A very strong piece. However, I think the answer is, at least from my point of view from America, a bit simpler. Those who rip these posters down see the conflict through a simplistic, left-wing lens, namely: Israel is the evil settler colonial power; Hamas and the Palestinians are their victims. Israel is the oppressor, Hamas and the Palestinians are the oppressed. Any evidence that muddies this picture must be, from their point of view, expunged. That is also why 10/7 Massacre Denial is already going on.

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Michael, I want to go along for the ride with your excellent writing, but I cannot. It's just simple Jew-hatred. Nothing new, nothing to dissect and analyze. There is no "reason" behind the hate. They don't see themselves, or a negation of their beliefs in Amelia's face. They see a devil, to be erased from the face of the Earth. The philosophy of life has been simplified: Us or Them. There is no middle ground. Everyone must make a stand.

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Unfortunately, I do believe that you are correct in your assessment. This is plain Jewish hatred, which I myself am having difficulty in processing.

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"Anti-Zionists, anti-Semites" different names for the same thing: Jew Hatred.

As for why, I think Friedrich Nietzsche, who was himself a world class Jew Hater, explained it best in "On The Genealogy of Morals". He explains that the morality taught by Jews (and their Christian disciples) is a slave morality that prevents the strong from doing what they wish and exercising their powers. Jew Hatred is resentment of the morality that condemns their deepest desires. What they want is to do what they did on October 7 and glory in it, and in doing that kill any idea that there is something wrong with what they do.

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I think pieces like this need to be written and I am glad, Michael Oren is writing them. Eloquent, sobering, yet direct and soul-piercing. The point of the article is that the evil and callous behavior we are seeing is not from obvious jack-booted villains marching down the avenues of a land they occupy; it is the average American college student. And as Michael conveyed, the hatred they supposedly feel for Jews has caused a cognitive dissonance that is filling them with hatred for themselves as their entire world-view has been called into question. Basic psychology meets mob mentality. Never has the future of America been more bleak I fear.

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Absolutely right. There are many underpinnings to antisemitism. Beautifully written and expressed ideas.

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Michal, thank you. Shared!

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They tear down the poster for the same reason they burn and destroy Israeli lives and homes - ENVY. They see Amelia on a lamp post or her community through the fence and are reminded of their self-inflicted humiliations (nachbas) and of everything they and their communities are not: beautiful, happy, vibrant, open, free, liberal, optimistic, positive, creative, contributing, developing, peaceful and inspiring. Easier to tear down others than to change themselves.

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The sheer number of them is disturbing. Police stating there are simply too many to control.

Up is down and black is white when people waving flags of their countries or flags of allied countries feel insecure to do so.

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I hope some reason will come of all this mess somehow, but it's difficult to see from where we are. I am in Israel, and it feels like the problems of the region that we "ignored" or that our leader kept in status quo for so long have exploded in our faces, and I have a strong feeling that no matter when and how this war ends, there will be a lot of work to do afterwards in Israel, Gaza, and regional politics.

I hope it won't include too much violence.

As for the West, it seems like there is a deep purging of the conscious to be done. I think Israel and the Western forces need to understand the extent of influence tiktok and Twitter have on our youths, and start fighting that battle. Because now we are losing it badly.

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That’s baffling. I wonder how they can be educated.

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