The spike in antisemitism globally is hardly news. And yet, there is something about contemporary antisemitism that sets it apart from its earlier and even ancient versions
I have had several such interactions with people who I thought were friends. The fact that they swallow the propaganda shows them to be as subhuman as the demons that came out of Gaza to inflict unspeakable horrors. I told them in no uncertain terms they deserve nothing except my contempt; they are non-entities in my world. You cannot reason with such people.
Jews are subjected to a standard no one else is. They are supposed to conduct a war tiotoeing through Gaza. Well, they didn’t ask for this war amd most other countries would have flattened Gaza by now.
Yes back in Sabra and Satilla times, critics at least admitted they were holding Jews to a higher standard. Now the critique assumes Israel is in a lower level even than the terrorists — which maybe half even condemn as war crimes rather than terrorism but actually often defend. Upside down world ? Or same as it ever was?
I run a dialogue group in the UK together with former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, a leading public intellectual. Another Anglican public intellectual, Dr Andrew Shanks, who was taught by the former Archbishop at Oxford University, stated during the most recent meeting the very same argument cited in this article as a criticism of what he called ‘vengeful Zionism.’ When asked what he would do had he been a kibbutznik in the southern border, or at the Nova celebration, he had no response. He advocated conscientious objection and complete pacifism in the face of any and all aggression. I told him that people are proud to serve in Israel’s citizen’s army, which my granddaughter will join in under four years. No meeting of minds. I also mentioned the duty to protect those attacked. Williams had already stated that the reason for world opprobrium against Israel was at root the plight of the Palestinians. When asked who he would negotiate with, no response. These are very common views expressed in the UK and facts have no influence whatsoever. Even the cleverest people are unaware of their ingrained prejudices, even if some of their best friends are Jews.
That an Anglican with standing in the UK feels emboldened to state the most obvious Judeophobic calumny is clear sign that along with sexual abuse of minors the Anglican church has a lot of soul searching to do.
The church loves the Muslim invasion and encourages them in all their antisemitic and anti Israel nonsense. The Church is not subject to the laws of the land and the police won’t touch them and regularly harasses nor worse complainants against the Church. Amazed that the present Wrchbishop has to stand down for kyung about vicious abuse of boys which he knew about and was a friend of the abuser. The Church in England is part of the House of Lords with political power. They always attack Israel and take up the cause of Islam. The Archbishop takes precedence over the Prime Minister. I’ve written an article about the Church for the American Journal of Jewish Ideas, editor Rabbi Marc Angel of New York
There seems to be a fear of calling a spade a spade. An individual imbued with antisemitic assumptions and views, who instinctively accuses Jews of actions they would not accuse others of in similar circumstances, is an antisemite. This reporter was and is antisemitic. That she would recoil at the accusation doesn’t make it less true.
I would have to say that Thomas Friedman of the New York Times practices the Altneu antisemitism described by Michael Oren. In his November 13th opinion titled "Amsterdam is About Jew Hatred-and Gaza", Friedman writes, "I am not a judge. I don’t know what the “just” proportion of Palestinian civilian lives and homes that the laws of war might say is OK for Israel to destroy in response to Oct. 7 for every Israeli Jew and home ravaged that day. But I am here to say that whatever the number is, Israel has now exceeded it."
Friedman is implying that Israel is destroying Gaza just because they can!
No, much of the world probably agrees with Friedman. By most assessments of modern civilization, yes Israel has exceeded its 'defense' mandates. Hamas's military has largely been destroyed and a mop up of the pockets of resistance can be accomplished with targeted special forces raids. This is not antisemitism but simple humanitarian respect for civilians in a war zone. Every criticism of Israel is not automatically antisemitism. If so, a large proportion of Israel's population is guilty as charged.
All civilians in Gaza are Hamas supporters either by decades long indoctrination or by financial rewards. As such, they are enemies of Israel who wish its destruction.
That’s what they have been doing. The use of Bunker busting bombs was in the initial days only (resulting in release of 105 hostages) and since then has only been used on specific tunnels or other terrorist infrastructure before which people are warned and given opportunity to flee—presumably Hamas is too degraded now to prevent them from fleeing which was their modus operandi previously.
