Michael, you could not have chosen a more apt title for your paper than Clarity, for that is what you consistently, concisely and creatively impart to your readership. I, for one, have become more knowledgeable and informed because of it. Y’asher koach. Am Yisrael Chai.

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Thank you for your deep and inspirational writings.

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Never succumb to despondency. A very apt message to Americans under assault on all fronts by woke nihilism on one side and the growing police state on the other.

Never surrender!

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Since this is a modified version, I hope your speech included the one important area that is missing here. That is, the importance of taking care of and protecting the LAND of Israel. Whether it's rebuilding the Gaza Envelope or creating new housing for a growing population, every effort must be made to do so sustainably. Plans to destroy large swaths of sensitive forest land around Jerusalem must be stopped. Protecting the land includes Israel's safeguarding its water resources and air quality. Torah teaches us that to be worthy of living in our land, we have a responsibility to treat it with the respect it deserves. November 2023 marked the 70th anniversary of the establishment of SPNI, Israel's premier environmental NGO. Please recognize their efforts at helping people heal from the traumas of this war by facilitating getting as many people out in nature as possible. JNF can certainly be a valued partner in this important work.

The other major issue Israel needs to solve to realize the vision you have for 2048 is to end the malady of sinat hinam that is so prevalent. We can't expect to live in peace with our neighbors if we don't live in peace with one another. The national unity experienced in wartime needs to carry over during peacetime, may it come now!

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