Re public opinion, what do you think is the best way to explain that prior to Israel’s statehood, all Arab countries expelled their Jews who had been living in those countries peacefully for nearly 2,000 years, and about 700,000+ Jews then went to then Palestine. That of course horrified the Arab Muslim countries, so they paid 800,000 Muslims to move to Palestine. Then, when the Muslim countries realized they wanted to push the Jews into the sea, they asked those 800,000 paid Muslim immigrants to “just temporarily” go to Gaza, go to Lebanon and go to the West Bank , so they could more easily “push the Jews into the Sea.” No one expected Israel to be able to win the War of Independence…but Israel did. So all those new Muslims in Gaza, Lebanon and the West Bank were NOT long time residents of Palestine! I recall seeing a young student at our local University at all the Palestinian protests 10 years ago. Then I saw her in my Hebrew refresher class that ai was taking. I asked her how long her family had lived in the land. She said “70 years.” So ai asked her if her family had been among those Arab Muslims who had been paid to settle in Palestine? She said (proudly) “Yes! WE are Kuwaiti!!” Why is this aspect not brought out more? And learning how and why Mohammed turned against the Jews is also important! He had always respected the Jews. But when he wanted to conquer Mecca and Modena, and asked the Jews to support him in killing the Ruler, and taking over the rule of those locations.the Jews said they would get back to him with their answer. They ultimately told him that that king and his predecessors had been very kind to them for 500 years so they felt they could not turn against him. Mohammed then wanting with 10,000warriers, killed the king and his family, killed all the Jews who were there, and was angry with the Jews ever since. Perhaps if more Muslim Arabs knew the origin of the Muslim hatred of a Jews they might be willing to change that. I always felt the Jews should have been welcomed back to Israel by everyone in the Middle East, with a smart “let’s get rich together” attitude and everyone could have lived well together in peace. There is no reason for this Jew hatred on the part of the Arab Muslims. It was only based historically in Ego and anger. So what do you think is the best way to get these messages “out there?”
We focus too much on Iran and not enough on Qatar. The owners of Al Jazeera do much to spread antisemitism and Israel-hatred throughout the world. They shelter terrorist leaders, and act as legitimate money conduits for terror groups. They negotiate deals in which they pretend to aid the West but in fact use them to legitimate their own close contact with, and support of, those terror groups. They are the major funders of programs at many Western universities that have brainwashed students into supporting Hamas and hating Israel, and help support weekly protest marches throughout the world. But because their actions are covert and they are masters of taqiyya, tawriya, and other approved forms of Muslim lying and subterfuge, the West considers them "honest agents".
Yes, Iran is the issue. Israel has a certain way of "biding its time", and given Iran's nuclear aspirations, I'll not be making travel plans to Iran anytime soon.
Since Hamas started this war in 2023 it is very important to understand their theology and philosophy also promoted by Hezbollah and the Houthis. I came to a better understanding of Jihad by reading Robert Spencer's book, The History of Jihad from Muhammad to ISIS. N.Y.: Post Hill Press, 2018. Mr. Spencer is director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Basically, Jihadists don't stop until they kill their "adversaries" or are killed!
To a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail. To the author of "The Art of the Deal" everything looks like a deal. Trump prefers to do a deal with the mullahs because doing deals is what he does. Exhibit #1: Look at the crap deal, dictated by Trump, that has put Hamas back in charge of the Gaza strip.
Trump never met a dictatorship he didn't like, so don't expect him to support regime change in Iran. In fact, he has explicitly disclaimed any such intention. I predict Trump will strenuously oppose military action against the mullah regime. Israel must act alone.
I don’t fully trust Trump. He has a narcissistic personality that unfortunately may become his undoing. “All hell will break loose?” For who? It looks like the Israelis. Hamas has won and they’ll stretch out the hostage release as the reconstitute their terrorist network.
I don’t. He always has a grudge. An assassination attempt and nuke ambitions as well as grievances from his 1st admin., I wouldn’t be surprised if he gave Israel the green light to destroy Iran’s nukes. If any trouble after that, the mullahs are gone.
trump didn't create that deal, Biden did. approval was deemed appropriate as a means of getting some of the hostages, given that the deal will be short lived dye to the duplicity of Hamas
I care little of how we get there. Whether the US goes solo, or Israel does or they combine their efforts. As long as in the end, Gaza, Beirut and Tehran are only smoke and burning cinders.
