As always Mr. Oren, a thoughtful and thought provoking piece. May Hashem bring peace to all who mourn, and may he protect all in the IDF who are fighting for Israel’s continued existence.

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I hope there is still a chance that we can return to the pursuit of the honorable and true. Lives of depth and wisdom. What you describe is heartbreaking.

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May her memory always be for a blessing.

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Zichrona Livracha.

Hashem Yikom Damam.

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Michael please correct from very to every see below:

Jews must fight back against those who, in very generation, try to annihilate us.

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May 16·edited May 16

"As we continue to fight our enemies, we must strive to ensure a more honorable, responsible, and unifying leadership..." There, at last, you said it.

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Hadas Malka was born 6 months before me 💔💔💔 May her memory be a blessing

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We Deserve Better, Israel Deserves Better, when will the world realize that that's the Key, to a better world.

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Sweet girl. May her memory be a blessing.

Thank you for your reporting, Mr. Oren.

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Ben Gvir was elected by a very very very small part of the Israeli electorate. He was elevated to his position so Bibi could be PM. But you know this. He also never served in the army, did he? You do not owe anyone your respect simply because they hold an elected office. Respect needs to be earned. Tell me how has he earned respect?

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Leftists are an affront to many more than you perceive. They need to be called on it constantly as they are the cause of the situation not just beginning with Oslo.

Netanyahu/Trump/israel derangement - obsession syndrome are all signs of a toxic mind, most likely a leftist.

BenGvir could have quietly collapsed the PLO banking system after Biden sanctioned Israelis including those involved with the iron dome as well as other Jewish Israeli innocents and pointed to the consequences of biden's actions.

Time for Israel to quietly act with steel baitzim. This frenemy formerly known as the US is acting with malevolence and few Israelis act like it.

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