You made my point by saying that Hamas is too weak now to even coerce their own civilian population. This is a mop-up operation now and the remaining civilian population can be spared from being used as human shields. Israel “won” and it is time for compassion for the suffering of the civilian population.
Meanwhile, the world is watching and not liking what they see. Yes, Hamas is a terrorist organization, but it is becoming increasingly evident that the far-right Zionists are as well. From here forward, Israel is shooting itself in the foot. “We have seen the enemy and he is us.” ~ Pogo
Just out of curiosity Mr. Hard man, are you American? Did you feel that way about Afghanistan (almost 20 years) despite (if you believe in the narrative of 911) no hijackers or leaders were Afghans and Bush didn’t care about”Bin Laden” after a few years. Or when they allegedly killed him, the military remained for over ten years? Or how about Iraq? What’s the proverb about glass houses????
Yes, and we warned Netanyahu not to make the same mistakes we did in Afghanistan and Iraq. As much of a shit show these wars were, we didn’t intentionally slaughter civilians, destroy medical facilities, and starve them. Bibi didn’t make the same mistake he made a worse one. The world is watching…
So true. As someone who is not Jewish I often find myself hearing antiseptic of this kind. A friend of mine keeps saying “Why doesn’t Netanyahu free the hostages ?” She seems confused when I point out that Hamas not Israel took the hostages and has the power to free them. My non Jewish former friends can not understand why I write and speak in support of Israel and the worldwide Jewish community. “Israel does a lot of bad things.” I was told on October 8 by one of the least informed people I know.
Would be extremely interested in your comments on the antisemitism of the US State Department that has been known for some time but appears to be growing in r recent years in the direction you describe.
The lie has been repeated so often that it has become the truth for these people. When a child grows up with Jew-Haters, before he or she even meets ANY Jew, the lie is MORE than the truth - it becomes a fact and their reality. Nothing that I know of can change that - it seems to be inherited, innate and in their DNA.
That is often the case, perhaps most commonly the case, but some children do manage to escape such an environment with their morals intact and, without succumbing to their parents' sickness.
We need to organize protests at The NY Times, The Washington Post, CNN whenever one of them publishes an anti-Semitic lie. We need to be that angry pain-in-the-rear people make efforts not to offend.
If the U.S. government so "hates" the Jews, why then are we Israel's main ally? One can disapprove of Israel's government's actions without being antisemitic. This is precisely why modern nations are secular with a separation of church/synagogue and state.
Maintaining a military relationship with the only Democracy in the Middle East is not evidence the editors of America’s major news outlets, dozens of Congress Members, and the Secretary of State are anything other than Jew haters. In fact it has nothing at all to do with the rank antisemtism that infects too many of our institutions, and is revealed every time Sec Blinkin adds a "but the deaths in Gaza must stop" when he refers to Israel's right of self defense.
No agreement between us is necessary. Our opinions are irrelevant. The opinions of the International Criminal Court and the “court of world opinion” are all that matters. Oh, possibly the opinion of the Israeli courts on Netanyahu’s corruption charges. One cannot argue away Karma…
Well, if all the powers that be in the U.S. are "Jew haters" then Israel is surely doomed. We are Israel's last ally and are taking serious flack with most of the world for doing so. We have become guilty by association and that has been a heavy price to pay.
Perhaps, if, as you contend, so much of the world is "antisemitic" maybe there is a reason that a majority finds Israel's actions contentious and a violation of the international rules of war and UN Charter agreements. Calling Israel to task in compliance to international law is not grounds for "antisemitism." "If you don't want to do the time, don't do the crime."
For instance, other than Putin, few will criticize Ukraine for viciously attacking Russian military targets. On the other hand, Russia is heavily judged and sanctioned for violating Ukraine's sovereignty and indiscriminately targeting civilian targets. Be a Zelensky (nice Jewish mensch) not a Putin (schmuck).
