Good Lord! How I value Michael Oren’s profound insights —here and elsewhere.

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Peter, these thoughts, incites and vulnerability by Michael Oren are worthy of putting to music. Shavua tov.

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When faced with the choice between life and death, we choose life.

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Amb. Oren states simply/elegantly the impossibility of both recovering the hostages and defeating Hamas at the same time.


Therefore it must be sequential.

Rescue the living. Then eliminate Hamas and salt their land so that even a memory of biblical duration can scarcely remember they ever existed.

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Ooooooh. I like it.

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Israel, a society that chooses Life , over a cult of Death, shines more brightly than ever…

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How I wish Michael Oren was Prime Minister!

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This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read about the battle between Israel and Hamas. This is at the heart of why so many of us support Israel. You are a miracle country, and an inspiration to the world. To all of us, including those of us who are not Jewish.

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Israel Unbroken!

Israel a light unto the Nations!

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To anyone with an IQ in the proverbial triple digits, this deal, such as it is, only happened because Trump was elected. Who knows how long Hamas would have stalled otherwise. The Trump Team now has an idea that could turn this defeat into victory--transfer of the Gaza citizenry to Indonesia. Do it!

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It is not understandable why anyone convicted of the murder of Israeli civilians, and sentenced to double, triple, quadruple life sentences, is not executed?

Adolf Eichman was executed for crimes against the Jewish people.

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Not executing them allows them to be traded for Israeli hostages. I agree 100% with not negotiating with terrorists but once they have hostages you really don’t have a choice. Qatar has proven their usefulness in dealing with vile groups of Muslims and although the Bush/Cheney administration was an unmitigated disaster I believe Qatar is one of their few successes.

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But I see the point. Why are these people alive in the first place? So damn many of them. If they were dead, would it worth it to Hamas to take hostages?

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I sincerely hope all of the hostages quickly gain their freedom. But unless and until Israel commits itself to the complete destruction of the terrorists surrounding it, it seems only a matter of time until the next disaster.

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America and Israel are held to a higher standard than everyone else. Clinton attempted to kill Osama Bin Laden prior to 9/11 when 99% of Americans had no idea who OBL (Clinton lamented failing to kill him)…but prior to a deadly terrorist attack if Americans or Israelis kill civilians when attempting to take out a terrorist the blowback from the global community will be deemed counterproductive to American interests. So that is why Netanyahu attempted to eradicate as many of Israel’s enemies as possible when he had the opportunity. Bush also attempted to do that after 9/11 but America doesn’t have nearly as many enemies that could actually attack us as Israel which is why he lied us into invading Iraq.

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Israelis choose life?? Life for the subhumans they keep in prison who can then be used as bargaining chips in the next atrocity committed by the terrorists?

We are a stupid and insane people, keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Then there is Trump, a bombastic B.S. artist. “All hell will break loose”? It’s all about his inauguration. Even more perverse is he and Joe Biden arguing like petty children over who gets credit.

The horror of October 7 has been compounded by 15 months of futility and more Israel deaths.

The only one with “hell to pay” are the Israelis.

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I hope you are right, Michael. But your words ring hollow. I do not know why. Perhaps it is I feel a profound sadness at the daily deaths of our soldiers and that maybe it is enough of the fighting and dying already. Life is unfair. We lose. But we keep on living and growing and pray for forgiveness

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I am deeply troubled by Israel’s conundrum. Why did 10/7 happened at all??????? somebody was asleep at the helm?? Or, was it a reason to let it happen to enter and try to destroy Gaza and Hamas? 1200 people butchered and another 200+ hostages! So, what was gained? 800 IDF dead, hundreds if not thousands wounded, PTSD in many IDF soldiers returning, economy, standards of living, trauma, politics, international threats, release of future terrorists, etc….. and what did this accomplish? A fraction of all taken hostages are still alive to make it home, yet, at what cost????? Hamas will regroup for sure, therefore, no cease fire deal is a good deal! Israel must destroy them with impunity, obliterate GAZA , no deal until whats left are on their knees asking for grace!!!!!! Netanyahu must be allowed to do just that, everything and everyone else, be dammed!

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Daniella, Israel had the intelligence. She failed to act on the intelligence.

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Correct, people say this is Israel’s 9/11 but 10/7 was carried out in a brazen fashion with crude military equipment by thousands of terrorists. 9/11 was carried out by 20 men with box cutters that found a flaw in the West’s daily life. To compare them is to minimize Israel’s intelligence failure when America is repeatedly told Israel has the best intelligence in the world because the threats are so real.

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"Israelis choose life?? Life for the subhumans they keep in prison who can then be used as bargaining chips in the next atrocity committed by the terrorists?"

If it were up to me, I'd never release ANY terrorist who was guilty of murder without first implanting him (perhaps during his sleep) with a tracking chip.

And if he subsequently RESUMED his terrorist activity --- "returning, like a dog, to his vomit" --- the IDF would have his coordinates. . . .

Not that anybody ASKED me.

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I have been reading Matti Friedman's Pumpkinflowers and am struck by this dawning of knowledge of Israeli society that no, the new Middle East of the early 2000s was not to be hope of peace, but a stark reality that the new Middle East is in fact one in which Iran and their proxies Hezbollah and Hamas are as ideological, religious, and tribal as they say they are. They mean what they say when they aim to wipe the Jewish presence off the Middle East map. The failure of the state is that as a rightest power, they should have known and been prepared better. But to Oren's point, the society coming together is something for a Westerner to behold and to marvel at. As one commentator from the Israeli left stated, I wish I could remember the name, but pretty sure I heard it on EconTalk, something along the lines of those on the left not out protesting war in the aftermath of Oct 7th, but grabbing a rifle.

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The road to victory is full of potholes and detours. Hopefully the Israeli people understand that the defeat of the evil will usher in a new era better for all.

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