Thank you for speaking out. Now in our midst we have high profile people like Tucker Carlson who provides a platform for Colonel Doug McGregor who seems to imply that Israel had October 7 coming. The other implication is that Israel is committing genocide. What a disgusting distortion of reality. You can feel the seething antisemitism.
Tucker keeps surprising me. His antisemitism is becoming obvious. He also shocked me recently by a comment that it is OK for Putin to concur the entire Europe because it can’t be worse than now. Sorry to say that about my former idol, but I am afraid he behaves like a fool.
I think he's a grifter. Remember how he went on about the vaccines when he was on Fox. He had medical experts state that they were dangerous and he concurred. Then since leaving and he's on the Trump train, not one question to Trump about perhaps Operation Warp Speed was a mistake. Tucker is looking out for Tucker. He seeks to be somewhat controversial and inflammatory when the time suits him.
When I used to see him on Fox, I also didn't see it. He's out to create his own empire and/or get a position with Trump. That would be fine if he was genuine and held Trump's fee to the fire. I have yet to see that. Now the latent antisemitism showing through??
Begin with the end in mind: What good could Turkey possibly expect to come from its intransigence in recognizing what was done 100 years ago? Does the denial not simply "modernize" the stain on Turkey, and perpetuate it in a way that wouldn't be a factor if Turkey simply acknowledged the horror of what its past leaders had done?
Again you role-model how Jews aren't exempted from being sincere citizens of the world. To the contrary, we must provide an example of living by compassion and values.
Thank you for an excellent analysis. Around 2010, the US government refused to recognize the Armenian genocide. I stopped by a neighborhood tailor in Los Angeles. The old woman who owned the place was in tears. She told me that her mother, an Armenian, had survived that genocide, and she could not believe that the US was betraying her mother's memory. The woman's mother had been a child at the time, less than 10 years old. Her parents and siblings had been murdered. The little girl found refuge with another family, but ran away in the night when she overheard them talking that they might have to eat her because food was so scarce. She climbed a tree and spent the night there. How she survived the rest of that ordeal, I don't know.
As someone who holds apprehension and acceptance of objective reality to be paramount a priori virtues, I am constantly disappointed by the legions of people who care not a whit for objective history and facts. A well written essay. As a Greek professor of Classical History said to me while walking me around the Parthenon, showing me the cannon ball damage done by the Turks, "You have no idea how awful these savages are. They took the trouble to haul massive cannons up the escarpment, then made special cannon shot with lots of jagged points, specifically to destroy these buildings because their "pagan" origins offended Allah, in their opinion. Animals. Never trust them."
Back off the warmongering. There will be no lie-based Zionist war to take the regime out in Iran because that is what people like you have been gunning for, and it's been years now. This will not be Iraq v3.0.
I thought I blocked you but stupid Substack keeps showing you. Why do you stalk Jewish writers and everything Israel related? Do you have a specific obsession? Why must you insert your ignorant ludicrous opinions everywhere? Go be with goyim then!
Yes, I am obsessed with stopping US involvement in another disastrous war based on lies due to Zionist warmongering. I witnessed what happened in 2003, and it cannot happen again.
This is unacceptable. The fact that you are confused as to why people like me are against it proves why this is necessary. Back off.
Yeah this is really funny. More lies to start another war which will ruin the lives of many is hilarious, Yiftach. Back the fuck off with the warmongering. It's not 2003.
I read what comes up in the feed; I don't control the algorithm. I don't love people I haven't met, just like I don't hate people I haven't met.
The US cannot withstand another lie-based Zionist war, and I see people walking into this just like with Iraq. This is intolerable. If you think making jokes while pushing for another disastrous war is funny, go ahead. I don't think thousands of deaths, more mentally ill veterans, thousands of third world migrants, and more political instability in the Middle East is funny. Go cry about Nazis now.
Kat, Iran is the country sending weapons to the Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza. The Iranian people have been protesting for years and paying with their lives to overthrow their horrible, dangerous government. Unfortunately the US did not come out in support of the people, Obama being one is them. Who for some backwards reasoning believe that Iran should have a nuclear weapon. You should hope that Iran gets defeated as they are the cause and source for multiple Middle Eastern wars.