Yes, I am aware that Islamists operate on a 12th century idea of morality, but modern, secular Israel is held both by its citizens and the rest of world to the rules and responsibilities of other sovereign nations. You are being held to a higher standard and scrutiny. Hamas knows this and is winning the public opinion war luring Israel into publicly creating Muslim martyrs of unarmed civilians. When Blinken says "the deaths in Gaza must stop," he is referring to the collateral killing of unarmed civilians. That is international law.
Antisemitism is a phrase that has been brandished so indiscriminately it no longer has meaning. I will counter it with the word "antisecularism". If Israel expects to win a war against modern secularism, then it deserves the scorn of the majority of the world. This is not about being Jewish, it is about being a good human being, a "mensh." Israel owes it to itself and the rest of the world to do better.
I see these issues differently and thank you for engaging with me and them. I am a retired lawyer, studied international law at The Hague, and have written about the International Criminal Court.
Your reference to collateral killing of unarmed citizens and your assumption international law is implicated overlooks two relevant facts. First, Hamas is Gaza’s elected government. And there does not appear to be a relevant distinction between Hamas and those who live there. You may be aware that the UN Relief Agency ran the schools in Gaza and those schools taught the children how to hate Jews. Many apparent civilians participated in the Oct 7 massacre, all civilians so far as we can tell celebrated the event, and many gave their homes to hold hostages. Before Oct 7 the people who live in Gaza allowed Hamas to build and stock war making facilities in schools, hospitals and Mosques. Second is the fact Hamas is using the people who live in Gaza as human shields with no apparent protest.
The IDF have done more to prevent or avoid civilian casualties than any fighting force in history, including US forces in Iraq. In my view, Israel has not violated any aspect of international law or the UN Charter in these circumstances. Blinken’s assertion to the contrary if that is what he is saying is not correct and can be explained in my view by his basic dislike of Jews and his interest in placating the Arab/Muslim world. His role in the Iran nuclear deal and his efforts to revive it suggest no regard whatsoever for Israel’s right to exist.
I presume you are aware Iran’s leadership regularly chant “death to America” and “death to Israel.” And yet the Biden team released billions of dollars to Iran, waived sanctions and allow their proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthi to fire weapons at will at Israel and do little to nothing to stop the attacks on our Naval forces. Ockham’s Razor counsel us to accept the simplest reason to explain events. Hating Jews is the simplest explanation for our institutions’ actions.
And BTW, I referred only to media editors, some members of Congress and Sec. Blinken, they are not all the powers that be as you put it. Many of our institutions are in fact disgusted by the way Israel in general and Jews in particular are treated, and the election in November is attributable in some measure to that disgust.
There is an even more fundamental error in using the language of international law to condemn Israel. International law governs the relations and conduct of nations vis a vis other nations. While there is an effort to apply internationally recognized principles to domestic affairs, sometimes known as R2P, it has not reached the level of public international law. Gaza and the West Bank are not nations, there is no nation of Palestine, and the various institutions that pretend otherwise, by for example giving them “observer” status at the UN, do not make it so.
For this reason, general international law does not govern Israel’s conduct in Gaza. The Rome Statute which established the International Criminal Court has no jurisdiction over Gaza either. Treaties govern the conduct of states that have consented to the terms of the treaty. Israel and a “nation of Palestine” have not consented, are not parties to that treaty and are bound in no way by its terms.
The IDF is subject to Israeli law, its courts are open and operate, including when necessary to prosecute alleged crimes committed in Gaza. The pending criminal proceedings against the Prime Minister is evidence of that reality.
Hamas could end the war by ceasing its attacks on Israel and releasing the hostages but will not do that because it and its master in Iran intend to destroy Israel and its Jews, from the river to the sea, as they put it. If Israel is to survive, they must destroy Hamas root and branch.
You and I agree on one issue. The expression antisemitism is near meaningless. The semitic people include Jews and Arabs. As a technical matter antisemites hate Arabs, too. That is why I prefer to call it what it is: Jew hatred, one that has existed in one form or another for well over a thousand years. Other than that clarification, Israel is not waging a war on what you call modern secularism, it is waging a war to destroy those who seek to destroy Israel.
