syria, PA, and whatever other fractions live off international aid. Yet you argue about the "nation's credibility on the world stage." Well, if being killed would bring that dubious credibility, the hell with it.
Again, Israel is allied with the West. That is the reason Islamists attack it because it is a symbol of the West "colonizing" the Middle East. Like it or not, this isn't just about Israel reclaiming Judea, but about bringing liberal Western values into the region. How Israel handles Gaza affects how the world sees not only Israel but the West in general and the U.S. in particular as Israel's chief ally.
Yes, there are a lot of Islamist 'bad guys' in the region and they are also targeting moderate Sunni Muslim nations in an attempt for Shiite Iran to gain its former glory. Israel cannot win this battle without the help of both moderate Arab and liberal Western allies. Lone Israel against the world is not a winning strategy and they are rapidly losing status and support.
No matter what you say, if the rest of the world views Israel as a pariah, then that is the majority opinion. Only the U.S. is standing firm and we're taking a lot of hits to our already damaged reputation by doing so. There are growing demonstrations on the streets of Tel Aviv and even a majority of Israelis have lost confidence in the current leadership and how the Gaza battle is being handled and the nation's reputation being damaged. "When you find you digging yourself in a hole, quit digging." Blaming the rest of the world for your mistakes is futile.
How Israel handles Gaza and how the world sees it are two different things, that is the main problem, as I thought I explained. And Gaza is just one part of it. The history of the West “colonizing” the Middle East is not related to the conditions of the most of the Arab world today as evidenced by the feudal societies of the Gulf states, the dictatorship in Egypt and the Islamic fascists that rule Hamas, the PLO, and Hezbollah. The point is not to meet the demands of such Islamists but to show them they won’t have it their way. It is fascinating to me how Muslims always demand tolerance and welfare from non-Muslims but never offer the same in return. It does not mean the rest of the “liberal” West needs to follow.
As I explained, Israel is not on a different planet than the rest of the world. How Israel “handles” Gaza affects all of us. Attacks by radical Islamists also, affect the whole world too. Yes, Israel is geographically challenged being in the heart of it all, but its plate is full and its resources finite. Taking on the entire Islamic World single-handedly is a recipe for disaster.
General Colin Powell warned us all as the U.S. foolishly invaded Iraq: “If you break it, you bought it.” Israel has certainly broken Gaza and currently occupies it. It now is morally responsible for the welfare of Gazan civilians and the security of aid supplies.
The International Criminal Court is charging Israel with crimes against humanity and much of the world agrees. The suffering and starvation of civilians under Israeli occupation is not only a gross violation of International Law but also of Jewish religious laws as well. Not only is the entire world watching and judging, but God is as well. Karma is a bitch…
Fake ICC issues fake warrants, with potentially bad implications: such precedent will harm the ability of all democracies to defend themselves against attacks by terror groups and states. The ICC only has jurisdiction over its member states, but Israel is not its member and Gaza is not a state. The court nonetheless conjures a State of Palestine and lets the Palestinian Authority sign for the territory Hamas has controlled since 2007. Hmm. The ICC indicts Mr. Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, leaving out Benny Gantz, who was the hope of those who tried to oust Netanyahu. Hmm.
The charge of deliberate starvation is absurd, and has been disproven. Is the situation in Gaza bleak? Yes, absolutely, but I guess not bleak enough as we still don’t have the hostages back or any leads as to where they can be found.
It is understandable that you would want to refer to the old-new antisemitism as it has evolved but is at the same time the same old, same old. The resurgent antisemitism is fueled by financial investment and the most nefarious aspects of the internet. Perhaps the period of seemingly reduced, almost absent antisemitism in most of the post-war, second half of the 20th century was merely an anomaly, an illusion.
You capitalized the word Altneu throughout your two articles. I find your use of the word Altneu upsetting, pejorative, and difficult to digest. Perhaps you are not aware of the significance of the name Altneu and the Altneu Shul. Or if you are, then it should have been obvious to you that you shouldn’t be using this name to describe your thesis in this article.
