What, besides avoiding further friction with the White House, does Israel have to gain by waiting? Is there a pressing national interest—a raison d’etat, to cite another diplomatic phrase—that Israel could fulfill.
If the terrorist side is protected from losing devastatingly (as Japan & Germany) it will have won
Instead of 1701 all of the "West" should have sent impressive ships to parade the coast outside Israel's territorial waters with "don't you even dare think from the river to the sea" or similar plastered all over it and thus allowes Israel finish the job
Instead I remember a smiling a welcome Unifil member saluting a Hezbollah flag bearer
As long as our tax dollars are being sent to UNRWA (Hamas) and Lebanon (Hezbollah) and various other so-called humanitarian (terrorist) organizations, I don’t see the problem sending aid for Israel to defend themselves from all the Western financed terrorists.
90 percent of the military aid to Israel flows back to the USA defense industry along with all of the innovations that Israel applies to the weapons. Israel is doing more than its part in keeping the west safe.
Yes, it’s a good investment. But what does the West get for the billions given to the Palestinians? Murders, rapes, corruption, terrorism, kidnappings, hatred of the West who gives them the billions and civil disturbances by their supporters in the West. Bad investment I’d say.
This whole mess lands at the feet of Obama. He intentionally made Iran a nuclear power all in the name of Middle East ‘equity’. Yes, he’s the most dangerous man in the world and has put Israel in peril.
Iran is not yet a nuclear weapon-owning power. Should it become one it would still be very reluctant to begin a war using these atomic weapons, because the response from Israel (and possibly the US, too) would be devastating! So all this big talk of this development is mostly for propaganda purposes and the deterrent nature of these weapons is still strongly working, even for places that have not yet got such technology developed to the stage of stock-piling such warheads and the means for delivering them.
You’re talking about rational people. These Islamo-fascists are not. They believe in the Mahdi, the messianic figure who will appear at end times once the world is steeped in chaos.
Were Israel to use an atomic weapon first, the rest of the world would scream at us for being so brutal. If and when Iran chooses to make this decision, the quality of our defense will presumably manage to destroy such a weapon before it has reached us and become effective. Even if we are not successful at this evasion, the resulting world havoc and destruction (with the big powers joining in), would make the Middle East uninhabitable for many hundreds of years to come, and by that time I presume, the leaders who still believe in the coming of the Mahdi will have gained sufficient common sense to realise that to share good things is better than to destroy bad ones. But what should one do to save oneself first?
Relying on defense alone is risky business. Israel needs to hit Iran’s nuclear sites a devastating blow. No matter what Israel does the world screams. Can you imagine living with a nuclear Iran? How do you conduct your day-to-day affairs under such a threat?
Do you remember the story of the committee of mice who were threatened by a big cat. They resolved to tie a bell around its neck to warn them when the cat approached them, but which one was willing to affix this bell? I believe that Iran has sufficient sense not to try using nuclear weapons and its all part of a deterrent kind of propaganda, which acts as a smokescreen to what it really is trying by other methods to achieve, namely world domination through its extreme religious order. This problem is shared and is not only an Israeli one.
My sense is that Israel does not have the capacity to successfully bomb the Iranian nuclear facilities.
Attacking oil would cause tremendous turmoil and backlash in the free world. Sometime, yes, but not now, I think.
Would not a strong, and not merely a token bombing of missile sites and factories actually meaningfully degrade Iran’s attack capability?
I think it would be terrific for Israel to bomb Iranian drone factories. That would also benefit Ukraine and the entire free world. I have no idea how practical that is, how many drone plants there are, how easy it is to rebuild them, etc.
The head of the snake is Iran. Until the war finally reaches this terrorist country and shows the world that the radicalist Islam policy will not manage to give it world dominance, there will always be some conflicts in our Middle East countries. A severe bombardment of Teheran might do it, because they seem to have some very cowderly features in giving the job of destroying Israel to various proxies, without any degree of success, I might add, although much loss of life is the disastrous result and seems to be of no concern to such evil perpetrators of these battles..
Why not turn a calculated “delay” into a strategic ploy by design, using the anticipated response advantageously to create the element of surprise when least expected.
This is most effective when the enemy thinks you have backed down & chickened out, when the knockout counter punch is least expected, when executed.
The longer it tarries the greater the suspense builds in the mind of the enemy this creates a fear vulnerability, it’s when they make the mistake of having a false sense of security…..
During this time Israel achieves 3 things.