You keep interchanging Hamas for Gaza. Yes, Hamas was the "elected" government of Gaza, but its citizens are not automatically Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization embedded in a civilian community.
Gaza and the West Bank ("Palestine") may not be "nations", but they are humans. International law is comprehensive of all people no matter their "nationality". Israel is a nation, a signatory of the UN Charter and subject to all aspects of International Law and Rules of Warfare. Jews may consider themselves "God's Chosen People" but they still have to follow the same secular laws as the rest of the world.
"Those who seek to destroy Israel" are also the enemies of other states and religions. If Israel really wants to stop the Islamist aggression, it should quit the racist accusations and partner with other nations (particularly its Muslim neighbors) in a joint effort to rid the world of such barbarism. Israel is also hated by Islamists because it is Western, not simply because it is Jewish. It is time for Israel to join the 21st century and the rest of the human race.
I suspect we may not find agreement, but thanks for trying.
No evidence supports your assertion Hamas, which is a political organization, does not consist of those who live in Gaza.
International law does not apply to every human on earth. It is not “comprehensive of all people”. For example, it does not apply to a local cop who murders a citizen with no excuse.
If by all aspects of international law, you mean to include the Rome Statute that established the International Criminal Court, you are simply incorrect and should read up on it.
Your last argument reflects basic ignorance. Israel has made no “racist accusations”. It simply asks those who want all Jews to be eliminated to change their stated desires. Israel has partnered with Arab nations and that is what the Abraham Accords accomplished. More peace will be forthcoming now that the Jew hating Democrats have lost the election.
And your last assertion tells me you are not serious. Israel is hated because it is Jewish.
This conversation has become tiresome. Unless you have some new fact based argument to assert, please keep your thoughts to yourself.
This type of leading question....'but isn't it true that Israel...." followed by some unhinged allegation is common...especially in British media I've observed. Christiane A. I wrote a letter to BBC re HARDtalk....the host's leading repeated in the manner done to you. BBC answers me that indeed they ask the tough questions....after reviewing the tape keeping with journalistic integrity. The God of Love vs God of vengeance. Thirty or so years ago now, this was in the text book I examined for NYC high schools. The Almanac of the Islamic World by a Palestinian writer tells us that prophet Jesus tried to change the ways of the evil Jews but for his trouble they murdered him.
Maybe the writer is Christian as for Muslims, His appearance on the cross was only a phantom to trick the evil Jews. This reference book was in the library of the admission by test scores only high school at which I taught. I could go on.
I have had several such interactions with people who I thought were friends. The fact that they swallow the propaganda shows them to be as subhuman as the demons that came out of Gaza to inflict unspeakable horrors. I told them in no uncertain terms they deserve nothing except my contempt; they are non-entities in my world. You cannot reason with such people.
Jews are subjected to a standard no one else is. They are supposed to conduct a war tiotoeing through Gaza. Well, they didn’t ask for this war amd most other countries would have flattened Gaza by now.
Yes back in Sabra and Satilla times, critics at least admitted they were holding Jews to a higher standard. Now the critique assumes Israel is in a lower level even than the terrorists — which maybe half even condemn as war crimes rather than terrorism but actually often defend. Upside down world ? Or same as it ever was?
Probably same as it ever was, though you would think civilization would have evolved. That's giving to much credit to humanity.
I run a dialogue group in the UK together with former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, a leading public intellectual. Another Anglican public intellectual, Dr Andrew Shanks, who was taught by the former Archbishop at Oxford University, stated during the most recent meeting the very same argument cited in this article as a criticism of what he called ‘vengeful Zionism.’ When asked what he would do had he been a kibbutznik in the southern border, or at the Nova celebration, he had no response. He advocated conscientious objection and complete pacifism in the face of any and all aggression. I told him that people are proud to serve in Israel’s citizen’s army, which my granddaughter will join in under four years. No meeting of minds. I also mentioned the duty to protect those attacked. Williams had already stated that the reason for world opprobrium against Israel was at root the plight of the Palestinians. When asked who he would negotiate with, no response. These are very common views expressed in the UK and facts have no influence whatsoever. Even the cleverest people are unaware of their ingrained prejudices, even if some of their best friends are Jews.