My family name is Altneu, with history with the Altneu Shul in Prague, Czech Republic. It is a very special, historical place. It is the oldest synagogue in Europe, erected in 1270. It is also closely connected to the well known tale of The Golem.
There is a midrash/interpretation of the name and history that has to do with the coming of the Messiah. That story told through the generations is based upon the interpretation that the word Altneu may not mean “old-new”, but rather it may be Al-Tenei, על תנאי, “on the condition”. The story says that the stones which make up the foundation walls of the Altneu Shul were carried from Jerusalem to Prague for this specific purpose. These stones were carried by individuals who then settled there. My Altneu family is theoretically descended from those individuals and that history. The “on the condition part” is that when the Messiah comes, the stones are to be returned to Jerusalem . Those stones would then be used to reconstruct the ancient temple.
Whether or not this is true history, it is part of the folklore of the Altneu Shul, and indeed of our family. It was even documented by Dr. Mark Podwal, artist and writer, who recently passed away. When I visited the Altneu Shul in Prague a few years ago, it was amazing, awesome, and quite emotional to sit and pray in a place where my ancestors had prayed. Sadly, our large Altneu family who did not make it to America were murdered in the Holocaust.
This is about appropriateness and your appropriation of the name of one of our historic sacred spaces to make a twisted statement. Your irony was most definitely not clear to me and to others I know who read your article. While the ideas and assessment you are expressing are important, it very disconcerting that you are using the name Altneu in such a negative way to make your point.
There are many other ways to exemplify the hypocrisy of the present times.
Mr. Oren: A minor correction needed in your excellent article: the referenced size of the bullets you mentioned is not 5.56 calibers (each one hundredth of an inch) but 5.56 mm.
Some of the misleading news is coming from liberal Jews. In the comments of the WaPo article there’s a comment with a link to Haaretz.
“Hamas offered to exchange all the hostages it captured, for them. Israel not only chose instead to embark on a sadistic killing spree, but it is now confirmed it used the Hannibal Directive on Oct. 7.”
Do you really think Israel is simply being judged harshly because of medieval boogieman stories of Jews practicing the blood sacrifice of children? How did Israel go from having a favorable reputation as the only democracy in the Middle East to being accused of apartheid and genocide? Why have Jews suddenly become universally loathed rather than lauded as they were since Israel was declared a nation?
Michael Oran claims the world has collectively reverted to blind antisemitism and Israel is an innocent victim of irrational racist hatred. Or, might a nation founded on the sacred ideals of Judaism violate not only the Laws of God but of general humanity as well? Rather than claiming the special status of victimhood, perhaps some self-reflection and soul-searching is due.
This “God’s Chosen People” can do no wrong and are exempt from judgments and accountability that the rest of the secular world adheres to resulting in “antisecularism” while claiming antisemitism. This sacred Jew against a secular world dynamic has to stop. Jewish Ultra-Orthodoxy is just as poisonous as ultra-orthodox Islamism. Both need eradication and secular humanism to take its place. It is time for Israel to decide if it wants to survive as a modern secular multicultural state or destroy itself again vainly fighting ancient perpetual holy wars.
Netanyahu has made a pact with ultra-orthodox racist Zionists and the nation is suffering the scorn of the modern world. Israel attempting to change the world alone is a fool’s errand. Most of the modern world recognizes the need for a separation of church and state. It is time for Israel to cease with their historical “lone victim” stance and join the rest of the modern secular world.
Your ravings are exactly what the street disturbances are fueled by. btw are you concerned about ultra orthodox racist apartheid Islamic Supremacists who refute eveything about so called secular humanism. i.e. Iran's regime who refuseds for Iran to be called the state of all its peoples and remove Islamic writing and symbols from flags, etc. Or as the Malaysian antisemite PM proclaimed, human rights is an invention the Jews.
