"Islamophobia" is perhaps the most dangerous word today. It stops any criticism of Islam & it's militant progress against our Western freedoms & democracies. By pairing it with Anti-semitism they succesfully confuse. Anti-semitism is racist hatred of Jews while Islamophobia is fear of Islam which as the article above shows is fully justified.

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There needs to be a new marketing campaign for the word “Islamophobia.” If I am against beheading babies, burning families alive, rape, mutilating genitals, etc then I am a proud Islamophobic.

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The need to hate and the need to have an enemy is in place by age 3. This is according to the famous Muslim Turkish psychiatrist Vamik Volkan. Ideologies are late developmentally and they merely package the rage left over from a very very unhappy childhood where the kid's psychological needs were not met for whatever reason. Unmet psychological needs should not be confused with economic needs for they are very different. However, there are many many in this world who never got passed age 3 harboring murderous rage. Hamas - a rage that exceeds murder itself. The Islamic Crowds and Power (E. Canetti ilk) compose the campus hatred. I experienced it back in 1978. Sweat rolled down my back when I met my dissertation advisor knowing that I did not see eye to eye with what he had to say and that there was no way of getting around him. It was a "woke" panic attack rightfully grounded in fear not phobia. Nevertheless we (Israel and global Jewry) will get through this.

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I would strongly challenge your statement of the need to hate is part of natural child development. Yes, the need to develop a sense of separate self is natural, but how that capacity of knowledge of self and other is culturally defined. A Buddhist child would learn compassion for others, while a budding Islamist is taught fear and hatred of any outsiders.

“Psychologist Bernard Golden, author of Overcoming Destructive Anger: Strategies That Work, believes that when hate involves participation in a group, it may help foster a sense of connection and camaraderie that fills a void in one’s identity. He describes hatred of individuals or groups as a way of distracting oneself from the more challenging and anxiety-provoking task of creating one’s own identity:

"Acts of hate are attempts to distract oneself from feelings such as helplessness, powerlessness, injustice, inadequacy and shame. Hate is grounded in some sense of perceived threat. It is an attitude that can give rise to hostility and aggression toward individuals or groups.”


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“While the merciless and dissolute dogmas of the false prophet shall furnish motives to human action, there can never be peace upon earth, and good will towards men."

- John Quincy Adams writing on the contrasts between Christianity and Islam and Islam’s war against Christianity.

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Americans are falling for the “terrorism is normal” narrative. It’s just a set up, IMO, for massive terrorist attacks in America in 2024.

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Wake up world! You are about to be Islamized! It appears that the war in Gaza is about all that is being done to stop it from happening!

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It seems we are experiencing a crisis of morality. The Islamists proceed with sure-footed assurance of their barbaric views while many in the West no longer even understand — let alone stand up for — their moral heritage. Western civilization’s supposed bastions of higher learning cannot bring themselves to denounce calls for the eradication of a democratic and persecuted nation. The UN, which touts its mission as promoting “social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom”, convenes a memorial tribute to the memory of Ebrahim Raisi, whose political purges of thousands earned him the moniker of “Butcher of Tehran”. One could go on and on.

Why is this happening? I would guess it is because the majority of decent people choose to sit on the sidelines while the much more determined terrorists and sympathizers bully their way to success. Unless that changes, things will likely get a lot worse.

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I never said that it is automatic but in shame honor cultures there is an unconscious taboo against separating from the mother. Dr. Sami Tamimi, an Iraqi psychiatrist has noted this. Shame is pervasive. If you don't go through individuation separation you are stuck in negativity throughout your life. I have no idea if you have studied Arabic, Pashto, Farsi and Urdu along with having been involved in these cultures. The Green Prince Son of Hamas, Mosab Hassan Yusuf has said that the greatest enemy is shame. It is chronic and quite brutal. If you have violence in the home such as honor killings - Prof. Halim Barakat the illustrious Egyptian Sociologist has written you will have a violent society. These are collectives. I won't even use the word "individual" because they are not individuated. This gave rise to suicide bombing among other brutal vicious attacks that we saw tragically perpetrated against Israelis on October 7th. In fact to the best of my knowledge this is the first time that there were beheadings of babies. Such mutiliation of the body shows 1. a rage that exceeds murder itself 2. and it is an unconscious enactment of displaced rage against the mother -- you also find this in serial killing where there is a production of body parts. Best to you.