That an Anglican with standing in the UK feels emboldened to state the most obvious Judeophobic calumny is clear sign that along with sexual abuse of minors the Anglican church has a lot of soul searching to do.
They can look and search but will find no soul. They are what is wrong with Christianity.
“He advocated conscientious objection and complete pacifism in the face of any and all aggression.”
Good thing he wasn’t giving advice during WW2.
The Nazis wouldn't have sent him to a death camp. He would have been fine.
Well. he would be dead if confronted by Hamas terrorists.
Thank you for sharing this.
Dr. Oren makes a great point in this essay.
I see it in too many places.
I wonder what the former Archbishop thinks about the invasion of Islam into cities in the UK and the gathering storm that is coming.
Is he aware enough to even see this or is he so deep into the Global Progressive Left delusion that he is hopeless.
The church loves the Muslim invasion and encourages them in all their antisemitic and anti Israel nonsense. The Church is not subject to the laws of the land and the police won’t touch them and regularly harasses nor worse complainants against the Church. Amazed that the present Wrchbishop has to stand down for kyung about vicious abuse of boys which he knew about and was a friend of the abuser. The Church in England is part of the House of Lords with political power. They always attack Israel and take up the cause of Islam. The Archbishop takes precedence over the Prime Minister. I’ve written an article about the Church for the American Journal of Jewish Ideas, editor Rabbi Marc Angel of New York
Dr Irene, sort of like Archbishop Cardinal Law. The Archbishop of Boston.
Thank you.
There seems to be a fear of calling a spade a spade. An individual imbued with antisemitic assumptions and views, who instinctively accuses Jews of actions they would not accuse others of in similar circumstances, is an antisemite. This reporter was and is antisemitic. That she would recoil at the accusation doesn’t make it less true.
I would have to say that Thomas Friedman of the New York Times practices the Altneu antisemitism described by Michael Oren. In his November 13th opinion titled "Amsterdam is About Jew Hatred-and Gaza", Friedman writes, "I am not a judge. I don’t know what the “just” proportion of Palestinian civilian lives and homes that the laws of war might say is OK for Israel to destroy in response to Oct. 7 for every Israeli Jew and home ravaged that day. But I am here to say that whatever the number is, Israel has now exceeded it."
Friedman is implying that Israel is destroying Gaza just because they can!
Altneu Antisemitism!
Friedman is a fool and not worth reading.
A "fool" with enormous influence.
Doesnt change the fact that he is a fool.
Too much influence, I agree.
I see Freidman’s influence thrown back in my face a lot when having discussions with my progressive Jewish friends.
As soon as I can identify the source of their rage, it’s easy to deflect.
Tom Friedman has long been a sharp critic of Israel. This is nothing new for him.
In addition to criticizing Israel, he is a Jewish antisemite himself!!!
100% correct.
Friedman is a fool.
No, much of the world probably agrees with Friedman. By most assessments of modern civilization, yes Israel has exceeded its 'defense' mandates. Hamas's military has largely been destroyed and a mop up of the pockets of resistance can be accomplished with targeted special forces raids. This is not antisemitism but simple humanitarian respect for civilians in a war zone. Every criticism of Israel is not automatically antisemitism. If so, a large proportion of Israel's population is guilty as charged.
What about the hostages? Until they are freed, there is still a job to do in Gaza.
All civilians in Gaza are Hamas supporters either by decades long indoctrination or by financial rewards. As such, they are enemies of Israel who wish its destruction.
Yes, and that also is best handled by special forces commandos, not bunk-buster bombs which are just as likely to kill any remaining hostages.
That’s what they have been doing. The use of Bunker busting bombs was in the initial days only (resulting in release of 105 hostages) and since then has only been used on specific tunnels or other terrorist infrastructure before which people are warned and given opportunity to flee—presumably Hamas is too degraded now to prevent them from fleeing which was their modus operandi previously.
