Terrorist rockets rain on Israeli towns and villages. Tens of thousands are displaced, dozens killed, and vast swaths of territory are set ablaze. Sounds like the Gaza Envelope, the belt of Israeli communities bordering Gaza in the south — but it describes the reality in Israel’s
This is the result of provocative weakness and irresolve. To paraphrase Churchill, "you had a choice between dishonor and war. You chose dishonor and now you will get war." Our duty at this moment is to resolve this now, in our time, with the means at hand. Soon the means may be too drastic even to contemplate. Sadly the world has been through this before and current leaders refuse to recognize the moral lessons of the resent past. God forgive us.
Douglas Murray discusses a Theodore Roosevelt speech so adjacent to all this. We need real leaders who will not be influenced by those who are grossly ill-equipped and ill-informed to pass those judgments, and who will do the right thing. To rephrase a quote from above, Hopefully " if [a Western ally] will act to defend itself, and [they] will look to [their] American allies to assist [] in [] [sustaining their] security." Restoring security means it has already been imperiled. How terribly sad and frightening. I wish we were sustaining peace, not having to restore it, not chipping away at it through appeasement. I do not wish war on anyone. I am truly scared of the times we live in.
As I think more & more about this column, I am struck about how we could have avoided getting to this tipping point if Israel had been given everything it needed to counter Hamas after October 7. Other bad actors might not have been emboldened. Arm-shair quarterbacking and post-game autopsy cannot change the results.
Not only giving Israel what it needed, but also requiring the UN forces in Lebanon to enforce the terms of the 2006 ceasefire reached with Hezbollah. It was NEVER enforced from the start. The UNFIL forces in Lebanon always turned a blind eye to Iran rearming Hezbollah.
When it comes to Israel and the Jews the world doesn’t care. It’s disgusting that the lessons of the Holocaust mean nothing.
Compassion and intelligence is in very short supply and being depleted rapidly. Our “civilization” is in serious decline when Yahya Sinwar can brazenly declare the loss of 100,000 Palestinians is a “necessary sacrifice” and no one sees the inhumanity of that statement, Hamas preventing food and other aid being distributed in Gaza let alone the inhumanity of the October 7 massacre. It will get worse for Israel when the next war with Hezbollah happens and the willfully ignorant will remain so. God help Israel and us!
Israel needs to hit Hezbollah HARD and fast. This is not Gaza with the world looking at them through a microscope, causing them to sacrifice their soldiers on the ground. Hit them with everything you’ve got!
Israel is in deep shit. We could play the what if game. What if Israel did more to make sure Hezbollah didn't accumulate 150,000 missiles. Would a preemptive strike against Hezbollah have been prudent. What if Israel didn't allow itself to be completely reliant on American military equipment, etc. At this point, none of this matters. What can Israel do now to salvage the situation. A lot of Israel's plans about what to do about Hezbollah will depend on what Israel has in its arsenal and how much weapons and supplies do they have. I just read a report today that said the Biden administration is willing to fully back Israel if a full-fledged war breaks out with Hezbollah. Given Biden's track record, we will have to see it before we can believe it. The U.N. could play an important role by enforcing its own resolution but that would be too constructive and benefit Israel too much, so that won't happen. As a layman, all I can do is understand that Israel has confronted many situations that seemed perilous and emerged victorious and the same outcome will happen this time as well.
Don't say Israel is in deep shit. Your words create a negative vibration that has ripple effects - we must STAY POSITIVE and pray. I will say what I said above- Israel needs to strike HARD and FAST. It has the power to do so. It must use its power unhindered by global opinion to take out its enemies.
Israel needs armaments. Their ability to make them is limited, Sinwar is far from stupid. Hamas & Hazbollah want to bleed them down. The rest of what Israel needs must come from the West. We must supply it swiftly and without mealy mouthed limits so that everybody who comes to the birthday party gets a present and no one gets offended. The time act is now, the time to offend (as in offensive) is now, the time to wring hands must wait for later. But, this is an election year. I truly hope that your assessment of Israel's position is accurrate, but wishing (your positivity and prayer) does not make it so. Actions make it so.
Biden said said he had Israel's back unconditionally right after October 7. I know what I think those words mean, I am not sure I know what he thinks those words mean. Why should he act any differently if it is Hezbollah (or any other H-----, fill in the blanks). The UN is a useless, toothless pile of bricks - it lost its way many years ago. Unfortunately this is a moral crisis for the West and our timidity to call out what is happening and not be afraid of calling it out astonishes me. You cannot parlay with terrorists or terrorist regimes. That is foolish Western Chamberlain thinking. Say what you will do, do it, and stop pussyfooting around. Meet your adversary where they are or they will come for you. Oh! They are already doing that!? Where is Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill and their ilk when we need them? While I believe Trump and his group more credible than Biden ever will be, Donald has not always been consistent with whom & how he parlays (e.g. North Korea - another bad actor). I hope that you are correct in your assessment about Israel's success. Now if only the rest of the Western world would stand up to those who seek their destruction at home and abroad.
