Excellent article to counter the tidal wave of inane praise for this failed President with disgraceful morals.

Missing only a picture of Carter posing with Hamas leader Ismail Haniya:


PS perhaps true justice that Carter lived long enough to see Donald Trump, Israel's great and proven friend, reelected in one of the greatest political comebacks in American history.

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Yes, so happy to know that Carter lived to see Trump elected. Trump, unlike Carter, was a great President and will do an even better job this next term.

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Amen to that!

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What "disgraceful morals" are you referring to? Speaking of disgraceful morals, if the twice impeached, convicted felon Donald Trump is Israel's "great and proven friend" then they don't need any enemies.

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His “disgraceful morals” as noted were those that befriended and legitimized terrorists, continuing to mislead about the Israelis defense against Hamas, his continued repentance of the Southern racism against Blacks but no mention of the KKK’s viscous assaults against Jews, always falling back on his sanctimonious “holier than thou” persona. Yes, he will go down as the worst president in history and, tho his legacy will be “Homes for Habitat”, his foreign policy failures are still being felt throughout the Mid-East and the entire world. He was incompetent as a president. In so many ways.

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Exactly! With all due respect, John Hardman, his legacy has nothing to do with Trump but a lot to do with his naïveté.

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Again, context is necessary. At that time, the PLO was a terrorist group and ISIS and the radical Islamists were not yet a significant force. You must remember that Carter was the President of the United States, not Israel or the Middle East. We are witnessing the blame for the current chaos in the Middle East focused on Israel and its incompetence, not Carter. Again, he received the Nobel Peace Prize and Netanyahu got an ICC charge of crimes against humanity. The court of public opinion will decide and Carter is certainly held in higher regard than Netanyahu and all of Israel at this time.

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Hard to believe anyone still takes the Nobel Peace Prize or the ICC seriously. Obama won the prize after a month in office and not being Bush.

The ICC, presided by a Lebanese judge with anti-Israel record, is not a serious court and its decisions were predictable.

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Yes, much of the world does revere the UN ICC and the Nobel Prize honors. Isreal is also being judged in the “court of world opinion” and also being found guilty. “Crimes against humanity” is an ironic charge for a nation emerging from the Holocaust, but here we are…

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I completely disagree and lived through those years, going to Israel in 1973. Our Chicago trip was cancelled because of the hijacking. My brother and best friend had to join another group of conservative Jewish students from Bethesda. So terrorism was absolutely a thing even before the 1979 fiasco. President Carter's legacy has nothing to do with Trump or Netanyahu.

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Calling Trump a convicted felon is completely specious. Those prosecutions were political and a disgrace to our nation and the presidency. They are why the Dems lost to Trump, and hopefully will lose for at least the next 12 years. They should be ashamed of themselves- especially with the way their party treats Israel and tolerates anti semitism. And Trump HAS been a great friend to Israel.

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His felony convictions were for business fraud and sexual assault. His numerous "political" crimes have not been adjudicated and likely will not be so until he is out of office.

As for the Dems treating Israel badly, they lost a lot of respect throughout the world by standing by Netanyahu and his disregard for humanity in his retribution against Hamas. Anti-semitism is not "tolerated" but is rightly earned by Israel's actions in Gaza and the West Bank. "If you don't want to do the time, don't do the crime..."

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Trump has a felony conviction for sexual assault?

You’ve just exposed yourself as a complete fraud, and cast strong doubt on every other argument you present here.

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“Anti-semitism is … rightly earned by Israel’s actions…”.


But I thought many anti-semites ( apparently you claim to be one) say that

being anti Israel is in no way being anti semitic. But you just equated them by saying Israeli actions cause antisemitism. Hmmm

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I said that all criticism of Israel cannot be dismissed as antisemitism and that some of Israel’s actions deserve International scorn. Does that add fuel to the lingering fire of anti-semitism… yes and it is a self-inflicted wound.

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This is what retribution for terrorism looks like and earns less criticism than Israel


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So, you’re advocating WWIII as retribution? Hmmm…

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Nelson Mandela was also a convicted felon.

Trump's convictions were Democrats twisting the law to attack a political opponent. That's why no one else had ever been convicted of a felony on those charges. Hillary Clinton was guilty of the same use of legal expenses as Trump and only paid a small fine.

You will be hard pressed to describe explicitly any of those 34 felonies as they came from a novel legal theory that leveraged a state misdemeanor, past the statute of limitations, into a Federal felony case.

Trump's support of Israel in his first term is beyond dispute: Abraham Accords transformed the Middle East in Israel's favor and depended on American diplomatic leverage: recognition of Morocco claims on Western Sahara and arms deals for the UAE.

Proud Trump supporter!