We don’t know how many Israeli hostages have been killed in the bombings but it is a high probability that targeting Hamas is also making their captives targets as well.
You made my point by saying that Hamas is too weak now to even coerce their own civilian population. This is a mop-up operation now and the remaining civilian population can be spared from being used as human shields. Israel “won” and it is time for compassion for the suffering of the civilian population.
Meanwhile, the world is watching and not liking what they see. Yes, Hamas is a terrorist organization, but it is becoming increasingly evident that the far-right Zionists are as well. From here forward, Israel is shooting itself in the foot. “We have seen the enemy and he is us.” ~ Pogo
Just out of curiosity Mr. Hard man, are you American? Did you feel that way about Afghanistan (almost 20 years) despite (if you believe in the narrative of 911) no hijackers or leaders were Afghans and Bush didn’t care about”Bin Laden” after a few years. Or when they allegedly killed him, the military remained for over ten years? Or how about Iraq? What’s the proverb about glass houses????
Yes, and we warned Netanyahu not to make the same mistakes we did in Afghanistan and Iraq. As much of a shit show these wars were, we didn’t intentionally slaughter civilians, destroy medical facilities, and starve them. Bibi didn’t make the same mistake he made a worse one. The world is watching…
The best word to describe Thomas Friedman is "Kapo." He is one of the worst, if not the worst.
So true. As someone who is not Jewish I often find myself hearing antiseptic of this kind. A friend of mine keeps saying “Why doesn’t Netanyahu free the hostages ?” She seems confused when I point out that Hamas not Israel took the hostages and has the power to free them. My non Jewish former friends can not understand why I write and speak in support of Israel and the worldwide Jewish community. “Israel does a lot of bad things.” I was told on October 8 by one of the least informed people I know.
Many citizens of Israel seem likewise confused about Netanyahu’s power to free the hostages.
Great, very deeply insightful piece.
Would be extremely interested in your comments on the antisemitism of the US State Department that has been known for some time but appears to be growing in r recent years in the direction you describe.
I’ll be happy to comment.
The US State Department is littered with anti Semites planted there by Barak Obama.
Marco Rubio will clean house and remove this filth.
Gaza and Lebanon could be the garden spots of the Mediterranean. Why aren't they? Could it be a preoccupation with Jew hatred?
The lie has been repeated so often that it has become the truth for these people. When a child grows up with Jew-Haters, before he or she even meets ANY Jew, the lie is MORE than the truth - it becomes a fact and their reality. Nothing that I know of can change that - it seems to be inherited, innate and in their DNA.
That is often the case, perhaps most commonly the case, but some children do manage to escape such an environment with their morals intact and, without succumbing to their parents' sickness.
We are calling it “artisanal antisemitism”
here on the west side of Manhattan
Alene, artisanal?
Please fill me in
Just reading your response.
Google artisanal antisemitism,
and read the Pat Johnson article about it.
It became a popular term here on the west side of Manhattan, since there are so many artisanal bakeries and eateries.
We need to organize protests at The NY Times, The Washington Post, CNN whenever one of them publishes an anti-Semitic lie. We need to be that angry pain-in-the-rear people make efforts not to offend.
The Devil that never dies. Clear and articulate as ever. Must read for all.
What was your reply, Dr. Oren? It's not enough to identify an antisemite, we have to know how to respond to them.
Am Israel Chai. I'm sick of these bastards. Their Jesus was a Jew. Western Civilization was based on Judaism. The idea of Justice is Jewish.
Indeed, and us millions and millions and millions of American Christians know this and stand by Israel.
"The editors of America’s major news outlets, dozens of Congress Members, and the Secretary of State are all antisemites." There is no evidence your conclusion to the contrary is correct. All evidence points to what it is, call it by its name: Jew hatred.
If the U.S. government so "hates" the Jews, why then are we Israel's main ally? One can disapprove of Israel's government's actions without being antisemitic. This is precisely why modern nations are secular with a separation of church/synagogue and state.