Ambassador Oren, excellent piece. Appeasement of our (and the world's) enemies (Iran and its terror proxies) didn't work with Obama or now with Biden. Inching closer to nuclear capabilities. Can you imagine how Trump and former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo would have handled this?! It would have never gotten to this stage, but unfortunately we're stuck with a cognitively impaired Biden and a weak Secretary of State, Tony Blinken.
Please REMEMBER that it was the very same Tony Blinken (then a senior advisor in the Biden campaign) along with Obama acting CIA director, Mike Morell, who were the schemers in securing the signatures of 51 former US intelligence officers
"Tragically, a combination of Hezbollah barbarism, UN impotence and America’s fears have brought Israel to the point of no choice."
It is important to realize why Israel is being targeted and attacked by Iran and its proxies. Israel survived and prospered because it embraced Western liberal values and commerce. In contrast to its neighbors, Israel is a multicultural democratic nation with a robust tech-based economy. The Islamists hate Israel not for being Jews, but for being Western. Israel is not "roping in" the U.S. and Europe, we made our bed when the UN, lead by Western nations, partitioned the Palestine Mandate into two states. We created Israel and we are obligated to stand by them. The question is will we do it intelligently or reactively?
It is not simply Israel who is being targeted but liberal Western ideals loathed by both Sunni and Shia radical Islamists. Iran's strategy is to collapse the entire Middle East into chaos hoping the West will abandon it as we did in Afghanistan as a failed effort. Can we afford the reputation of democracy being a "failed effort" and the alternative to be autocratic Islamist barbarism? Other than Israel, does the West have any true allies in the region? Perhaps we've already lost this war of ideology.
My sense is the moderate Sunni Arab nations - Jordan, Egypt, and some of the rich Gulf states - have skin in the game and will not embrace Iran's theocratic nightmare. Notice how involved these states are in attempting to broker peace terms in Gaza. They know they have a lot to lose if this gets out of control and the populist Islamists get the upper hand in the region. Yes, Israel will take a beating in a full scale regional war, but the whole region could look like devastated Syria very quickly. Israel has been a good role model for moderate Arabs and their fate is irrevocably intertwined. Iran (and Russia) cannot be allowed to win this power struggle.
"The fighting stops when Palestinians realize they love their children more than they hate Israel."
I am betting that a majority of Arabs will choose the future of their children rather than allow Iran to destabilize the region as witnessed in Syria. The Israelis and NATO cannot fight this alone. The moderate Arabs have to want this as much as we do and a united front must be presented to Iran and its proxies. If the initiative is lost, this will become an 'endless war' with unimaginable carnage. Europe has allied with Ukraine against Russia. Can the Middle East come together to counter Iran's aggression?
If the moderate Sunni nations have skin in the game, now would be a good time for them to get off the sidelines and step in to achieve longterm regional stability and to recognize Israel in that process. If not, the next heads on the chopping block will be theirs.
There will be no choice with respect to worrying about Lebanese civilians. They have allowed Hezbollah to take over their country, they will have to pay the consequences. That includes a potential nuclear strike on Beirut. Nasralkah and his clan would be gone. Hezbollah is intent on devastating Israel, there is no option but to devastate your enemy first with round the clock bombing, drones and rockets. This is war after all.
In claiming that the recently reported story about Hunter Biden's laptop (and its contents) as being nothing but Russian dis-information. There's absolutely ZERO credibility with these clowns. In addition, this administration's thirst to remain in power at the expense of one of our closest allies (Israel) simply to appease the Dearborn, Michigan crowd is simply repugnant and without any resemblance of morals!
