"What the West once considered a tool for assuring victory to the righteous side in wars is now viewed as the primary means for stopping wars entirely, irrespective of their winner". Peefectly executed. Absolutely spot on🐋👍
And the folly of appeasement is exposed once more as events unfold in the Middle East. Can it be more plain to see that weakness is provocative and strength commands respect? Dr. Oren once again has a prescription for success.
"Why, when forces were fighting for freedom from one of the world’s most sinister regimes ..."
Maybe because they're not fighting for freedom but fighting to establish an equally sinister regime but with slightly different theological foundation.
The great benefit of Assad's downfall is that it cut Hezbollah's supply line, geographically and with a bitter Hezbollah foe taking over Syria. No need to make oneself illusions about the new regime; it will be no freer than the other 20 Arab regimes in the world.
The main task ahead is to limit Turkey's control of Syria as this is also an Islamist, increasingly strident and aggressive government. Fortunately the memory of Turkey's 400 year occupation of the region runs deep, and nowhere more so than in Syria, cradle of Arab nationalism and the Baath Party.
"Ten years ago the Assad regime launched rockets carrying the deadly nerve agent sarin into the Ghouta district of Damascus, killing more than 1,400 people.
The United States remembers and honors the victims and survivors of the Ghouta attack and of the other chemical attacks launched by the Assad regime. Ten years on, we continue to seek justice and accountability for those responsible for these horrific acts.". (Excerpt from Tenth Anniversary of the Ghouta, Syria Chemical Weapons Attack
AUGUST 21, 2023)
These are noble words, empty yet noble. Honoring the victims, honoring the victims .....seriously. Come on Man!
Obama's "redline" was just loud talk with a small stick. The saying is "speak softly and carry a big stick." But this implies that you must be willing to swing the stick and connect when necessary. Obama did not even take a swing!
It seems Obama was willing to "swing the stick and connect when necessary"...
"Sept. 23, 2014 — President Barack Obama’s policy toward Syria – three years of red lines and calls for regime change – culminated Monday in a barrage of airstrikes on terror targets there, marking a turning point for the conflict and thrusting the President further into it.
The U.S. said Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Jordan had joined in the attack on ISIS targets near Raqqa in Syria. The U.S. also launched airstrikes against another terrorist organization, the Khorasan Group." https://www.cnn.com/2014/09/23/politics/obama-syria-strikes-policy/index.html
This is reminiscent of a question I asked a while back: Why would Israeli doctors save the life of their enemy Yahya Sinwar (especially when -- to my surprise -- many ancient sources, among them Jewish, suggest they shouldn't have)?
Surely an early death takes the soul away to its eternal journey to heaven and should therefore give it greater joy than if it had to live out the many sufferings (slings and arrows according to Hamlet), that would otherwise affect it whilst in our present daily existence and endurance. The promise of being served by 72 virgins according to radical muslim beliefs would appeal far more that the good that our living enables us to provide, regardless of postponing these heavenly joys! So the death penalty would be good for these terrorists and to spend their remaining lives in a prison would be far more deserving and unpleasant!
Wonderful piece. Only one slight disagreement. I think rather than “peace uber alles,” I think our policy is “diplomacy uber alles.” Peace is the ultimate goal whether through diplomacy or, if necessary, war. Diplomacy is not a goal or an end, although that’s how we’ve treated it. As MO has also written after Oct 7, Israeli society cannot blithely go on with literal barbarians at its throat.
Thank Greg. I am a bit more cynical. Whilst peace may be the ultimate goal, I believe that it cannot be achieved by conceding to evil (does not matter which side). In my mind, strength and total victory is needed for peace - and hope to heaven that your side is victorious. It the Germanian tribes had beaten Aurelius would it have been Pax Germania & not Pax Romana? Did Rome start the war? Probably. Did Rome achieve peace? Yes, for some years, but by force
The Democratic Party infused with the ideas of Barak Obama is now indistinguishable from the feckless buffoons of Western Europe. It's incredibly dangerous and I hope the next four years of Trump can do something to alter things. We can hope that under a Republican administration that the US will begin to view foreign policy as a took for promoting American interests.