Maintaining a military relationship with the only Democracy in the Middle East is not evidence the editors of America’s major news outlets, dozens of Congress Members, and the Secretary of State are anything other than Jew haters. In fact it has nothing at all to do with the rank antisemtism that infects too many of our institutions, and is revealed every time Sec Blinkin adds a "but the deaths in Gaza must stop" when he refers to Israel's right of self defense.
No agreement between us is necessary. Our opinions are irrelevant. The opinions of the International Criminal Court and the “court of world opinion” are all that matters. Oh, possibly the opinion of the Israeli courts on Netanyahu’s corruption charges. One cannot argue away Karma…
Well, if all the powers that be in the U.S. are "Jew haters" then Israel is surely doomed. We are Israel's last ally and are taking serious flack with most of the world for doing so. We have become guilty by association and that has been a heavy price to pay.
Perhaps, if, as you contend, so much of the world is "antisemitic" maybe there is a reason that a majority finds Israel's actions contentious and a violation of the international rules of war and UN Charter agreements. Calling Israel to task in compliance to international law is not grounds for "antisemitism." "If you don't want to do the time, don't do the crime."
For instance, other than Putin, few will criticize Ukraine for viciously attacking Russian military targets. On the other hand, Russia is heavily judged and sanctioned for violating Ukraine's sovereignty and indiscriminately targeting civilian targets. Be a Zelensky (nice Jewish mensch) not a Putin (schmuck).
Yes, I am aware that Islamists operate on a 12th century idea of morality, but modern, secular Israel is held both by its citizens and the rest of world to the rules and responsibilities of other sovereign nations. You are being held to a higher standard and scrutiny. Hamas knows this and is winning the public opinion war luring Israel into publicly creating Muslim martyrs of unarmed civilians. When Blinken says "the deaths in Gaza must stop," he is referring to the collateral killing of unarmed civilians. That is international law.
Antisemitism is a phrase that has been brandished so indiscriminately it no longer has meaning. I will counter it with the word "antisecularism". If Israel expects to win a war against modern secularism, then it deserves the scorn of the majority of the world. This is not about being Jewish, it is about being a good human being, a "mensh." Israel owes it to itself and the rest of the world to do better.
I see these issues differently and thank you for engaging with me and them. I am a retired lawyer, studied international law at The Hague, and have written about the International Criminal Court.
Your reference to collateral killing of unarmed citizens and your assumption international law is implicated overlooks two relevant facts. First, Hamas is Gaza’s elected government. And there does not appear to be a relevant distinction between Hamas and those who live there. You may be aware that the UN Relief Agency ran the schools in Gaza and those schools taught the children how to hate Jews. Many apparent civilians participated in the Oct 7 massacre, all civilians so far as we can tell celebrated the event, and many gave their homes to hold hostages. Before Oct 7 the people who live in Gaza allowed Hamas to build and stock war making facilities in schools, hospitals and Mosques. Second is the fact Hamas is using the people who live in Gaza as human shields with no apparent protest.
The IDF have done more to prevent or avoid civilian casualties than any fighting force in history, including US forces in Iraq. In my view, Israel has not violated any aspect of international law or the UN Charter in these circumstances. Blinken’s assertion to the contrary if that is what he is saying is not correct and can be explained in my view by his basic dislike of Jews and his interest in placating the Arab/Muslim world. His role in the Iran nuclear deal and his efforts to revive it suggest no regard whatsoever for Israel’s right to exist.
I presume you are aware Iran’s leadership regularly chant “death to America” and “death to Israel.” And yet the Biden team released billions of dollars to Iran, waived sanctions and allow their proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthi to fire weapons at will at Israel and do little to nothing to stop the attacks on our Naval forces. Ockham’s Razor counsel us to accept the simplest reason to explain events. Hating Jews is the simplest explanation for our institutions’ actions.
And BTW, I referred only to media editors, some members of Congress and Sec. Blinken, they are not all the powers that be as you put it. Many of our institutions are in fact disgusted by the way Israel in general and Jews in particular are treated, and the election in November is attributable in some measure to that disgust.