•Ultimate rapid response preparedness to engage with maximum targeted precision and impact, at a time of it’s choosing.
•Greater intelligence gathering capabilities as the enemy is left in suspense.
•Time to keep a watchful eye on the changing of the guards in the upcoming US elections. The moment the driving force behind the wheel of the America is known changes everything! And becomes a critical mass moment.
a. If the current admin stays. Israel knows it’s pretty much on it’s own, know it must cut the chase, and proceed with or without any back up support.
b. If Trump is reinstated (which I believe he most definitely Will!!)
Israel knows the Brotherhood is back and intact, even stronger than before!
This would then alter everything on the strategic chessboard where your opponent realises one of your pawns has just broken thru their gap in their battle line, hit the position to become a Queen right up their clacker….
In the meantime. All the while, as each day passes, Israel must maintain it’s readiness, to be on high alert, to go ahead instantly should Iran get so nervously on edge, it can’t handle being kept in suspense, and makes the mistake of sending even, just one more missile…. That is the signal, when It’s all systems Go for Israel!!!!
Preparation, Readiness, Timing, Action.
I know, easier said than done, when one is merely a passionate spectator, and not in the middle of it.
Perhaps the best way to deal with Iran is with an all out economic boycott - until they agree to dismantle their nuke program. As a model, think of the deal struck with Qadaffi, where he got rid of all his equipment and agreed to forego nukes in the future. The problem is, the US would need to lead the boycott.
I agree with the responder who wrote that the Obama administration is responsible for the mess we're in, for they willingly allowed Iran, with its derranged politics, to develop the technology needed for a nuclear bomb.
Israel should not forget the lesson President Obama taught it when, in one of his first actions, he declared the understandings President Bush had reduced to writing on which Israel relied in leaving Gaza to be of no force and effect because it was inconsistent with the policy he wanted to push, namely a rapprochement with Iran and a recognition of its “equities” of which Hamas was one.
Rather than a wishlist, Israel would be doing the world a favor by targeting Iran’s ballistic missile and drone manufacturing sites, then taking a pause to make its demands of Iran: no more arms or funds to its proxies, no weapons to Russia and end its nuclear program.
If that is not agreed to, Israel will recognize that a “state of war” exists and will next target Iran’s nuclear facilities, as these affect only the IRGC and not the people. If there is still no agreement, Israel will destroy Iran’s oil and electric facilities and Ayatollah Khameini will have to explain himself to the Iranian people.
If Israel can get the U.S. to back this type of escalatory program, there’s a more than decent chance that Iran will back down. As it is, there are reports of Iran back-channeling Israel asking for a ceasefire. And if true, that suggests Iran recognizing the weak hand it holds.
There is no stomach for another endless war with US involvement. Such retaliation would escalate world oil prices and the price at the pump is all we really care about. If they want to escalate, Israel needs some Arab partners with skin in the game.
You missed my final paragraph. But Iran has been signaling to the U.S. that it does not want to fight it directly. It’s perfectly happy to take American lives through its Iraqi and Houthi proxies for now (as opposed to the hundreds of American lives taken by Hezbollah).
The only way the U.S. gets dragged into a shooting war is if Iran intentionally targets the THAAD battery or a U.S. naval ship. And that seems highly unlikely as the leaders are not suicidal, they send their deluded followers to die for the faith.
As to the oil prices, the country most affected will be China which is vacuuming up Iranian oil on the cheap (same with Russian production) and has no doubt been telling Ayatollah Khameini to not overplay his losing hand.
As to any spike in oil prices should the Iranian spigot be closed, it’s not going to raise prices to the levels we witnessed in the past because of Iran’s relatively low production numbers. And it’s possible that Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States will be happy to boost their production if it diminishes the Iranian threat.
Of course, this is speculation but, as I’m not in the decision making loop, I just go with what seems likely to me. Others are free to differ.
Who is the artist that will design a deal that enables Israel to defeat IHHH+?
Who will compose and orchestrate the multi-dimensional continuum of strikes that lead to the collapse of the Iranian regime?
Proportion is a relative term. It is nonsensical to act proportionately to the Iranian attack. Israel must act disproportionately to the ongoing Iranian threat.
How is it possible that Iran is still producing UAVs?
The time to strike is now and the target should be both the nuclear facilities and the oil refineries. Place a dagger in Iran’s heart and hopefully topple the Mullahs NOW! Israel will be doing the world a favor. The real question is will the world realize it?