Why don't we see 100,000 Jewish New Yorkers flooding the streets outside the NY Times offices and its press plant in Queens? Why aren't our rabbis leading their congregations in the streets?
To best understand this phenomenon, read Betrayal, compiled and edited by Charles Jacobson and Avi Goldwasser.
Thanks for the book tip. Ordered.
Bari Weiss wrote one of the essays in the book.
The Altneu antisemitism strategy is to blame, delegitimize and slander (BDS) Israel so that slowly but surely Israel and Israelis become isolated and weakened. Once Israel is delegitimized the next step for the Altneu antisemites is to use political and military leverage to force Israel to make concessions which will compromise their ability to defend themselves against Iran, Hezbollah. the Houthis and Hamas (IHHH+)
"Mr. Speaker, I rise to say that such a time is now. As we speak, in this moment, 1.1 million innocents in Gaza are at famine’s door. A famine that is being intentionally precipitated through the blocking of food and global humanitarian assistance by leaders in the Israeli government.
This is a mass starvation of people, engineered and orchestrated following the killing of another 30,000, 70 percent of whom were women and children killed".(REPRESENTATIVE ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ:March 22nd, 2024)
"M. President, I would also point out that poll after poll shows that a strong majority of Americans oppose sending more weapons and military aid to fuel Netanyahu’s war machine. And I would also mention that, interestingly enough, according to a poll commissioned by J Street, 62 percent of Jewish Americans support withholding weapons shipments to Israel until Prime Minister Netanyahu agrees to an immediate ceasefire". (Senator Bernie Sanders, (regarding Senate vote to block offensive arms sales to Israel. 11/20/2024)
Not a call for an immediate release of hostages that Hamas continues to hold and torture but a demand for an immediate cease fire.
These are just samples of politicians who echo lies and curate facts to serve their narrative that Israel is guilty of ethnic cleansing and genocide. I guess using J Street as a source is better than quoting the Hamas health ministry. Come on man!
When does Sanders have to run again? Can we find a Vermont candidate to primary him?
You can add Dick Durbin U.S. Senator (IL) (second in line to Chuck Schumer). "I voted today to suspend three specific arms sales to Israel. My reason is very straightforward. It is reported that more than 43,000 Palestinians have died in the conflict in Gaza-60 percent of them have been women, children and the elderly. The denial of humanitarian aid to Gaza threatens the lives of so many more-particularly children facing starvation."
No verification of numbers put out by the "Gazan Health Ministry", no distinguishing between combatants and civilians, no mention of the continuous hijacking of aid trucks by Hamas for profit. Just Altneus Anti-Semitism with every word, while couching it in the trope of how terrible October 7th was. Read Dora Horn's "People Love Dead Jews". They love us when we are dead victims, hate us every other.
So true. And I got the same letter from Durbin, our very own US Senator from Illinois.
What poll has 62% of American Jews. No one asked me my pov. I live in Ocasio Cortez land....I voted for the Republican who didn't bother to campaign....which is how O C came to her position in the first place....Crowley refused to campaign. Then he sang she "was born to run" what a putz. Sanders is a communist first and last. His Jewishness is negligible. His claim of time on kibbutz is meaningless. Vermont? who the fcuk votes for sanders outside the expats from NYC...you know the Brooklyn Jews who made alliyah like Sanders.
"But not all Jewish Americans are experiencing the conflict the same way. The survey, conducted Feb. 13-25, finds that younger and older Jews often view the war differently, mirroring patterns in the broader U.S. public. In both groups, younger adults tend to express much more negative attitudes toward Israel than older Americans do. U.S. Jews also differ by age when it comes to the level of connection they feel with Israel, as we found in our 2020 survey of Jewish Americans." https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/04/02/how-us-jews-are-experiencing-the-israel-hamas-war/
And the younger Jews and non-Jews have been given a proper brainwashing since they entered kindergarten!