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Are you actually comparing Nelson Mandela to Donald Trump! Are you not aware that Fox News Entertainment is just that - entertainment?

“The gods punish us by granting our prayers.” If Israel wants Trump and Netanyahu to determine their fate, they might get consequences other than bargained for.

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Don’t forget Carter’s incompetence was the reason that the Shah was overthrown & his administration facilitated Khumani returning to power which gave us the Iranian terrorist regime we have today. Don’t forget the failed rescue attempt of the hostages. Carter was an incompetent self righteous egomaniac. To compare him to DJT who is the greatest friend Israel has ever had as POTUS. Iran, Russia, China, & N Korea got the message & did not dare to cross DJT.

To his credit Carter did not attempt to deliberately destroy this country as Barry Soetoro did in his 3 terms (Including the current stooges admin) John if you think that a Soviet show trial like Bragg put on in NYC makes DJT a convicted felon, you might consider relocating to the PRC where you would feel at home.

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Okay, he says backing away slowly trying not to make eye contact…

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He thinks any criticism of Israel, a charitable ward of the U.S. with a strong wag the dog inclination, is disgracefully immoral. Go figure. Not to be taken seriously.

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Seventy-five percent of America’s aid to Israel must be spent in America, which means the purchase of U.S. military technology, which in turn means wages for workers at various U.S. companies.

In return, the U.S. receives billions of dollars each year in recommendations for improvements to American military equipment as the Israelis use it — and some of these improvements save American lives in other places.

The U.S. does not have any troops in Israel, like it does to protect American allies such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Japan, Germany, and South Korea. The cost of maintaining a U.S. military presence in Germany and Japan, very wealthy nations in much less volatile or strategic regions, is estimated to cost U.S. taxpayers at least $20 billion per year for each nation.

“Contemplate this.”

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Awaiting several legitimate complaints about Israel's war against the jihadis who started a war during a ceasefire on a Jewish high holy day against civilians taking hostages, won't be holding my breath, you petulant pachyderm

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From a purely financial perspective, Israel is not a charitable ward of the US.

Additionally, Israel has created a lot of technology that the US uses.

Other technologies Israel has developed relate to agriculture, irrigation.

These technologies benefit many less developed countries, where food production is vital.

Nonetheless, I would like to see Netanyahu reach out to Palestinians and others in productive ways.

He is far too beholden to the far right. They need a new government without him.

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I understand that US aid to Israel is less than 1 percent of Israel’s defense budget. I could be wrong, but believe I read that.

It is fair to say that Israel should pay its own way. This is different than saying the US shouldn’t SELL weapons to Israel, just that Israel should pay.

They can now afford to.

I have also read that the US doesn’t give or sell anyone our most sophisticated weapons. No one gets them but us.

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So, defending your sovereignty and destroying an enemy that is sworn to destroy you is a “crime against humanity”? I do believe that you’ve got the players mixed up. It is Hamas who has the disregard for humanity using the Gazans as human shields and the savagery that they exhibited on Oct. 7. Your one sided condemnation of Israel is so typical for your progressive agenda. Or, maybe you are a just a shill for the UN.

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I agree with everything you posted except that you seem to be replying to the wrong person, as you can easily see from my other posts on this thread.

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Is Israel a member of the UN and agrees to the rules of its Charter? Doesn’t Israel exist today because of a UN resolution? Are you suggesting anarchy as an alternative?

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Trump is only a friend to himself.

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I used to wince at Kfar Trump...now I hope that Quneitra becomes Trump City......

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Jimmy Carter was a simple Southern peanut farmer who was sanctimoniously anti- Israel just like Obama. As a Jew myself, it still mystifies me how Jews could vote for him, Obama, Biden and Harris.

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It mystfies me that Jews like David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel could serve in senior positions in Obama's administration when he was actively courting the Muslim Brotherhood in his 2009 Cairo speech.

Obama went out of his way to signal displeasure with Israel by publicly humiliating its Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, by forcing him to use a side entrance to the White House and making him wait for hours while Obama dined in the private quarters.



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I didn’t know this particular story, but not surprised. Obama is an arrogant SOB.

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It was a shocking attempt by the incoming Obama administration that there was now “daylight between the US and Israel” and it was publicized that way to the world in many articles. Netanyahu appealed to Angela Merkel to try to mediate.

In May, 2009, Obama cancelled the sale of 18 Apache AH-64 attack helicopters to Israel on human rights grounds, at the same time as he approved selling 70 of them to Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

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Yikes! If Israel's human rights record is worse than Egypt and Saudi Arabia, it might be time for some self-assessment.

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You’re not alone. Our fellow Jews are their own worst enemies, seeing themselves as “liberals” looking out for the downtrodden while biting themselves (and the rest of us) in the ass.