Phillips Payson O’Brien: on Friday Dec 13, 2024 Sonke Neitzel 🇩🇪's only military history prof said the same on NDR's podcast Streitkräfte und Strategien.
There is this idiotic narrative in 🇩🇪 that wars always end by negotiatiations but never by victories - as if Versailles happened first.
Biden's strategy was to do anything he could to avoid antagonizing the Axis of Evil, which made him a feckless and unreliable ally to both the Ukraine and to Israel. In both cases, his policies were meant to be *neutral,* helping one side for a little and then their enemy for a little. What is the point of that indecisive strategy, it only drags out the wars, increases the damage and the death count, and encourages our "friend's" enemies. Whereas I would expect Trump to deliver the Ukraine to Russia on a silver platter, and who knows what he will do with Israel. Our allies are fools if they depend on us. Not a good message to be putting out.
I wrote an essay on the relentless pacifism that is prevalent in most foreign policy/war discussions. It's as if we have forgotten why wars are fought. Fighting a war to kill alone is obviously bad, but wars are often fought to preserve something. Conflating all of the different causes for war into a single bucket is reductive and ultimately destructive.
All one has to do is watch what is going on on college campuses across the west to know that this belief in peace at all costs is only going to grow, especially if it means sacrificing the one Jewish majority state in the world.
"What the West once considered a tool for assuring victory to the righteous side in wars is now viewed as the primary means for stopping wars entirely, irrespective of their winner". Peefectly executed. Absolutely spot on🐋👍
And the folly of appeasement is exposed once more as events unfold in the Middle East. Can it be more plain to see that weakness is provocative and strength commands respect? Dr. Oren once again has a prescription for success.
"Why, when forces were fighting for freedom from one of the world’s most sinister regimes ..."
Maybe because they're not fighting for freedom but fighting to establish an equally sinister regime but with slightly different theological foundation.
The great benefit of Assad's downfall is that it cut Hezbollah's supply line, geographically and with a bitter Hezbollah foe taking over Syria. No need to make oneself illusions about the new regime; it will be no freer than the other 20 Arab regimes in the world.
The main task ahead is to limit Turkey's control of Syria as this is also an Islamist, increasingly strident and aggressive government. Fortunately the memory of Turkey's 400 year occupation of the region runs deep, and nowhere more so than in Syria, cradle of Arab nationalism and the Baath Party.
Oh you are so right that it sends chills down my spine. Who knows what lies in store for Syrians under Sharia law.
Syrian Druze in the Golan don't want to find out:
"Ten years ago the Assad regime launched rockets carrying the deadly nerve agent sarin into the Ghouta district of Damascus, killing more than 1,400 people.
The United States remembers and honors the victims and survivors of the Ghouta attack and of the other chemical attacks launched by the Assad regime. Ten years on, we continue to seek justice and accountability for those responsible for these horrific acts.". (Excerpt from Tenth Anniversary of the Ghouta, Syria Chemical Weapons Attack
AUGUST 21, 2023)
These are noble words, empty yet noble. Honoring the victims, honoring the victims .....seriously. Come on Man!
Obama's "redline" was just loud talk with a small stick. The saying is "speak softly and carry a big stick." But this implies that you must be willing to swing the stick and connect when necessary. Obama did not even take a swing!
Obama and Biden/Harris were buffoons!
It seems Obama was willing to "swing the stick and connect when necessary"...
"Sept. 23, 2014 — President Barack Obama’s policy toward Syria – three years of red lines and calls for regime change – culminated Monday in a barrage of airstrikes on terror targets there, marking a turning point for the conflict and thrusting the President further into it.
The U.S. said Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Jordan had joined in the attack on ISIS targets near Raqqa in Syria. The U.S. also launched airstrikes against another terrorist organization, the Khorasan Group." https://www.cnn.com/2014/09/23/politics/obama-syria-strikes-policy/index.html
This is reminiscent of a question I asked a while back: Why would Israeli doctors save the life of their enemy Yahya Sinwar (especially when -- to my surprise -- many ancient sources, among them Jewish, suggest they shouldn't have)?