“Israel’s position has also changed. After long insisting on “total victory,” Prime Minister Netanyahu recently pledged “to destroy Hamas’s military capabilities, end its political rule in Gaza, and ensure that Gaza never again poses a threat to Israel.” Adding the Iran regime change to the puzzle, doesn’t that add up to “total victory”?
Trump is busy bankrupting the U.S. and tormenting our allies to give a damn about Iran. Israel’s allies in confronting Iran needs to be Sunni Arab states in the region, not the dysfunctional U.S. We are fighting our own domestic battles, and there is zero interest in getting involved in M.E. ethnic warfare. Currently, we are not reliable partners for anyone. We would rather attack fellow North Americans than Iranians.
Do not agree, amigo. Taking out the Ayatollah would change much of the world economy because of their oil. This would severely dampen China’s energy supply.
The tariffs will fade but the message is sent.
Our “unreliable partner” days are hopefully over with the Dems being out.
A tariff trade war between the U.S., Mexico, Canada, China, and the EU will also change the world’s economy. Iran does not have high priority in Trump’s plans for retribution.
China has lots of alternative sources of oil. Putin could stand to make a few more rubles to finance their quagmire in Ukraine, which is why an attack on Iran won’t happen. A regime change in Iran requires another regime to take the place of the Ayatollah. The U.S. doesn’t have a good track record with nation-building in the Middle East. Let the Sunnis clean up their own backyard.
And Pres. Sheinbaum of Mexico has already reached a temporary agreement with the US and agrees to further negotiations. Trudeau is set to speak with Pres. Trump later today. Panama already backed down.
You need to understand that Trump plays hardball but always prefers to make a deal. So don't assume that his posture is engraved in stone and the sky is falling. After 4 years of letting other nations walk all over us it's refreshing to see a PotUS who's not afraid to USE the value of America's status as a superpower to gain benefit for Americans.
Yes, Trump is not constrained in his use of American status, but there is a line where ‘use’ becomes ‘abuse.’
Could those same “benfits” have been mutually negotiated without the threat of economic violence? What is the cost to America’s status with our allies when trade treaties are violated and mutual respect for sovereignty is discarded?
China has to be loving this. Trump has become a bigger authoritarian than Xi. The Global South now has a choice between an abusive dictatorship and one that is respectful of their sovereignty. BRICS will experience a surge in membership applications following this embarrassing tantrum.
When the U.S. vice President goes to the Munich Security Conference to lecture the EU about being too liberal and “woke” and then meets with the leader of the AfD, the German far-right party… oh hell no have I changed my opinion. Isolationism in a globalized world is suicide.
Seize it we will. Gaza is a brush fire fed in Tehran by a cabal who chant death to America. Trump knows that and will bring them to their knees in due time.
Trump said the unsayable which is that the best thing for everyone is to allow many of the people in Gaza to leave so they aren't hostages. And it seems clear that Trump is willing to use all manner of force more readily than his predecessor. But note, most Americans can't articulate our interest in Israel, and none want another war in the ME, for any reason. The US can't and shouldn't fight Iran, we are a long, long away away and we've spent enough blood and treasure in that part of the world. The same is true of Europe; they are adults and can take care of themselves. It is time for the US to retrench around what is best for the USA.