Maybe Israel shouldn’t have stolen the land they’re sitting on. Maybe the Irgun shouldn’t have murdered and/or exiled 750,000 Arabs indigenous to that land. Crime begets crime, I’m afraid. I understand that EVERY Israeli prime minister changed (“hebraized”) their name so as to legitimize their claim to that stolen land, as “God’s chosen people”. What a charade. But the world is catching on, and the worm is turning for Israel…
(Netanyahu is the only Israeli prime minister not to “hebraize” his European name in order to facilitate the land grab: his DAD from Poland changed HIS name to Netanyahu: Bibi just went along with the deception).
As for the West’s “support for Israel”: Spain’s unions are now striking to demand that the EU cut ties with the Zionist state. Israel, it’s not looking good for your bigoted, bullying selves!
Hey John, you conveniently forgot to mention the Irgun, led by the terrorist Begin. When the British, without consulting the Palestinians, gave all that land to the Zionists, and the Palestinians had the TEMERITY to say “hey, wait a minute”… Begin and his murderous zealots proceeded to attack, kill and exile 750,000 indigenous Arabs from their land and homes.
THE CRUX OF THE ZIONIST LIE IS THE CLAIM THAT IN ‘48, SURROUNDING ARAB COUNTRIES ATTACKED ISRAEL BECAUSE OF THEIR ANTI-SEMITISM. THE TRUTH IS THAT ISRAEL WAS ATTACKED BECAUSE OF THEIR MURDEROUS EXPULSION OF INDIGENOUS ARABS FROM THEIR HOMES. It would have been cowardly of those Arab countries NOT to attack Israel. Oh wait, I’m sorry, God promised the Jews that land, right? According to the Jews, anyway, according to the rabbis who wrote those silly stories of “God on our side”.
No matter. The world is waking up, and is coming to understand that the vicious, inhuman brutality that Israel is displaying today, is simply a reenactment of the horror they inflicted in ‘48. That’s how Zionists roll. God’s Chosen indeed!
The UN resolution partitioned the former Palestine Mandate between Arabs and Jews both of which had a historical heritage in the region. On day one of the British evacuation, Israel had a functional government and military. That same day, the Arab League attacked Israel, and because they were not organized as a nation they fled in chaos. Now, more than 75 years later the Arabs in the region still have not formed a viable government that doesn’t deteriorate into a terrorist organization like the PLO and Hamas.
Imagine how different the plight of the Arabs would be if they had partnered with their Israeli neighbors rather than following the antisemitic Muslim fascism fostered by unrepentant Nazi sympathizer Grand Mufti Amin Al-Husseini, one of the fathers of radical Islam. His radical legacy is why “Palestine” has been unable to form a state and other Arab nations forbid Palestinian immigrants.
Sure David. The land was promised to the Jews by God. Uh huh. How old are you? Eight years old? You like your propaganda fairy stories, written by rabbis, and collected in something called the Torah, or Hebrew “Bible”? Obviously you do. It’s convenient when Jews depend on Jewish mythology to murder and steal land for themselves, isn’t it? David, your intellectual immaturity is a disgrace to the human race. You should be ashamed of yourself, but of course you don’t have the capacity for that: because you’re deranged, like an adult who still believes in Santa Claus. Here little david, have a lollipop. There’s a good boy.
The Holy Land on which the Jews of Israel partly occupy was originally promised to them by God. It has been wasted and used badly by many other nations but the Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemet) , which began in 1902, collected money and bought back much of it from the absentee arab landlords whose life was one of luxury in Beirut, until the British Mandate ended in 1948. Then Israel came into existence after its war of independence. For these reasons, the claims by Michael (above) are completely false and untrue. We should all make a proper study of the history of this Land instead of making such bad bald statements, that are unbacked..
A political mess both in Israel and the United States. Let the IDF do its job.
Agree! The Problem is Neither Side has been allowed to Win. That's how you end a war.
Not correct👎
If the terrorist side is protected from losing devastatingly (as Japan & Germany) it will have won
Instead of 1701 all of the "West" should have sent impressive ships to parade the coast outside Israel's territorial waters with "don't you even dare think from the river to the sea" or similar plastered all over it and thus allowes Israel finish the job
Instead I remember a smiling a welcome Unifil member saluting a Hezbollah flag bearer
UN Resolution - Litani River - Blue Line - etc. - I think Michael Oren has a very worth a read piece on Lebanon
Even Der Spiegel admits in a longuish piece condemning Israel not being nice w Unifil in 2 or 3 sentences the reality if what is going on there.
