I saw Above And Beyond when it first came out. I was a two-year-old when the Egyptian Air Force bombed Tel-Aviv. Perhaps I wouldn’t be alive today if it wasn’t for men like Lou Lenart. What a man!

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Thanks so much for brightening our day amidst all of the difficult news coming from Gaza and the world's hostile response. It helps to remember that we have overcome greater challenges in our past.

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Orde Wingate is one of my heroes. I've read every book about him but now really hope that movie gets made someday.

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Amazing empowering story about a man with those same qualities. Thank you, Michael, for writing about and sharing Lou’s story. My grandmother Rosalie’s second husband Harold was Hungarian. In my youth, she told me to Never marry a Hungarian. This story, while reminding us of true heroism and ingenuity, seems to support Rosie’s belief.

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Here's Lou being interviewed


Terrific article!

Leonard Slater wrote the Pledge regarding these heroes

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Thank you for this link. I had no idea this video existed.

I first learned much of this story from Nancy Spielberg's "Above and Beyond". Many of the people in this video are featured in Nancy's film. And I was lucky enough to see the Israel premier of "Above and Beyond' in Jerusalem. Lou was introduced in the audience and I think the audience would still be applauding and cheering until today had Nancy had not asked us to stop.

Thanks again for your post.

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Michael I think daily of Jabotinsky and also Brigadier Wingate and Trumpledor you made me cry. Thank you. These are scary times.

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What A Mensch!

"“I came to fight the Arabs, not kill Jews.”"


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The story of Orde Wingate would make a fantastic movie.

Especially relevant in our time. An extraordinary hero.

We must get your screenplay made!

May it be so...

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That is The Forgotten Battle. And you are right, it would. The problem is Hollywood would Screw It Up, as they so often do.

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The could call it...

Most got malaria!

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You are such a good writer Michael. I loved reading your inspiring, moving story about Lou. Toda.

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Legend! What a remarkable man, about whom I had never previously heard. He too would make a great subject for a film. Many thanks for sharing his story, Michael.

(P.S. The adjective in the headline should be "tenebrous," not "tenebris," no?)

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I also mentioned that point in my comment.

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I'm going to watch the movie again right now.

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Michael: thank you very much for a wonderful story about a true Jewish hero.

If you, or anyone in your family, has not watched "Above and Beyond" by Nancy Spielberg (Steven's sister), do so as soon as possible. If is available on numerous streaming services. A quick Google search will show you which ones.

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Michael, I feel impelled to interrupt this comment flow on Lou Lenart to urge you to view the 1 1/2 hour podcast interview, which I just saw on YouTube, of Robert F Kennedy defending Israel's conduct of the Gaza War. The interviewer/debate opponent was Dave Smith, whose excellence as a debater was recently demonstrated in his interview/podcast with Chris Cuomo, in that case talking about the Government's handling of Covid. I think it fair to say that Smith brilliantly demolished Cuomo, but was just as brilliantly taken down by RFK -- whose "performance" should get the widest possible distribution. That is where you come in, possibly. How to do that? PSL

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Just wow. Such a thrilling story and it filled in some questions I had about how Israel was able to fight as soon as it got independence. You are right, this needs to be a film. Hope someday it gets the backing.

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Amazing hero of the Jewish state and the Jewish people!

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That's a truly great story of one of our hero's. Thanks for letting us learn about Lou. I will try to find more about him. As a one-time trainee pilot who failed to qualify, I know how it feels to pilot and fly in an unfamiliar aircraft, and to go to war in one must have taken great courage!

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