One more reason we have to remove the Left from our schools, colleges and universities. The indoctrination has been occurring since the 70’s.
See Christopher F. Rufo’s “America’s Cultural Revolution.”
Or, perhaps they live in a different world than their Holocaust survivor parents and grandparents experienced. Israel has more to fear from the Israeli far-right than any humanistic advice they received in school and living in the U.S.
If Hamas stopped commandeering food trucks to sell to the Palestinians, the food situation would be better. However I have yet to see a photo of Gazans who appear to be starving.
Brilliantly written as all his works are! So frightening to read and feeling to helpless to combat. Letters help! I wrote after the Coates - Dokupil interview and received hundreds of positive responses. But after talk comes action— what steps can we take besides donating?
And now the ICC has issued arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant, the first time it has ever done so with any leaders of a democratic country.
Gee.................I wonder why that is.
Idiot Canadian PM Trudeau has said he would arrest Netanyahu if he came to Canada. I think he’s pandering to the Muslims. There’s more of them than Jews now, thanks his idiotic immigration policy. A warning of how it could get in the US.
It might be that Netanyahu and Gallant are not restrained by the concerns of other democracies. As long as the wars persist then there will be no elections (no democracy) and no trials over corruption charges (rule of law). Democracies are not only beholden to their citizens but to the norms of other democracies worldwide. The world finds Israeli leader's actions unacceptable not because they are Jewish, but because their actions are barbaric and inhumane. There are International rules of conduct in war zones and they clearly have been violated. The world is watching and assigning accountability.
There was an election 2 years ago, John Hartman. Israelis voted and Bibi was able to form a ruling coalition. His popularity in Israel has only increased over the course of the war Israel is waging against its enemies on 7 fronts. He has increased his support with now 66 seats in the Knesset! Israel IS a democracy.
What the Left is doing, whether from the ICC (which most major nations are not signatories to) or from the Muslim block of nations in the U.N., or from the pro-Iran faction in the U.S. State Department, is finding ways to weaken or topple the Netanyahu government. As far as the IDF’s conduct of the war: See the comments of Urban Warfare authority, John Spencer, who has stated that Israel is waging one of the most, if not the most, ethical wars he’s aware of.
What the Biden State Department and the ICC has been attempting to do to Bibi and his government is disgraceful.
Sorry- should be John Hardman. My mistake.
"...we have Iran-backed terrorists who say that, through terror, they can establish their power. And I would say they are more and more successful, and more and more forces are willing to appease them.
Unfortunately, Israel has been one of the forces willing to appease. Now Israel has no choice. It has to fight. It is fighting so terrorists cannot blackmail the free world." - Natan Sharansky
I do my small part by writing letters to the media and bcc CAMERA. Most recently re Hardtalk on BBC and the Economist. All attempts to write directly to Nicholas Kristoff or others in the NY Times....fail...I only got my letter to a diifferent man with the same name who replied to me. BBC replied that upon reviewing the tape the host followed legitimate "tough questions." Now I'm reading Landes long tome, Can we all be Wrong? The blood libel , same charges used for Al Durah hoax and the Jenin hoax. The racist posters and slogans. The 'ashamed" Jews who renounce Israel. Everything that is going on now. Especially the blood libel. I wrote to the NY Times letter page about the doctors who charge Israel with purposely murdering children. Now I read that the Palestinians at Columbia complained they were the targets of former IDF students who act as death squads at Columbia. so they practice "legtimate resistance" too.
Even though the schism between the Islamism of today and the rest of the world has never been bigger and more apparent, the “world opinion” refuses to see it. It is a terrible blow to the Islamists that the tiny nation of Israel, a nation of less than 10 million people, has as much power as it has. After the defeat in 1967, Arabs overcame inferiority on the battlefield with superiority in the war of ideas. In a calculated appeal to liberals and radicals, their propaganda redefined their war of aggression against the Jews as a struggle for the liberation of Palestinian Arabs. The tenacity of Arabs’ rejection of Israel and their relentless campaign to destroy Israel’s moral image have reached the desired impact. Nothing unites and elevates more than Jew hatred, which at this point permeated academia, schools, professional organizations, and, above all, the news media worldwide.