Iran is a Shia Persian country. What proof do you have that they would send weapons to a Sunni Arab group like Hamas? Wtf did this even come from?
I lived through being lied to and told that Saddam Hussein was helping Al Qaeda, he had something to do with 9/11, and he had weapons of mass destruction. Those were all lies from the Zionist Jews who control US foreign policy. And now they're doing it again.
IRAN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HAMAS. Qatar does, why aren't you telling me the US should invade Qatar now? Qatar literally has an office for Hamas in Doha, where Hamas' billionaire (yes, that's right, look him up) lives, and they're documented as giving billions to Hamas directly Where is the warmongering against them? Just like nobody wanted to invade Saudi Arabia after 9/11, even though Bin Laden was Saudi as were 15 of 19 hijackers, as was most of the money supporting Al Qaeda.
Don't try the shipping routes now. Iran is not the cause of Middle Eastern wars. The Zionist Jews as backed by US money are, and now it's happening again. Stop falling for it, you dolt.
This whole thing is a load of bullshit. These warmongers have been gunning for Iran for years, literally years, and now they see an opening, and you think I'm stupid enough to fall for it.
Back off. Iran isn't the cause. Israel and its idiotic lap dogs are the cause. Back the fuck off because the goyim aren't signing up for another lie-based war. It's not happening.
Btw there's proof that the Biden administration sidestepped Congress to send Israel weapons in an "emergency" move, when the majority of Americans do not want war. The majority of us want a ceasefire. Stop it.
It's amazing the backflips the world does to deny an actual genocide while the most moral army in the world is falsely accused of it constantly.
Thank you for speaking out. Now in our midst we have high profile people like Tucker Carlson who provides a platform for Colonel Doug McGregor who seems to imply that Israel had October 7 coming. The other implication is that Israel is committing genocide. What a disgusting distortion of reality. You can feel the seething antisemitism.
Tucker keeps surprising me. His antisemitism is becoming obvious. He also shocked me recently by a comment that it is OK for Putin to concur the entire Europe because it can’t be worse than now. Sorry to say that about my former idol, but I am afraid he behaves like a fool.
I think he's a grifter. Remember how he went on about the vaccines when he was on Fox. He had medical experts state that they were dangerous and he concurred. Then since leaving and he's on the Trump train, not one question to Trump about perhaps Operation Warp Speed was a mistake. Tucker is looking out for Tucker. He seeks to be somewhat controversial and inflammatory when the time suits him.
I am afraid you are right. I am just annoyed at myself that I did not see it before.
When I used to see him on Fox, I also didn't see it. He's out to create his own empire and/or get a position with Trump. That would be fine if he was genuine and held Trump's fee to the fire. I have yet to see that. Now the latent antisemitism showing through??
Begin with the end in mind: What good could Turkey possibly expect to come from its intransigence in recognizing what was done 100 years ago? Does the denial not simply "modernize" the stain on Turkey, and perpetuate it in a way that wouldn't be a factor if Turkey simply acknowledged the horror of what its past leaders had done?
Fascinating - and so important. Thank you.
Again you role-model how Jews aren't exempted from being sincere citizens of the world. To the contrary, we must provide an example of living by compassion and values.
Starting Iraq war v3.0 is a great way to do that.
Brilliant breakdown.
Thank you for an excellent analysis. Around 2010, the US government refused to recognize the Armenian genocide. I stopped by a neighborhood tailor in Los Angeles. The old woman who owned the place was in tears. She told me that her mother, an Armenian, had survived that genocide, and she could not believe that the US was betraying her mother's memory. The woman's mother had been a child at the time, less than 10 years old. Her parents and siblings had been murdered. The little girl found refuge with another family, but ran away in the night when she overheard them talking that they might have to eat her because food was so scarce. She climbed a tree and spent the night there. How she survived the rest of that ordeal, I don't know.
As someone who holds apprehension and acceptance of objective reality to be paramount a priori virtues, I am constantly disappointed by the legions of people who care not a whit for objective history and facts. A well written essay. As a Greek professor of Classical History said to me while walking me around the Parthenon, showing me the cannon ball damage done by the Turks, "You have no idea how awful these savages are. They took the trouble to haul massive cannons up the escarpment, then made special cannon shot with lots of jagged points, specifically to destroy these buildings because their "pagan" origins offended Allah, in their opinion. Animals. Never trust them."