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I contend that the "rage" you refer to is a response to aborted individualization that is inherent in Islamism - the sacrifice of the individual to the Will of Allah. The existential frustration of being denied a sense of self leaves one at the mercy of a capricious God and his emissaries (priests). Morality then becomes an abstraction rather than an innate sense of basic humanity. It is in this state of abstraction that words like "honor" and "faith" take on superhuman powers over a shamed and suppressed natural sense of individual humanity.

Islam shares its heritage with other Abrahamic religions to Persian Zoroastrian teachings of original sin and the impurity of human existence. Their priests wore face masks because it was believed that even their breath would contaminate the sacred altar fire. Menstrating women were forbidden from even gazing at the hearth and were banished to the "red tent" until they became "clean" again. This insane separation of a sacred Spirit and a profane human existence adds shame to fan the flames of the rage you mention. The rage is a feature not a flaw at the core of all Abrahamic religions particularly the Islamists interpretation of Islam.


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As I was growing up I was taught that terrorist attacks perpetrated by Muslims were racist to comment on.

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The Forward the lefty rag published this pro terrorist ad. Not surprising. They are awful

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Excellent - thank you for writing this, Amelia, and publishing, Michael. Now, what do we do?

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Obaid Omer's podcast Dangerous Speech has a good interview with Asra Nomani about this book. Also, former Times of Israel correspondent Haviv Rettig Gur talks about how important it is in Islamism to reclaim Middle Eastern land from the Jewish infidels.

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Regretfully, you totally mischaracterize the righteousness of today's disturbers. As disturbed people they use the "double negative " The corrected quote is "we don't want NO two states, we want 48"

Just as addressing Zionists as "y'all" even from people who are not of African American ancestry or even Southern ancestry. "Y'all Zionists....." followed by some baseless allegation. Which is at the same time irrefutable. Any charges agains all Y'all Zionists require no proof. Just a chant. A cleverish chant that rhymes....."XXXX' you can't hide, we charge you with genocide" Very nice. So that scholars of the Mideast like Christine Baranski, Cynthia Nixon, and Rosie O'Donnell can plead with Dr. Jill to end the genocide. And Bambi Thug can cry. And the Irish women's basketball team an refuse to shake hands with the Israelis. I saw this coming years and years and years ago. The Jews running to cut sugar cane in cuba are now the leaders of the execrable jvp. so as Cronkite would conclude that's the way it is.

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We mustn’t forget that the Zionists who formed Israel were the original terrorists in the region. Planting bombs, assassinating opponents, hanging booby trapped British soldiers from trees and massacring whole villages. Not much change there. Look into the founding of Hamas, the group was funded by Israel to take over from the PLO giving them excuses to cunningly invade and destroy homes, sniper children playing football and bring in settlers to take over Palestinians land and homes. It’s easy to stir up people by saying The Islamists are taking over but this conflict is not about religion it’s about power and land grab and people are not so easily fooled now.

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Let’s be clear; the Democrats have normalized Muslim terrorism; most of the US is still appalled at terrorist behaviour… not support for Trump.

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The US and the west (particularly the U.K.) , does support Islamist terrorism particularly on the alliance with the gulf states against Syria and the overthrow of ghaddafi in Libya. Hamas isn’t a threat outside Palestine.

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I would add two things. Yes denial and the plan has been there for ages as I wrote about U of Minnesota in the late 1970s but denial masks deep unconscious terrors - this is in part a function of the projection of hatred coming from the jihadi world et al It immobilized even here in Israel the counter terrorist experts the majority could not listen. Second thing about why early childhood is so important. Until age three a child has to juggle and integrate three very different information processing systems - which Dr. Holinger calls "messy". They are affect (early feelings), cognition and language. If they don't master those three relatively well the child remains stuck in negativity and hatred, failing to see the forest from the trees and developing a conscience. It is nearly impossible to survive growing up in a shame honor culture and mastering the integration of those three systems. Cf. my essay The violent brutality of growing up in a shame honor culture predicated on the destruction of the maternal bond nancykobrin.org - I have also written 48 War Blog posts on Hamas's psychosis -- this stuff is not rocket science but bc it is terror it's unconscious - 94% of thinking and nonverbal behavior is unconscious cheers

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