The altneu antisemitism described by Oren is particularly dangerous because it is homegrown. The students who grow up in well-to-do households, including those who even get some Jewish education but then carry “From the river to the sea” signs on college campuses and major cities, become elected officials, diplomats, journalists, teachers, and rabbis in synagogues. Their version of the “social justice” movement could prove fatal.
I would contend this is more than Arab "propaganda". Daily pictures of civilian deaths and human misery are a sure way to lose a nation's moral credibility on the world stage. The U.S. certainly has been there and done that a lot recently.
No, the uproar is not about being Jewish, but about disregard for basic humanity. I am no apologist for islamists but there are many ways Israel could have confronted Hamas and defended itself. The Arab propagandists set a trap and Israel willingly walked into it in spite of being repeatedly warned by allies not to. Israelis are not simply Jews but also allies and representatives of liberal Western democracy. That is what the world is reacting to.
You prove Michael Oren's point so perfectly. "In many ways, Hamas understood the world better than we Israelis did. The men who came across the border, and those who sent them, may have grasped the current state of the West better than many Westerners. More than anything, they understood the war they’re fighting when many of us didn’t—and still don’t.
Some aspects of Hamas’s success are easy to see, like the behavior of the Western press. After dealing with reporters through many rounds of violence since coming to power in Gaza in 2007, Hamas understood that most can be co-opted or coerced, and that coverage of Gaza would reliably focus on civilian casualties, obscuring the cause of the war, portraying Israel’s military operations as atrocities, and thus pressuring Israel to stop fighting.
Hamas also knew that when faced with heartbreaking images of civilian death, some Western leaders would eventually buckle and blame the Israelis, helping Hamas live to attack another day. It took about five weeks before this happened to Emmanuel Macron of France (“These babies, these ladies, these old people are bombed and killed. So there is no reason for that and no legitimacy”) and Canada’s Justin Trudeau (“The world is witnessing this killing of women, of children, of babies. This has to stop.”)
And Hamas knew that the international organizations that bankroll Gaza, like the United Nations, having mostly turned a blind eye to Hamas’s vast military buildup at their expense (and, in some cases, on their property), would focus their fury at Israel alone and do their best to blunt the consequences of Hamas’s actions. All of this shows not a miscalculation by Hamas, but an admirable grasp of reality." - this is part of Matti Friedman's piece The Wisdom of Hamas, published several months after October 7, 2023.
As a former AP reporter, Friedman also described meticulously his experience as an AP journalist in an article published by the Atlantic nearly 10 years ago, yet it rings true today more than ever. The world is reacting to Israel the way it does because it is Israel, Mr. Hardman. The world you defend understands that it can't hold Hamas or its financiers responsible but it surely can make a boogieman out of Israel and especially its "far right" government. It is a trap they set up for you and other "liberal" Westerners just like you, and you gobbled it up. Basic humanity? Israel has facilitated the transfer of more than 57,000 aid trucks and 1.1 million tons of aid. Most of it was stolen by Hamas, which means Israel has been provisioning its battlefield enemy, something no international law requires. Military analysts are unequivocally agree that Israel's military may have achieved the lowest ratio of civilian-to-combatant deaths in the history of urban warfare. But "the world" is not reacting to it, it keeps beating the drum of "genocide in Gaza," conveniently ignoring all other fronts Israel is battling with Hezbollah, Houthis, Islamic Jihad in Syria, PA, and whatever other fractions live off international aid. Yet you argue about the "nation's credibility on the world stage." Well, if being killed would bring that dubious credibility, the hell with it.