Great article.
This topic will not be closed until the Turks themselves recognize the Armenian genocide.
Any nation cannot move forward if it denies its own history.
Unfortunately, with the current regime and Erdogan’s ambitions, this is impossible.
It's not 2003.
Back off the warmongering. There will be no lie-based Zionist war to take the regime out in Iran because that is what people like you have been gunning for, and it's been years now. This will not be Iraq v3.0.
Stop it. The goyim have had enough.
I thought I blocked you but stupid Substack keeps showing you. Why do you stalk Jewish writers and everything Israel related? Do you have a specific obsession? Why must you insert your ignorant ludicrous opinions everywhere? Go be with goyim then!
Yes, I am obsessed with stopping US involvement in another disastrous war based on lies due to Zionist warmongering. I witnessed what happened in 2003, and it cannot happen again.
This is unacceptable. The fact that you are confused as to why people like me are against it proves why this is necessary. Back off.
You are a secret Jew lover, that’s why you keep reading our posts. Admit it
She's of the camp "da joos did it"
Yes, Zionist Jewish warmongering is the main reason for the Iraq war. Frum, Wolfowitz, Wurmser, Perle, Feith, etc. Are you confused about this?
Yeah this is really funny. More lies to start another war which will ruin the lives of many is hilarious, Yiftach. Back the fuck off with the warmongering. It's not 2003.
I read what comes up in the feed; I don't control the algorithm. I don't love people I haven't met, just like I don't hate people I haven't met.
The US cannot withstand another lie-based Zionist war, and I see people walking into this just like with Iraq. This is intolerable. If you think making jokes while pushing for another disastrous war is funny, go ahead. I don't think thousands of deaths, more mentally ill veterans, thousands of third world migrants, and more political instability in the Middle East is funny. Go cry about Nazis now.
If Hamas started it, why is Iran being attacked? Explain that.
You think I'm being sarcastic about the Iraq war and the current warmongering against Iran? Wtf could even be construed as sarcastic here?
Kat, Iran is the country sending weapons to the Houthis in Yemen, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza. The Iranian people have been protesting for years and paying with their lives to overthrow their horrible, dangerous government. Unfortunately the US did not come out in support of the people, Obama being one is them. Who for some backwards reasoning believe that Iran should have a nuclear weapon. You should hope that Iran gets defeated as they are the cause and source for multiple Middle Eastern wars.
Iran is a Shia Persian country. What proof do you have that they would send weapons to a Sunni Arab group like Hamas? Wtf did this even come from?
I lived through being lied to and told that Saddam Hussein was helping Al Qaeda, he had something to do with 9/11, and he had weapons of mass destruction. Those were all lies from the Zionist Jews who control US foreign policy. And now they're doing it again.
IRAN HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HAMAS. Qatar does, why aren't you telling me the US should invade Qatar now? Qatar literally has an office for Hamas in Doha, where Hamas' billionaire (yes, that's right, look him up) lives, and they're documented as giving billions to Hamas directly Where is the warmongering against them? Just like nobody wanted to invade Saudi Arabia after 9/11, even though Bin Laden was Saudi as were 15 of 19 hijackers, as was most of the money supporting Al Qaeda.
Don't try the shipping routes now. Iran is not the cause of Middle Eastern wars. The Zionist Jews as backed by US money are, and now it's happening again. Stop falling for it, you dolt.
This whole thing is a load of bullshit. These warmongers have been gunning for Iran for years, literally years, and now they see an opening, and you think I'm stupid enough to fall for it.
Back off. Iran isn't the cause. Israel and its idiotic lap dogs are the cause. Back the fuck off because the goyim aren't signing up for another lie-based war. It's not happening.
Btw there's proof that the Biden administration sidestepped Congress to send Israel weapons in an "emergency" move, when the majority of Americans do not want war. The majority of us want a ceasefire. Stop it.
It seems as if you are just a Jew hater., because from your response it seems like you have no idea what you’re talking about.
And the leaders punt and pivot while the people bleed and die!
Excellent detailed analysis!