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A lot of Democratic Jews including my parents refused to vote for him in 1980. They voted for Anderson. Back then even liberal Jews cared about Israel and how the United States treated it.

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This Jew made the mistake ....minus Harris.....I'm very pleased with Trump's victory ....I like the way he's heading the nation after four miserable years....and a president who said DON"T while hamas did...and he turned his don't on Israel.

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Agree totally!

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Call me silly but they might have thought that ethnic preferences, land theft and apartheid were and are immoral.

I understand that this view doesn’t resonate in the echo chamber here.

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57 Islamic countries and 22 Arab countries yet only one country based in Arabia and you're calling the Jews returning to Judea colonists? May you choke on your diarrhea as you pull your head out of your ass

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The rest of the story that you won't hear on the big media. Thank you Michael for telling it.

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Michael’s thoughtful and necessary critique of President Carter has clarified my thinking on his so-called legacy which amounts to little more than anti-Western posturing and childlike embrace of murderous Islamists despite the evidence of their depravity and intent. If that isn’t antisemitic, what would qualify, exactly ?

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More details of Carter's anti Western posturing in Phillip Klein article


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Little recalled but worth recalling were President Carter’s Sunday school lessons where his religiously based antisemitism, including recycling charges of deicide, we unselfconsciously on display.



Perhaps Carter should have extended his “no taping” policy from the White House to church so as to allow for a level of deniability. But the tapes don’t lie, and they reveal his feet of clay when it came to Israel and the Jews.

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don't let Rev.Huck-A-Buck hear this.........

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Not to be forgotten but his support of the Ayatollah’s return to power and the revolution in Iran

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not hardly as he tried to save the Shah....

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He did both. He supported the Iranian revolution but gave sanctuary to the Shah before bundling him off to Egypt.

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the student part of the revolution, not the ayatollahs....

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Allegedly Carter gave $150M to khamini in exile and helped him return to Iran.



The wiki doesn’t mention the funds but the rest of the realpolitik going on when the USA concluded the shah couldn’t be saved .. maybe they didn’t want to save him anyway. Who knows? Usual cia shit show lolz

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you need academic evidence, however, the people of Iran took to the streets by the millions and Carter could not at that time, save the Shah....

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Yes tell the truth. An antisemite.

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your also not so smart anymore......

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No, actually, you're the one who's not so smart.

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George Will’s comment back then about this bumpkin President: the worst President and the worst Ex-President. Biden is contender for that title.

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And the unforgettable Peter Sellers movie "Being There", satirizing the rise of s complete moron to the presidency due to the gullibility of those around him.

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Actually, that would be Kamala Harris - even worse than Biden, Carter and the rest of the "globalist anti-Israel" crowd.

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cackling Annie....I just caught the cold open from before the election for snl....that miserable show.....and at least they got Kamala and Dougie down right....

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ain't that the truth.....just like "who wants to die for art" in Female Trouble....movie fiction becomes fact.

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Carter wins because Biden clearly will not last nearly as long post Presidency!

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I doubt Biden has a chance of surpassing Carter as worst ex president.

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Perfectly stated. Carter was a terrible president who turned into a despicable human being and an enemy of Klal Yisrael. I have nothing positive to say about him. Perhaps he will spend eternity with the terror masters he adored so much.

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Well said.Amen!!

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Now you're talking! Maybe he'll end up as a member of the "70 virgins" for one of the terrorists who prefers boys. His butt will magically tighten up, r@pe after r@pe, as a reminder of how he tried to screw us Jews.

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Man , I'm with you.

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You tell it like it is, Michael!! Kol haKavod!

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Superb piece of writing, Mr. Oren. 👏🏽 While the antisemites, anti-Zionists, Islamofacists, Jihadis, Ikhwanis, and Nazis praise the life of their former underlord, this article reminds me of the Arabic proverb: كل واحد له قادح و مادح. (Everyone has someone who disparages or praises them). Thank you for your choosing the former over the latter. 🙏🏽Stay gold.

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Excellent article. He turned his back on the Jews and was one of the worst Presidents in American history.

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A more balanced view. Helped Iranian and Soviet Jews… walked back his use of apartheid term— something rarely reported! https://www.timesofisrael.com/jimmy-carter-peace-broker-settlements-critic-advocate-for-soviet-jews-rights-activist/

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Too little, too late.

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Wow. I remember him as an inept president (to be fair, I was 12 when he was elected), but thought he redeemed himself with his good works (especially among the poor). Thank you for the insight.

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Great article. But 1 thing...

In the Book of Daniel Nebuchanezzar repented for his sins following his madness and found the God of Israel. Couldn’t be further from Carter. Perhaps amend the last line?

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