Again, Israel is allied with the West. That is the reason Islamists attack it because it is a symbol of the West "colonizing" the Middle East. Like it or not, this isn't just about Israel reclaiming Judea, but about bringing liberal Western values into the region. How Israel handles Gaza affects how the world sees not only Israel but the West in general and the U.S. in particular as Israel's chief ally.
Yes, there are a lot of Islamist 'bad guys' in the region and they are also targeting moderate Sunni Muslim nations in an attempt for Shiite Iran to gain its former glory. Israel cannot win this battle without the help of both moderate Arab and liberal Western allies. Lone Israel against the world is not a winning strategy and they are rapidly losing status and support.
No matter what you say, if the rest of the world views Israel as a pariah, then that is the majority opinion. Only the U.S. is standing firm and we're taking a lot of hits to our already damaged reputation by doing so. There are growing demonstrations on the streets of Tel Aviv and even a majority of Israelis have lost confidence in the current leadership and how the Gaza battle is being handled and the nation's reputation being damaged. "When you find you digging yourself in a hole, quit digging." Blaming the rest of the world for your mistakes is futile.
How Israel handles Gaza and how the world sees it are two different things, that is the main problem, as I thought I explained. And Gaza is just one part of it. The history of the West “colonizing” the Middle East is not related to the conditions of the most of the Arab world today as evidenced by the feudal societies of the Gulf states, the dictatorship in Egypt and the Islamic fascists that rule Hamas, the PLO, and Hezbollah. The point is not to meet the demands of such Islamists but to show them they won’t have it their way. It is fascinating to me how Muslims always demand tolerance and welfare from non-Muslims but never offer the same in return. It does not mean the rest of the “liberal” West needs to follow.
As I explained, Israel is not on a different planet than the rest of the world. How Israel “handles” Gaza affects all of us. Attacks by radical Islamists also, affect the whole world too. Yes, Israel is geographically challenged being in the heart of it all, but its plate is full and its resources finite. Taking on the entire Islamic World single-handedly is a recipe for disaster.
General Colin Powell warned us all as the U.S. foolishly invaded Iraq: “If you break it, you bought it.” Israel has certainly broken Gaza and currently occupies it. It now is morally responsible for the welfare of Gazan civilians and the security of aid supplies.
The International Criminal Court is charging Israel with crimes against humanity and much of the world agrees. The suffering and starvation of civilians under Israeli occupation is not only a gross violation of International Law but also of Jewish religious laws as well. Not only is the entire world watching and judging, but God is as well. Karma is a bitch…
Fake ICC issues fake warrants, with potentially bad implications: such precedent will harm the ability of all democracies to defend themselves against attacks by terror groups and states. The ICC only has jurisdiction over its member states, but Israel is not its member and Gaza is not a state. The court nonetheless conjures a State of Palestine and lets the Palestinian Authority sign for the territory Hamas has controlled since 2007. Hmm. The ICC indicts Mr. Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, leaving out Benny Gantz, who was the hope of those who tried to oust Netanyahu. Hmm.
The charge of deliberate starvation is absurd, and has been disproven. Is the situation in Gaza bleak? Yes, absolutely, but I guess not bleak enough as we still don’t have the hostages back or any leads as to where they can be found.
A member of Substack threatened to murder a “Kike” and use his skin to decorate his home and Substack did nothing about it.
RE: “The Altneu Antisemitism”, I and II.
It is understandable that you would want to refer to the old-new antisemitism as it has evolved but is at the same time the same old, same old. The resurgent antisemitism is fueled by financial investment and the most nefarious aspects of the internet. Perhaps the period of seemingly reduced, almost absent antisemitism in most of the post-war, second half of the 20th century was merely an anomaly, an illusion.
You capitalized the word Altneu throughout your two articles. I find your use of the word Altneu upsetting, pejorative, and difficult to digest. Perhaps you are not aware of the significance of the name Altneu and the Altneu Shul. Or if you are, then it should have been obvious to you that you shouldn’t be using this name to describe your thesis in this article.