There is an even more fundamental error in using the language of international law to condemn Israel. International law governs the relations and conduct of nations vis a vis other nations. While there is an effort to apply internationally recognized principles to domestic affairs, sometimes known as R2P, it has not reached the level of public international law. Gaza and the West Bank are not nations, there is no nation of Palestine, and the various institutions that pretend otherwise, by for example giving them “observer” status at the UN, do not make it so.
For this reason, general international law does not govern Israel’s conduct in Gaza. The Rome Statute which established the International Criminal Court has no jurisdiction over Gaza either. Treaties govern the conduct of states that have consented to the terms of the treaty. Israel and a “nation of Palestine” have not consented, are not parties to that treaty and are bound in no way by its terms.
The IDF is subject to Israeli law, its courts are open and operate, including when necessary to prosecute alleged crimes committed in Gaza. The pending criminal proceedings against the Prime Minister is evidence of that reality.
Hamas could end the war by ceasing its attacks on Israel and releasing the hostages but will not do that because it and its master in Iran intend to destroy Israel and its Jews, from the river to the sea, as they put it. If Israel is to survive, they must destroy Hamas root and branch.
You and I agree on one issue. The expression antisemitism is near meaningless. The semitic people include Jews and Arabs. As a technical matter antisemites hate Arabs, too. That is why I prefer to call it what it is: Jew hatred, one that has existed in one form or another for well over a thousand years. Other than that clarification, Israel is not waging a war on what you call modern secularism, it is waging a war to destroy those who seek to destroy Israel.
You keep interchanging Hamas for Gaza. Yes, Hamas was the "elected" government of Gaza, but its citizens are not automatically Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization embedded in a civilian community.
Gaza and the West Bank ("Palestine") may not be "nations", but they are humans. International law is comprehensive of all people no matter their "nationality". Israel is a nation, a signatory of the UN Charter and subject to all aspects of International Law and Rules of Warfare. Jews may consider themselves "God's Chosen People" but they still have to follow the same secular laws as the rest of the world.
"Those who seek to destroy Israel" are also the enemies of other states and religions. If Israel really wants to stop the Islamist aggression, it should quit the racist accusations and partner with other nations (particularly its Muslim neighbors) in a joint effort to rid the world of such barbarism. Israel is also hated by Islamists because it is Western, not simply because it is Jewish. It is time for Israel to join the 21st century and the rest of the human race.
Dear Jon,
I suspect we may not find agreement, but thanks for trying.
No evidence supports your assertion Hamas, which is a political organization, does not consist of those who live in Gaza.
International law does not apply to every human on earth. It is not “comprehensive of all people”. For example, it does not apply to a local cop who murders a citizen with no excuse.
If by all aspects of international law, you mean to include the Rome Statute that established the International Criminal Court, you are simply incorrect and should read up on it.
Your last argument reflects basic ignorance. Israel has made no “racist accusations”. It simply asks those who want all Jews to be eliminated to change their stated desires. Israel has partnered with Arab nations and that is what the Abraham Accords accomplished. More peace will be forthcoming now that the Jew hating Democrats have lost the election.
And your last assertion tells me you are not serious. Israel is hated because it is Jewish.
This conversation has become tiresome. Unless you have some new fact based argument to assert, please keep your thoughts to yourself.
This type of leading question....'but isn't it true that Israel...." followed by some unhinged allegation is common...especially in British media I've observed. Christiane A. I wrote a letter to BBC re HARDtalk....the host's leading repeated in the manner done to you. BBC answers me that indeed they ask the tough questions....after reviewing the tape keeping with journalistic integrity. The God of Love vs God of vengeance. Thirty or so years ago now, this was in the text book I examined for NYC high schools. The Almanac of the Islamic World by a Palestinian writer tells us that prophet Jesus tried to change the ways of the evil Jews but for his trouble they murdered him.
Maybe the writer is Christian as for Muslims, His appearance on the cross was only a phantom to trick the evil Jews. This reference book was in the library of the admission by test scores only high school at which I taught. I could go on.