Thank You! The light bulb has gone on. Ok Ok its a dim one, but its all I have to work with.
Fund the “mess” with Israeli money.
I could not agree more! Israel is the only pro-human society in that part of the world. We ought to help her defend herself.
Just send your tax money - not mine then. 🍉
As long as our tax dollars are being sent to UNRWA (Hamas) and Lebanon (Hezbollah) and various other so-called humanitarian (terrorist) organizations, I don’t see the problem sending aid for Israel to defend themselves from all the Western financed terrorists.
90 percent of the military aid to Israel flows back to the USA defense industry along with all of the innovations that Israel applies to the weapons. Israel is doing more than its part in keeping the west safe.
Yes, it’s a good investment. But what does the West get for the billions given to the Palestinians? Murders, rapes, corruption, terrorism, kidnappings, hatred of the West who gives them the billions and civil disturbances by their supporters in the West. Bad investment I’d say.
This whole mess lands at the feet of Obama. He intentionally made Iran a nuclear power all in the name of Middle East ‘equity’. Yes, he’s the most dangerous man in the world and has put Israel in peril.
It’s not a nuclear power but it’s getting there, thanks to Obama-Biden. One can guess where Harris stands.
Iran is not yet a nuclear weapon-owning power. Should it become one it would still be very reluctant to begin a war using these atomic weapons, because the response from Israel (and possibly the US, too) would be devastating! So all this big talk of this development is mostly for propaganda purposes and the deterrent nature of these weapons is still strongly working, even for places that have not yet got such technology developed to the stage of stock-piling such warheads and the means for delivering them.
You’re talking about rational people. These Islamo-fascists are not. They believe in the Mahdi, the messianic figure who will appear at end times once the world is steeped in chaos.
Were Israel to use an atomic weapon first, the rest of the world would scream at us for being so brutal. If and when Iran chooses to make this decision, the quality of our defense will presumably manage to destroy such a weapon before it has reached us and become effective. Even if we are not successful at this evasion, the resulting world havoc and destruction (with the big powers joining in), would make the Middle East uninhabitable for many hundreds of years to come, and by that time I presume, the leaders who still believe in the coming of the Mahdi will have gained sufficient common sense to realise that to share good things is better than to destroy bad ones. But what should one do to save oneself first?
Relying on defense alone is risky business. Israel needs to hit Iran’s nuclear sites a devastating blow. No matter what Israel does the world screams. Can you imagine living with a nuclear Iran? How do you conduct your day-to-day affairs under such a threat?
Do you remember the story of the committee of mice who were threatened by a big cat. They resolved to tie a bell around its neck to warn them when the cat approached them, but which one was willing to affix this bell? I believe that Iran has sufficient sense not to try using nuclear weapons and its all part of a deterrent kind of propaganda, which acts as a smokescreen to what it really is trying by other methods to achieve, namely world domination through its extreme religious order. This problem is shared and is not only an Israeli one.
My sense is that Israel does not have the capacity to successfully bomb the Iranian nuclear facilities.
Attacking oil would cause tremendous turmoil and backlash in the free world. Sometime, yes, but not now, I think.
Would not a strong, and not merely a token bombing of missile sites and factories actually meaningfully degrade Iran’s attack capability?
I think it would be terrific for Israel to bomb Iranian drone factories. That would also benefit Ukraine and the entire free world. I have no idea how practical that is, how many drone plants there are, how easy it is to rebuild them, etc.
When it comes to peace and security for Israel it is and has always been "not now"
If again it is "not now" we the "west" (and India) may as well admit that democracy isn't worth to make a stand for
The head of the snake is Iran. Until the war finally reaches this terrorist country and shows the world that the radicalist Islam policy will not manage to give it world dominance, there will always be some conflicts in our Middle East countries. A severe bombardment of Teheran might do it, because they seem to have some very cowderly features in giving the job of destroying Israel to various proxies, without any degree of success, I might add, although much loss of life is the disastrous result and seems to be of no concern to such evil perpetrators of these battles..
Don't ever doubt the Israelis.
They have a plan that will be meticulously executed when the time is right.
The IDF are the best in the world.
What a Catch 22 😥
I wish there were more unequivocally biased less timid helpers and more side paths like the ones Teddy Kollek wrote he found once upon a time.
Wouldn't trust the U.S. for a split second. Henry Kissinger said "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal."
