History in this region has always been the window to the future. The Palestinians along with their pro Palestinian and Hamas/Hebollah supporters have always lived and breathed hate praying for the destruction of Jews and Israel. They are so filled with contempt that they are not salvageable. That was true yesterday, today and will not be otherwise in the future. Only a determined military action that leads to regime change in Iran can alter the intransigent and doomed destiny of the Palestinians and their regional proxies.
Read with interest Dr. Oren's historical view of Hamas's activities after the IDF left Gaza in 2006. Iran is still influencing near East affairs, and there is still no peace...
How does a war end? One side or the other Wins. The problem here is neither side Can/or is allowed to Win. So the damn thing goes on and on and on. The Palestinians are living a fantasy that they will "remove" The Jews. Israel (The Jews) has Nukes, so that's not gonna happen! Large parts of Israel will not allow The Government to Do What It Has To to Win.
Thank you for the clarity. The situation involving Israel and Jews is totally different from the Korean War. Anytime you'd like to discuss it I'm available.
If you study history you know terrorism never ends like a war. In a war two or more sides are fighting and eventually they can agree on a truce and an end of War. Terrorism is a disease of the Mind that is passed on from generation to generation. No truce will have much effect on it. History has proven this. What suggestions do you have to stop future terrorism? I have a number of them.
Unfortunately, your forecast seems to me to be very likely to be true. Conclusion: unless we can directly fight and destroy Iranian leadership and nuclear weapon developments, and get the majority of Iran's peaceful minded but abused citizens to become more effective in their ideals, there will continue to be more fighting and bloodshed for many years to come.
It is really tragic that it took the events of October 7 to wake Israeli leaders up to the reality of how the unwon wars against Hamas greatly strengthen Iran and all it's proxies. I hope the lesson is learned now.
Worse perhaps is the projection of division within Israel. That was the trigger to October 7. One voice is what we must show. Woe that a few politicians are confused as to what the orange signs are meant to be. It is not a return to 20004 and Gush Katif.
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun”.
However, Bibi said after 10/7 that Israel “will change the face of the Middle East”. That they’ve done. And, this time as Sam Cooke so eloquently stated, “a change is gonna come”. And, it has!
Imagine, quoting Tenach and Sam Cooke in the same comment.
My inner Frenchman arises and says "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose". And like the French delusional belief in their Maginot Line, one wonders if the Israelis will finally wake up and destroy their mortal enemies before it is too late.
We have less than four years to clean house and dig in. The pendulum will swing in Pennsylvania Ave as it always does. The very bad is equaled by the very good, the very good is balanced by the very.......
After the final battle soon HASHEM destroy all the evil and also Satan himself away forever to eternity. These are the “ End of Days “ in Torah and Kabbalah. HASHEM is uniting Jews in this hard and difficult way but the whole world must be restarted. The Third Temple and the Kingdom of Israel ( Davidic Dynasty) are ETERNAL and Sanhedrin is also in the Third Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem Very Soon Baruch HaShem 🙌🙏🔥🇮🇱✡️❤️✡️🇮🇱With the Third Temple we all can achieve higher levels in our prayers. There will be eternal peace and prosperity and happiness 🙌🙏🔥🇮🇱✡️❤️✡️🇮🇱🙌🙏🔥
History in this region has always been the window to the future. The Palestinians along with their pro Palestinian and Hamas/Hebollah supporters have always lived and breathed hate praying for the destruction of Jews and Israel. They are so filled with contempt that they are not salvageable. That was true yesterday, today and will not be otherwise in the future. Only a determined military action that leads to regime change in Iran can alter the intransigent and doomed destiny of the Palestinians and their regional proxies.
Read with interest Dr. Oren's historical view of Hamas's activities after the IDF left Gaza in 2006. Iran is still influencing near East affairs, and there is still no peace...
Conclusion: Israel allows itself to be a punching bag. It's pathetic.
Israel and Jews in general have been history scapegoat and most persecuted group. What do you think should be done about it Al?
(Going up to 30,00 feet)
How does a war end? One side or the other Wins. The problem here is neither side Can/or is allowed to Win. So the damn thing goes on and on and on. The Palestinians are living a fantasy that they will "remove" The Jews. Israel (The Jews) has Nukes, so that's not gonna happen! Large parts of Israel will not allow The Government to Do What It Has To to Win.
This is not a war. It is Terrorism it has never been about territory or money.
Then What is it about?
It gives truth to General MacArthur's statement: "There is no substitute for Victory." Thank you Truman for initiating the no win war.
Truman did not allow for a victory in Korea. I wasn't clear.
Thank you for the clarity. The situation involving Israel and Jews is totally different from the Korean War. Anytime you'd like to discuss it I'm available.
1. The Alternative was.....?
2. Was it Truman OR The Arabs?
If you study history you know terrorism never ends like a war. In a war two or more sides are fighting and eventually they can agree on a truce and an end of War. Terrorism is a disease of the Mind that is passed on from generation to generation. No truce will have much effect on it. History has proven this. What suggestions do you have to stop future terrorism? I have a number of them.
Unfortunately, your forecast seems to me to be very likely to be true. Conclusion: unless we can directly fight and destroy Iranian leadership and nuclear weapon developments, and get the majority of Iran's peaceful minded but abused citizens to become more effective in their ideals, there will continue to be more fighting and bloodshed for many years to come.
It is really tragic that it took the events of October 7 to wake Israeli leaders up to the reality of how the unwon wars against Hamas greatly strengthen Iran and all it's proxies. I hope the lesson is learned now.
Worse perhaps is the projection of division within Israel. That was the trigger to October 7. One voice is what we must show. Woe that a few politicians are confused as to what the orange signs are meant to be. It is not a return to 20004 and Gush Katif.
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun”.
However, Bibi said after 10/7 that Israel “will change the face of the Middle East”. That they’ve done. And, this time as Sam Cooke so eloquently stated, “a change is gonna come”. And, it has!
Imagine, quoting Tenach and Sam Cooke in the same comment.
My inner Frenchman arises and says "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose". And like the French delusional belief in their Maginot Line, one wonders if the Israelis will finally wake up and destroy their mortal enemies before it is too late.
We have less than four years to clean house and dig in. The pendulum will swing in Pennsylvania Ave as it always does. The very bad is equaled by the very good, the very good is balanced by the very.......
Have we learned from history or not??
We don’t seem to. My motherwho lived intbe British mandate from the ear1930s knew there would never be peace in the region.
After the final battle soon HASHEM destroy all the evil and also Satan himself away forever to eternity. These are the “ End of Days “ in Torah and Kabbalah. HASHEM is uniting Jews in this hard and difficult way but the whole world must be restarted. The Third Temple and the Kingdom of Israel ( Davidic Dynasty) are ETERNAL and Sanhedrin is also in the Third Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem Very Soon Baruch HaShem 🙌🙏🔥🇮🇱✡️❤️✡️🇮🇱With the Third Temple we all can achieve higher levels in our prayers. There will be eternal peace and prosperity and happiness 🙌🙏🔥🇮🇱✡️❤️✡️🇮🇱🙌🙏🔥