One hopes the Administration’s tendency to, like a house cat, chase shadows and the next shiny object will not detract from the obvious- the Iran regime must , like its nuclear program, be destroyed
Re public opinion, what do you think is the best way to explain that prior to Israel’s statehood, all Arab countries expelled their Jews who had been living in those countries peacefully for nearly 2,000 years, and about 700,000+ Jews then went to then Palestine. That of course horrified the Arab Muslim countries, so they paid 800,000 Muslims to move to Palestine. Then, when the Muslim countries realized they wanted to push the Jews into the sea, they asked those 800,000 paid Muslim immigrants to “just temporarily” go to Gaza, go to Lebanon and go to the West Bank , so they could more easily “push the Jews into the Sea.” No one expected Israel to be able to win the War of Independence…but Israel did. So all those new Muslims in Gaza, Lebanon and the West Bank were NOT long time residents of Palestine! I recall seeing a young student at our local University at all the Palestinian protests 10 years ago. Then I saw her in my Hebrew refresher class that ai was taking. I asked her how long her family had lived in the land. She said “70 years.” So ai asked her if her family had been among those Arab Muslims who had been paid to settle in Palestine? She said (proudly) “Yes! WE are Kuwaiti!!” Why is this aspect not brought out more? And learning how and why Mohammed turned against the Jews is also important! He had always respected the Jews. But when he wanted to conquer Mecca and Modena, and asked the Jews to support him in killing the Ruler, and taking over the rule of those locations.the Jews said they would get back to him with their answer. They ultimately told him that that king and his predecessors had been very kind to them for 500 years so they felt they could not turn against him. Mohammed then wanting with 10,000warriers, killed the king and his family, killed all the Jews who were there, and was angry with the Jews ever since. Perhaps if more Muslim Arabs knew the origin of the Muslim hatred of a Jews they might be willing to change that. I always felt the Jews should have been welcomed back to Israel by everyone in the Middle East, with a smart “let’s get rich together” attitude and everyone could have lived well together in peace. There is no reason for this Jew hatred on the part of the Arab Muslims. It was only based historically in Ego and anger. So what do you think is the best way to get these messages “out there?”
We focus too much on Iran and not enough on Qatar. The owners of Al Jazeera do much to spread antisemitism and Israel-hatred throughout the world. They shelter terrorist leaders, and act as legitimate money conduits for terror groups. They negotiate deals in which they pretend to aid the West but in fact use them to legitimate their own close contact with, and support of, those terror groups. They are the major funders of programs at many Western universities that have brainwashed students into supporting Hamas and hating Israel, and help support weekly protest marches throughout the world. But because their actions are covert and they are masters of taqiyya, tawriya, and other approved forms of Muslim lying and subterfuge, the West considers them "honest agents".
Yes, Iran is the issue. Israel has a certain way of "biding its time", and given Iran's nuclear aspirations, I'll not be making travel plans to Iran anytime soon.
Good evening, everyone:
Since Hamas started this war in 2023 it is very important to understand their theology and philosophy also promoted by Hezbollah and the Houthis. I came to a better understanding of Jihad by reading Robert Spencer's book, The History of Jihad from Muhammad to ISIS. N.Y.: Post Hill Press, 2018. Mr. Spencer is director of Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. Basically, Jihadists don't stop until they kill their "adversaries" or are killed!
Correct. And they are allowed to lie if it advances the cause of Islam (taqiyya). It’s also permissible to sign an agreement then break the terms.
In short negotiation is fruitless. They won’t keep their word.
To a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail. To the author of "The Art of the Deal" everything looks like a deal. Trump prefers to do a deal with the mullahs because doing deals is what he does. Exhibit #1: Look at the crap deal, dictated by Trump, that has put Hamas back in charge of the Gaza strip.
Trump never met a dictatorship he didn't like, so don't expect him to support regime change in Iran. In fact, he has explicitly disclaimed any such intention. I predict Trump will strenuously oppose military action against the mullah regime. Israel must act alone.
I don’t fully trust Trump. He has a narcissistic personality that unfortunately may become his undoing. “All hell will break loose?” For who? It looks like the Israelis. Hamas has won and they’ll stretch out the hostage release as the reconstitute their terrorist network.
Don't trust Trump at all. Every word out of his mouth is a lie. He simply cannot recognize any type of reality in which he is not the focal point.
I don’t. He always has a grudge. An assassination attempt and nuke ambitions as well as grievances from his 1st admin., I wouldn’t be surprised if he gave Israel the green light to destroy Iran’s nukes. If any trouble after that, the mullahs are gone.
He might give the green light to Israel but I doubt he wants any direct American involvement.
May it come to pass.
From your mouth to the ear of the Lord...
trump didn't create that deal, Biden did. approval was deemed appropriate as a means of getting some of the hostages, given that the deal will be short lived dye to the duplicity of Hamas
Oh, please. The Biden administration had been getting nowhere with Hamas until Trump issued his “hell to pay” statement. Let’s hope that this holds.
I care little of how we get there. Whether the US goes solo, or Israel does or they combine their efforts. As long as in the end, Gaza, Beirut and Tehran are only smoke and burning cinders.