My family name is Altneu, with history with the Altneu Shul in Prague, Czech Republic. It is a very special, historical place. It is the oldest synagogue in Europe, erected in 1270. It is also closely connected to the well known tale of The Golem.
There is a midrash/interpretation of the name and history that has to do with the coming of the Messiah. That story told through the generations is based upon the interpretation that the word Altneu may not mean “old-new”, but rather it may be Al-Tenei, על תנאי, “on the condition”. The story says that the stones which make up the foundation walls of the Altneu Shul were carried from Jerusalem to Prague for this specific purpose. These stones were carried by individuals who then settled there. My Altneu family is theoretically descended from those individuals and that history. The “on the condition part” is that when the Messiah comes, the stones are to be returned to Jerusalem . Those stones would then be used to reconstruct the ancient temple.
Whether or not this is true history, it is part of the folklore of the Altneu Shul, and indeed of our family. It was even documented by Dr. Mark Podwal, artist and writer, who recently passed away. When I visited the Altneu Shul in Prague a few years ago, it was amazing, awesome, and quite emotional to sit and pray in a place where my ancestors had prayed. Sadly, our large Altneu family who did not make it to America were murdered in the Holocaust.
This is about appropriateness and your appropriation of the name of one of our historic sacred spaces to make a twisted statement. Your irony was most definitely not clear to me and to others I know who read your article. While the ideas and assessment you are expressing are important, it very disconcerting that you are using the name Altneu in such a negative way to make your point.
There are many other ways to exemplify the hypocrisy of the present times.
Mr. Oren: A minor correction needed in your excellent article: the referenced size of the bullets you mentioned is not 5.56 calibers (each one hundredth of an inch) but 5.56 mm.
Some of the misleading news is coming from liberal Jews. In the comments of the WaPo article there’s a comment with a link to Haaretz.
“Hamas offered to exchange all the hostages it captured, for them. Israel not only chose instead to embark on a sadistic killing spree, but it is now confirmed it used the Hannibal Directive on Oct. 7.”
I don’t have a subscription to Haaretz so I haven’t read it.
Do you really think Israel is simply being judged harshly because of medieval boogieman stories of Jews practicing the blood sacrifice of children? How did Israel go from having a favorable reputation as the only democracy in the Middle East to being accused of apartheid and genocide? Why have Jews suddenly become universally loathed rather than lauded as they were since Israel was declared a nation?
Michael Oran claims the world has collectively reverted to blind antisemitism and Israel is an innocent victim of irrational racist hatred. Or, might a nation founded on the sacred ideals of Judaism violate not only the Laws of God but of general humanity as well? Rather than claiming the special status of victimhood, perhaps some self-reflection and soul-searching is due.
This “God’s Chosen People” can do no wrong and are exempt from judgments and accountability that the rest of the secular world adheres to resulting in “antisecularism” while claiming antisemitism. This sacred Jew against a secular world dynamic has to stop. Jewish Ultra-Orthodoxy is just as poisonous as ultra-orthodox Islamism. Both need eradication and secular humanism to take its place. It is time for Israel to decide if it wants to survive as a modern secular multicultural state or destroy itself again vainly fighting ancient perpetual holy wars.
Netanyahu has made a pact with ultra-orthodox racist Zionists and the nation is suffering the scorn of the modern world. Israel attempting to change the world alone is a fool’s errand. Most of the modern world recognizes the need for a separation of church and state. It is time for Israel to cease with their historical “lone victim” stance and join the rest of the modern secular world.
Your ravings are exactly what the street disturbances are fueled by. btw are you concerned about ultra orthodox racist apartheid Islamic Supremacists who refute eveything about so called secular humanism. i.e. Iran's regime who refuseds for Iran to be called the state of all its peoples and remove Islamic writing and symbols from flags, etc. Or as the Malaysian antisemite PM proclaimed, human rights is an invention the Jews.
Agree with you 100%
Nice example of "whataboutism"...