Also why does Israel not have the death penalty for terrorists who kill Israelis? Rather stupid.
To be clear, unlike Michael Oren, my question isn't rhetorical. I'm really asking.
Surely an early death takes the soul away to its eternal journey to heaven and should therefore give it greater joy than if it had to live out the many sufferings (slings and arrows according to Hamlet), that would otherwise affect it whilst in our present daily existence and endurance. The promise of being served by 72 virgins according to radical muslim beliefs would appeal far more that the good that our living enables us to provide, regardless of postponing these heavenly joys! So the death penalty would be good for these terrorists and to spend their remaining lives in a prison would be far more deserving and unpleasant!
Wonderful piece. Only one slight disagreement. I think rather than “peace uber alles,” I think our policy is “diplomacy uber alles.” Peace is the ultimate goal whether through diplomacy or, if necessary, war. Diplomacy is not a goal or an end, although that’s how we’ve treated it. As MO has also written after Oct 7, Israeli society cannot blithely go on with literal barbarians at its throat.
Thank Greg. I am a bit more cynical. Whilst peace may be the ultimate goal, I believe that it cannot be achieved by conceding to evil (does not matter which side). In my mind, strength and total victory is needed for peace - and hope to heaven that your side is victorious. It the Germanian tribes had beaten Aurelius would it have been Pax Germania & not Pax Romana? Did Rome start the war? Probably. Did Rome achieve peace? Yes, for some years, but by force
Si vis pacem, para bellum 🇮🇱💪
Absolutely! Semper Paratus
As usual well explained, factual information in the perils of appeasement
currently embraced by the governments of the USA and important European countries. I wonder how much occult antisemitism permeates those sentiments.
Like so many others hopeful to get Biden/Blinken and the other Obama stooges/fools out of there. Peace through strength is back.
The Democratic Party infused with the ideas of Barak Obama is now indistinguishable from the feckless buffoons of Western Europe. It's incredibly dangerous and I hope the next four years of Trump can do something to alter things. We can hope that under a Republican administration that the US will begin to view foreign policy as a took for promoting American interests.
I don’t think Trump will be any different. He immediately said “Syria is none of our business.”
Complacent people in rich countries don’t remember what war means.
Peace without a strategy for ensuring an enduring peace only leads to more war.
Phillips Payson O’Brien: on Friday Dec 13, 2024 Sonke Neitzel 🇩🇪's only military history prof said the same on NDR's podcast Streitkräfte und Strategien.
There is this idiotic narrative in 🇩🇪 that wars always end by negotiatiations but never by victories - as if Versailles happened first.
Wars end in victory or defeat. Victory by vanquishing the opponent or total unconditional surrender and measures to ensure no further hostility.
Biden's strategy was to do anything he could to avoid antagonizing the Axis of Evil, which made him a feckless and unreliable ally to both the Ukraine and to Israel. In both cases, his policies were meant to be *neutral,* helping one side for a little and then their enemy for a little. What is the point of that indecisive strategy, it only drags out the wars, increases the damage and the death count, and encourages our "friend's" enemies. Whereas I would expect Trump to deliver the Ukraine to Russia on a silver platter, and who knows what he will do with Israel. Our allies are fools if they depend on us. Not a good message to be putting out.
Scary but true. Pick a side.
I don’t think Trump will criticize Israel for defending itself. Not sure about Ukraine. He seems to like Putin.
I wrote an essay on the relentless pacifism that is prevalent in most foreign policy/war discussions. It's as if we have forgotten why wars are fought. Fighting a war to kill alone is obviously bad, but wars are often fought to preserve something. Conflating all of the different causes for war into a single bucket is reductive and ultimately destructive.
Insightful, with clarity.
All one has to do is watch what is going on on college campuses across the west to know that this belief in peace at all costs is only going to grow, especially if it means sacrificing the one Jewish majority state in the world.