“Israel’s position has also changed. After long insisting on “total victory,” Prime Minister Netanyahu recently pledged “to destroy Hamas’s military capabilities, end its political rule in Gaza, and ensure that Gaza never again poses a threat to Israel.” Adding the Iran regime change to the puzzle, doesn’t that add up to “total victory”?
And G-d said .. “and let it be so!”
"But in every generation, there have arisen enemies who would destroy us. But the Almighty, blessed be his Name, saves us from their hands."
Trump is busy bankrupting the U.S. and tormenting our allies to give a damn about Iran. Israel’s allies in confronting Iran needs to be Sunni Arab states in the region, not the dysfunctional U.S. We are fighting our own domestic battles, and there is zero interest in getting involved in M.E. ethnic warfare. Currently, we are not reliable partners for anyone. We would rather attack fellow North Americans than Iranians.
Do not agree, amigo. Taking out the Ayatollah would change much of the world economy because of their oil. This would severely dampen China’s energy supply.
The tariffs will fade but the message is sent.
Our “unreliable partner” days are hopefully over with the Dems being out.
I hope you’re right but I’m not impressed so far.
A tariff trade war between the U.S., Mexico, Canada, China, and the EU will also change the world’s economy. Iran does not have high priority in Trump’s plans for retribution.
China has lots of alternative sources of oil. Putin could stand to make a few more rubles to finance their quagmire in Ukraine, which is why an attack on Iran won’t happen. A regime change in Iran requires another regime to take the place of the Ayatollah. The U.S. doesn’t have a good track record with nation-building in the Middle East. Let the Sunnis clean up their own backyard.
And Pres. Sheinbaum of Mexico has already reached a temporary agreement with the US and agrees to further negotiations. Trudeau is set to speak with Pres. Trump later today. Panama already backed down.
You need to understand that Trump plays hardball but always prefers to make a deal. So don't assume that his posture is engraved in stone and the sky is falling. After 4 years of letting other nations walk all over us it's refreshing to see a PotUS who's not afraid to USE the value of America's status as a superpower to gain benefit for Americans.
“It is better to be feared than loved…”
Yes, Trump is not constrained in his use of American status, but there is a line where ‘use’ becomes ‘abuse.’
Could those same “benfits” have been mutually negotiated without the threat of economic violence? What is the cost to America’s status with our allies when trade treaties are violated and mutual respect for sovereignty is discarded?
China has to be loving this. Trump has become a bigger authoritarian than Xi. The Global South now has a choice between an abusive dictatorship and one that is respectful of their sovereignty. BRICS will experience a surge in membership applications following this embarrassing tantrum.
“Hate never made any country great.”
I'm curious if the past two weeks has changed your opinion.
When the U.S. vice President goes to the Munich Security Conference to lecture the EU about being too liberal and “woke” and then meets with the leader of the AfD, the German far-right party… oh hell no have I changed my opinion. Isolationism in a globalized world is suicide.
Trump is talking about invading Panama and taking over Greenland, not destroying Iran’s nukes.
Seize it we will. Gaza is a brush fire fed in Tehran by a cabal who chant death to America. Trump knows that and will bring them to their knees in due time.
Trump said the unsayable which is that the best thing for everyone is to allow many of the people in Gaza to leave so they aren't hostages. And it seems clear that Trump is willing to use all manner of force more readily than his predecessor. But note, most Americans can't articulate our interest in Israel, and none want another war in the ME, for any reason. The US can't and shouldn't fight Iran, we are a long, long away away and we've spent enough blood and treasure in that part of the world. The same is true of Europe; they are adults and can take care of themselves. It is time for the US to retrench around what is best for the USA.
Valid points below.
I don't support Trump either, but I do retain (the vain?) hope that he will force long lasting diminished power or elimination of the Iran regime.
Just because I don't' like him, doesn't mean he won't do an epochal deal for the better.
Would you rather have a "good man" who does bad things? Or a "bad man" who does good things?
I will wait and see before I judge this part of the Trump agenda.
Hey - to underestimate a man who overcame historical odds (twice!) to be elected "the most powerful man in the word" would be a mistake IMHO!
One hopes the Administration’s tendency to, like a house cat, chase shadows and the next shiny object will not detract from the obvious- the Iran regime must , like its nuclear program, be destroyed