Israel is the only country on the planet which is constantly told if/how/when/where it can defend itself. Israel is also the only Jewish-majority country on the planet.

I’m sure that those two facts are in no way connected.

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VP Harris foolishly echoes woke platitudes that merely offer Israel empty rhetoric instead of actual unequivocal support for the region’s sole democracy. Shame on those who embrace these childlike sentiments…

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While I doubt the truth of the claim, nevertheless VP Harris is being positioned as having been President Biden’s right hand man in every decision on foreign policy, including Gaza.

Her expressed concern over the fate of Gazan civilians, therefore, rises to a level of hypocrisy rarely seen in politicians - and these days, that’s saying something.

If her exaggerated role is to be believed, then she is directly complicit in US acquiescence in Egypt’s decision to seal its borders to any Gazan unable to bribe their way through who wanted to leave the battle zone. In effect, Harris helped turn Gaza into what the anti-Israel crowd had long but falsely claimed it to be, an open air prison.

As an aside, what used to be compared to the Warsaw ghetto is now being bemoaned for having been a beautiful oasis laid low by Israeli bombardment.

It can’t be both, but cognitive dissonance always results when your propaganda is to throw everything at the wall to see what sticks when those things that do stick are mutually inconsistent. In the case of the Arab-Israeli conflict, depending on your audience’s uncritical and limited attention span is critical to your propagandizing success.

So, by assisting in locking Gazans into a battlefield - thereby supporting Hamas’ human sacrifice strategy - it boggles the mind why Harris is not called out on her hypocrisy. She is partly responsible for creating the complicated urban battlefield in which the IDF must now operate.

If you care so much about their wellbeing, let them find the same refuge in neighboring countries as the women, children, aged and infirm of Ukraine did. No one demanded they stay put lest they inadvertently become accomplices to Putin’s plan to ethnically cleanse all anti-Russian Ukrainians from the lands Russia conquers. Yet, that was the excuse given for keeping Gazans in harm’s way.

What strikes me as inconceivable, given the prominence of immigration in this campaign, is the Republicans failure to produce an ad along the lines of, “Border Czar Kamala Harris can close a border when she wants to. She closed Egypt’s border with Gaza.” If that’s not low hanging fruit for the GOP, I don’t know what is.

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This administration announced at the very beginning that there will be no displacement of the Palestinians. No country offered to take them except I believe Turkey but Palestinians were not allowed to leave. So what gives?

As to why most of the modern media takes the side of Hamas I recommend reading Matti Friedman’s articles on the subject stretching as far back as 2014. Most of the world’s useful idiots - and there are many - believe Israel is in the wrong.

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So the Administration policy needs to be called what it is: a die in place. It never demanded the same of the Ukrainians. While I doubt the different approaches have anything to do with race, as opposed to a knee-jerk antipathy to Israel, the effect is racial.

There is another possible explanation given Obama’s extreme dislike of Netanyahu and the large number of his acolytes throughout the Biden Administration: October 7 was viewed as yet another crisis that should not go to waste in the seemingly never ending saga to oust Netanyahu from power.

My view is that the hypocrisy needs to be highlighted even if (in the view of some/many) it may give an issue to the GOP. But then, lives are actually at stake - whether Palestinian or Israeli.

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Charles, dems or the undecided voters are too stupid to understand the correlation of a closed border in say Egypt….they’re so wrapped up in their TDS to realize the extreme world threats beyond and within our own country all the while when we Americans are at risk for losing our right to abortion. It’s truly unbelievable times we are witnessing.

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The right to abortions?? Freaking, use protection, like the PILL!!

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That was sarcasm Daniella...and hopefully you're hammering that home

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I don’t accept the veracity of anything Harris says. She’s a blithering idiot. The hypocrisy is stunning.

The Ukraine War mantra has been,”As long as it takes.” You don’t think Ukraine has killed Russians? Not a peep about restraining Ukraine. But when it comes to Israel. It’s supposed to accept genocidal subhumans in its midst. The Democrat Party, Obama, Biden, Harris, Pelosi and brainless AOC, have empowered Iran with billions. Without that cash cow, Hamas and Hezbollah would have been irrelevant.

Israeli blood is on the hands of the Democrat party.

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Thank you for your insightful analysis— how can we average American Jewish Democrats awaken unqualified support for Israel against the axis of terror — ? Despite the “but” rhetoric of politicians and media, here the silent majority of Americans applaud the courage and genius and dedication of the IDF to eradicate evil that threatens the safety of the only multi-cultural, multiethnic and multi-religious democracy in the Middle East !