The US should be kissing Israel’s ass.
The best outcome for Israel is that the Iranian people rise up against the mullahs and do to them what the they did to the Shah.
Why not turn a calculated “delay” into a strategic ploy by design, using the anticipated response advantageously to create the element of surprise when least expected.
This is most effective when the enemy thinks you have backed down & chickened out, when the knockout counter punch is least expected, when executed.
The longer it tarries the greater the suspense builds in the mind of the enemy this creates a fear vulnerability, it’s when they make the mistake of having a false sense of security…..
During this time Israel achieves 3 things.
•Ultimate rapid response preparedness to engage with maximum targeted precision and impact, at a time of it’s choosing.
•Greater intelligence gathering capabilities as the enemy is left in suspense.
•Time to keep a watchful eye on the changing of the guards in the upcoming US elections. The moment the driving force behind the wheel of the America is known changes everything! And becomes a critical mass moment.
a. If the current admin stays. Israel knows it’s pretty much on it’s own, know it must cut the chase, and proceed with or without any back up support.
b. If Trump is reinstated (which I believe he most definitely Will!!)
Israel knows the Brotherhood is back and intact, even stronger than before!
This would then alter everything on the strategic chessboard where your opponent realises one of your pawns has just broken thru their gap in their battle line, hit the position to become a Queen right up their clacker….
In the meantime. All the while, as each day passes, Israel must maintain it’s readiness, to be on high alert, to go ahead instantly should Iran get so nervously on edge, it can’t handle being kept in suspense, and makes the mistake of sending even, just one more missile…. That is the signal, when It’s all systems Go for Israel!!!!
Preparation, Readiness, Timing, Action.
I know, easier said than done, when one is merely a passionate spectator, and not in the middle of it.
I didn’t have to read any further than “If Trump is elected…”
Perhaps the best way to deal with Iran is with an all out economic boycott - until they agree to dismantle their nuke program. As a model, think of the deal struck with Qadaffi, where he got rid of all his equipment and agreed to forego nukes in the future. The problem is, the US would need to lead the boycott.
I agree with the responder who wrote that the Obama administration is responsible for the mess we're in, for they willingly allowed Iran, with its derranged politics, to develop the technology needed for a nuclear bomb.
Israel should not forget the lesson President Obama taught it when, in one of his first actions, he declared the understandings President Bush had reduced to writing on which Israel relied in leaving Gaza to be of no force and effect because it was inconsistent with the policy he wanted to push, namely a rapprochement with Iran and a recognition of its “equities” of which Hamas was one.
Rather than a wishlist, Israel would be doing the world a favor by targeting Iran’s ballistic missile and drone manufacturing sites, then taking a pause to make its demands of Iran: no more arms or funds to its proxies, no weapons to Russia and end its nuclear program.
If that is not agreed to, Israel will recognize that a “state of war” exists and will next target Iran’s nuclear facilities, as these affect only the IRGC and not the people. If there is still no agreement, Israel will destroy Iran’s oil and electric facilities and Ayatollah Khameini will have to explain himself to the Iranian people.
If Israel can get the U.S. to back this type of escalatory program, there’s a more than decent chance that Iran will back down. As it is, there are reports of Iran back-channeling Israel asking for a ceasefire. And if true, that suggests Iran recognizing the weak hand it holds.
There is no stomach for another endless war with US involvement. Such retaliation would escalate world oil prices and the price at the pump is all we really care about. If they want to escalate, Israel needs some Arab partners with skin in the game.
You missed my final paragraph. But Iran has been signaling to the U.S. that it does not want to fight it directly. It’s perfectly happy to take American lives through its Iraqi and Houthi proxies for now (as opposed to the hundreds of American lives taken by Hezbollah).
The only way the U.S. gets dragged into a shooting war is if Iran intentionally targets the THAAD battery or a U.S. naval ship. And that seems highly unlikely as the leaders are not suicidal, they send their deluded followers to die for the faith.
As to the oil prices, the country most affected will be China which is vacuuming up Iranian oil on the cheap (same with Russian production) and has no doubt been telling Ayatollah Khameini to not overplay his losing hand.
As to any spike in oil prices should the Iranian spigot be closed, it’s not going to raise prices to the levels we witnessed in the past because of Iran’s relatively low production numbers. And it’s possible that Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States will be happy to boost their production if it diminishes the Iranian threat.
Of course, this is speculation but, as I’m not in the decision making loop, I just go with what seems likely to me. Others are free to differ.