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The ongoing multifront war against Israel versus terrorism cannot be prefaced with "BUTS", otherwise, it becomes an asymmetrical conflict with one side restrained by immoral considerations on how to conduct warfare and the terrorists acting unrestrained as terrorists. This is what Israel is experiencing from its democratic allies. If this is not a double standard, I don/t know what is. Antisemitism is clearly reaching new peaks.

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At least, two things seem to have become obvious since Oct. 7:

1) Nothing has changed in that a fair percentage of people remain anti-semitic, at least to some degree. And, for those who are not, most are not are not willing to stand up to the former. For a period of time, the horror of the Holocaust made these noxious sentiments unpalatable and thus could not be expressed openly. That grace-period appears to be coming to a close.

2) Given the first point, Israel cannot reasonably premise its self-defense on the good-will and assistance of other nations. Its long-term existence seems to hinge on its ability to either manufacture or procure armaments in a manner that cannot be subject to the whims of who gains political power in the U.S. or elsewhere at any given point in time.

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I wonder if Kamala Harris, and her fans, are still questioning why Israel would need heavy bombs while fighting Hezbollah and blowing up their ballistic and cruise missiles kept in reinforced underground bunkers.


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It would help if we were to examine some fairly recent history. The states of Israel, Jordan and even parts of Syria, were created at about the same time in 1947 or 8 with the withdrawal of the British mandate. The name Palestine was first introduced when the Romans took over Judea and the kingdom of Herod the Great, about year 70 of the current era. When the British Mandate existed (after they defeated the Turks in WW1 in 1917) a large area of the land became Palestine and more that half of the families of present-day Palestinians were there in the places that subsequently became Jordan, leaving only comparatively a narrow strip of land that was west of this river to be claimed for Jewish settlement. All those who want Palestine to be re-established should apply to Jordan as it is today, because much of it was so named and it was only due to Arab greed and politics with the British governments (Earnest Bevin, in particular who was anti-semitic), that what is now being claimed bears such a slight relationship to past history.

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"Israel can defend itself, Harris stated, “but how it does matters.” Israel can defend itself, but not if it prevents the achievement of a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of Israeli hostages. Israel can exist and preserve its existence, “but we must have a two-state solution…. where the Palestinians have security, self-determination, and the dignity they so rightly deserve.”"

Translation: Let The Islamic Terrorist Win, encourage More Hostage Taking.

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Here’s the deal—the counter narrative you asked for:

Hamas and the Islamists have less than 100 years to establish the world wide Islamic caliphate. If they fail, the rage of Allah will destroy them. NOT US!

This is the prophecy of Mohammed. They don’t want you to know. This is their secret and their shame. They have been FAILING AND FAKING FOR OVER 1400 YEARS.

Their days are numbered. The world must unite in a barrage of profound ridicule against the ISLAMISTS.

The world has moved on, and most Muslims have moved on. The only way to stop HAMAS and IRAN is by naming their secret fear—THEY HAVE FAILED FOR 1400 YEARS AND THE WORLD MUST MAKE SURE THEY FAIL AT THE FINISH LINE.

The days of the prophet and his 1500 year timetable are numbered. THE WESTERN CRY IS IMMORTALITY, WITH RESPECT, REASON, and RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION. This ISLAMIC war is nonsense. We need to see it for the truth behind the barbarism.

They need to be laughed at and ridiculed into suicide. Let’s tell them to take it up with Allah in person and plead to Allah for mercy in death.

We could consider exploding their nuclear facility. For sure some of them will want to; they will blow themselves up when they win anyway. The last war will be between the true believers and the power lusters of IRAN. Move up the timetable and get the job done NOW.

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Early Christians believed the end of days would come within their lifetimes. Failure of those predictions did little to dissuade later Christians from their millenarian beliefs. I don't doubt Islam will follow the same path. The question is whether Enlightenment thinking will penetrate the Islamic world as it did the Christian. The West needs to help Islam with all the rational criticism and military might it can muster.

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10 hrs ago·edited 10 hrs ago

During WWII, the Allies fooled Hitler with a “ghost army,” and that ruse did more damage to the morale of the soldiers and the Germany leadership than you can imagine. We DON’T know for sure what is down the road from here. Never forget that the implacable enemy in this war is IRAN, and they are running out of time.

Humiliation is an effective weapon against a population. That’s why the Japanese emperor surrendered the day after Hiroshima. First ridicule, then reason. Humiliation of leadership sows doubt in the minds of millions.

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Iran adopt Hari Kari

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So, after 75 years of humiliation, a few more will do the trick?

The Japanese surrendered 9 days after Hiroshima and 6 days after Nagasaki. The emperor of Japan was a figurehead and surrendered when the generals told him to. I don't see what humiliation had to do with it. Overwhelming might and finally some rationality from the Japanese generals ended the war. The kind of humiliation needed is severe, crushing defeat of Iran and its allies.

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I sure hope allah finds them for destruction in the US too. They're multiplying and Democrats know it. While Jewish Democrats hold abortion atop their idiotic totem pole muslims are turning them out. Europe seems to be conquered and the US seems to want catch up.

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“Border Czar Kamala Harris can close a border when she wants to. She closed Egypt’s border with Gaza.” Brilliant.

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What Michael Oren analyses so clearly here is the standard rhetoric from the Biden-Harris administration, beginning with President Biden himself through all his advisers to Vice President Harris and her running mate Tim Walz. In other words, the policy of the Democrats is that Israel has a theoretical right to defend itself BUT may not actually do so. This portends ill for Israel if they are able to hold on to the White House. Contrast the Democrats' rhetoric with former President Trump's: "I will support Israel’s right to win its war on terror... and you have to win fast…You have peace through strength…" The clear choice for supporters of Israel in the upcoming presidential election is the Trump-Vance ticket. https://jerryschwartz.substack.com/p/reexamining-a-century-of-loyalty?r=tb7x6

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Her "but" is the manifestation of Jew hatred and nothing more or less. She is after all a two handed lawyer and they need not apply.


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So who should we support and vote for? Are you sure the other fellow is more reliable? And might he turn on us if defied in a fit of pique? And the new normal - is there anything new here? You write the history- didn’t Johnson condition his support? Yes we wish we were without constraint but is that realistic when we are dependents?

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

Trump would not call for ceasefire aligning w/ Hamas demands . Trump is not soliciting the muslim vote and Trump would love to tell Iran to go pound sand. More prominent Jews have turned their support to Trump b/c of the Democrat's cowering to Islam.

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I will be voting for Harris and hoping the image she has presented in the last couple month is more real than I suspect. Who knows what Trump will do? Nothing he says can be believed and no action he takes can be relied on.

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Was it her or Walz or both who said that the Hamas protestors had their ‘hearts in the right place’. ? Well their hearts are in tne place of destroying Israel. Period. So what do we do with that information?

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Vote for Trump

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It's where pro Hamas *heads* are that concerns me - someplace too vulgar to state here. However, when it comes to making stupid statements, Harris can't begin to compete with Trump.

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You listen to words and ignore action. Do you have any idea how many speeches interviews Trump has made in his career? If all you pay attention to is emotion you're destined for destruction. Trump gave American taxpayers prosperity. Americans are now paying upward of one trillion dollars just in deficit interest...Democrats are insanely occupied by special interest. You'd not be voting for Harris you'd be voting for her Hollywood like emptyheaded dimwits who've never felt the weight of the world each billing cycle, at the gas pump or during loan applications. My Gd. I don't know if you're competing w/ Harris or beat her in the dope department.

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You've done zero homework and have thrown the idea if sensibility out the door. Voting for Harris is voting against Israel and for Iran. Gd I am sickened by such utter stupidity.

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If I were an American and the fate of Israel were important to me I’d hold my nose and vote Trump. He took a hard line on Iran last time. I agree he’s not an appealing candidate but Harris is way too far left and enamoured of Iran.

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Are we completely incapable of creating counter propaganda to this “but” situation? Is there some reason Hizbollah wasn’t squashed the moment it first bombed Israel? For that matter, Israel knew about the Gaza tunnels. What did it think Hamas was importing—falafel? Why isn’t Israel taking out full page ads in The NY Times and Washington Post with pictures of the destruction in Northern Israel? Instead of funding Birthright, why not offer these trips to “influencers” who don’t know what they’re talking about, so they can see Israeli “apartheid” and “genocide” for themselves? But mainly, why doesn’t Israel ask the United States and the other sanctimonious nations what they would do differently.

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You can’t counter those words because she’s trying to please your sworn enemies: most Arabs in the US. I’ve tried arguing with them and it’s impossible: they want Israel gone. (Most of them anyway).

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This is not the first Islamic attack and it may not be the last either, but if the West isn’t working on making the Islamists humiliated in their own country, IRAN, I’ll be surprised.

Look up “Ghost Army WWII” and you may find out what trick the Allies used to defeat Germany. None of us know what’s going on behind the scenes in the Mossad / Pentagon.

They may have a special surprise in store this time. I guess and hope, while stirring the pot.✌️

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I sincerely hope so, but if that’s the case, what exactly are they waiting for?

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8 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs ago

Maybe because The New York Times would never publish it and influencers have zero desire to discover a real Israel?

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They’d probably publish an ad but who sees ads these digital days?

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