There are things that can be done without war, such dropping Obama-Biden’s deal for Iran.
Who is the artist that will design a deal that enables Israel to defeat IHHH+?
Who will compose and orchestrate the multi-dimensional continuum of strikes that lead to the collapse of the Iranian regime?
Proportion is a relative term. It is nonsensical to act proportionately to the Iranian attack. Israel must act disproportionately to the ongoing Iranian threat.
How is it possible that Iran is still producing UAVs?
The time to strike is now and the target should be both the nuclear facilities and the oil refineries. Place a dagger in Iran’s heart and hopefully topple the Mullahs NOW! Israel will be doing the world a favor. The real question is will the world realize it?
Maybe Israel shouldn’t have stolen the land they’re sitting on. Maybe the Irgun shouldn’t have murdered and/or exiled 750,000 Arabs indigenous to that land. Crime begets crime, I’m afraid. I understand that EVERY Israeli prime minister changed (“hebraized”) their name so as to legitimize their claim to that stolen land, as “God’s chosen people”. What a charade. But the world is catching on, and the worm is turning for Israel…
(Netanyahu is the only Israeli prime minister not to “hebraize” his European name in order to facilitate the land grab: his DAD from Poland changed HIS name to Netanyahu: Bibi just went along with the deception).
As for the West’s “support for Israel”: Spain’s unions are now striking to demand that the EU cut ties with the Zionist state. Israel, it’s not looking good for your bigoted, bullying selves!
Hey John, you conveniently forgot to mention the Irgun, led by the terrorist Begin. When the British, without consulting the Palestinians, gave all that land to the Zionists, and the Palestinians had the TEMERITY to say “hey, wait a minute”… Begin and his murderous zealots proceeded to attack, kill and exile 750,000 indigenous Arabs from their land and homes.
THE CRUX OF THE ZIONIST LIE IS THE CLAIM THAT IN ‘48, SURROUNDING ARAB COUNTRIES ATTACKED ISRAEL BECAUSE OF THEIR ANTI-SEMITISM. THE TRUTH IS THAT ISRAEL WAS ATTACKED BECAUSE OF THEIR MURDEROUS EXPULSION OF INDIGENOUS ARABS FROM THEIR HOMES. It would have been cowardly of those Arab countries NOT to attack Israel. Oh wait, I’m sorry, God promised the Jews that land, right? According to the Jews, anyway, according to the rabbis who wrote those silly stories of “God on our side”.
No matter. The world is waking up, and is coming to understand that the vicious, inhuman brutality that Israel is displaying today, is simply a reenactment of the horror they inflicted in ‘48. That’s how Zionists roll. God’s Chosen indeed!
The UN resolution partitioned the former Palestine Mandate between Arabs and Jews both of which had a historical heritage in the region. On day one of the British evacuation, Israel had a functional government and military. That same day, the Arab League attacked Israel, and because they were not organized as a nation they fled in chaos. Now, more than 75 years later the Arabs in the region still have not formed a viable government that doesn’t deteriorate into a terrorist organization like the PLO and Hamas.
Imagine how different the plight of the Arabs would be if they had partnered with their Israeli neighbors rather than following the antisemitic Muslim fascism fostered by unrepentant Nazi sympathizer Grand Mufti Amin Al-Husseini, one of the fathers of radical Islam. His radical legacy is why “Palestine” has been unable to form a state and other Arab nations forbid Palestinian immigrants.
Sure David. The land was promised to the Jews by God. Uh huh. How old are you? Eight years old? You like your propaganda fairy stories, written by rabbis, and collected in something called the Torah, or Hebrew “Bible”? Obviously you do. It’s convenient when Jews depend on Jewish mythology to murder and steal land for themselves, isn’t it? David, your intellectual immaturity is a disgrace to the human race. You should be ashamed of yourself, but of course you don’t have the capacity for that: because you’re deranged, like an adult who still believes in Santa Claus. Here little david, have a lollipop. There’s a good boy.
The Holy Land on which the Jews of Israel partly occupy was originally promised to them by God. It has been wasted and used badly by many other nations but the Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemet) , which began in 1902, collected money and bought back much of it from the absentee arab landlords whose life was one of luxury in Beirut, until the British Mandate ended in 1948. Then Israel came into existence after its war of independence. For these reasons, the claims by Michael (above) are completely false and untrue. We should all make a proper study of the history of this Land instead of making such bad bald statements, that are unbacked..