With the current erosion of northern Israeli territorial habitability, Iran is delivering on its intended strategy to empower non-Sunni forces to disassemble Israeli territorial integrity. Their successes motivate non-Shia states to ensure Israel (and the US) bear all of the upfront costs but do not prevent Shia next strategic aims--convert non-Sunni states into a singular, dominant Shia dominion. Looking beyond Shia and Sunni nations' obsessions with countering Israel's strategic and tactical nuclear weaponry the past 50-60 years is mission critical. Looking ahead to the state of affairs envisioned by Iran (+ Shia allies) and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (+ Sunni allies), emergence of nuclear-armed Sunni and Shia axes in the foreseeable future is probable. Mirroring the US/NATO-Russia-China nuclear stalemate, the default future position is a tripartite, opportunistic Israel-Sunni axis-Shia axis nuclear stalemate. In the 55+ years that the 1968 Nuclear NPT was ratified, 4 countries/states have become non-signatory nuclear powers. As Iran progresses becomes the 5th, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's leverage to become the 6th state increases. The timing to a tripartite Israel-Iran-KSA nuclear standoff inevitability is dependent upon Israeli (and USA) actions in southern Lebanon and willingness to disable Iran's current 15+ nuclear research facilities extending from Tabriz to Bushehr. The current existential crisis for Israel has ramifications for Shia-vs-Sunni tensions which have historically hinged upon alliances to outflank their rival. Kudos to all parties foresightedly recognizing the courage and dread incumbent upon Israeli decision-making.
Cogent analysis. To face such existential challenges, Israel must first get its house in order: 1) wrap up Gaza; though greatly degraded, accept that Hamas can't be entirely eliminated; get the hostages back 2) replace current right-wing government with centrist natl unity coalition; relinquish fantasy of annexing Yehudah and Shomron 3) coordinate strategy with US and allies, agreement with Saudis, and begin reconstruction Of Gaza 4) Working with allies get Hezbullah off northern border. If Hamas can't be obliterated, Hezbullah definitely can't be. These are very sobering realities to come to grips with. Am Yisrael Chai!
It may be relevant to note that prevailing wind patterns from the Eastern Mediterranean shores to the Greater Middle East have the potential to deliver fallout without impacting any of the signatories of the 1968 Nuclear NPT to date. All of the calculations, scenario planning, and downstream consequences incumbent upon members of the tripartite USA/NATO-Russia-China factor in mundanities such as weather/wind patterns and natural resource intactness downwind. The relative paucity of arable lands and the persistence of eastward winds from the Eastern Mediterranean shoreline seem a distant concern perhaps, however, long-term strategic thinking in Israel, Iran, and KSA and their choice of strategic alliances with the US or Russia or China are factors in the long run. As in 1973, the immediate delivery of strategic (or tactical) nuclear weapons by Russia to regional actors (Egypt in 1973) at war with Israel could create instantaneous decision-making by Israel onerous but existentially inevitable. Recognition of the consequences of the short hypersonic flight time from Israel to every Shia nation's capital and every Sunni nation's capital is not often considered in public dialogue to date. Perhaps it should be considered now, particularly as Russia publicly has revealed its nuclear strategic re-evaluation currently.
That is not an option, we were "roped in" when the UN passed the Palestine partition agreement. Israel's only 'Plan B' would be a nuclear strike to Iran to cut off the snake's head. What kind of horrors does that release upon the world?
Surely no need for nukes. Taking out the radar warning system (after Iran’s retaliation for the 4/1 attack on their embassy) was brilliant. In all these places (Iran, Syria, Lebanon) give fair warning to the civilians to move from city centers or wherever and then bombs away — but not nuclear bombs — radiation gets around and comes back …
Yes, that would be suicide,but we’re talking Islamist extremists here and suicide becomes righteous martyrdom. If Russia and the U.S. get involved, it could all spiral out of control quickly. This will be a war of ruthless religious jihad to the death. Don’t rule anything out.
This is the result of provocative weakness and irresolve. To paraphrase Churchill, "you had a choice between dishonor and war. You chose dishonor and now you will get war." Our duty at this moment is to resolve this now, in our time, with the means at hand. Soon the means may be too drastic even to contemplate. Sadly the world has been through this before and current leaders refuse to recognize the moral lessons of the resent past. God forgive us.
Douglas Murray discusses a Theodore Roosevelt speech so adjacent to all this. We need real leaders who will not be influenced by those who are grossly ill-equipped and ill-informed to pass those judgments, and who will do the right thing. To rephrase a quote from above, Hopefully " if [a Western ally] will act to defend itself, and [they] will look to [their] American allies to assist [] in [] [sustaining their] security." Restoring security means it has already been imperiled. How terribly sad and frightening. I wish we were sustaining peace, not having to restore it, not chipping away at it through appeasement. I do not wish war on anyone. I am truly scared of the times we live in.
As I think more & more about this column, I am struck about how we could have avoided getting to this tipping point if Israel had been given everything it needed to counter Hamas after October 7. Other bad actors might not have been emboldened. Arm-shair quarterbacking and post-game autopsy cannot change the results.
Not only giving Israel what it needed, but also requiring the UN forces in Lebanon to enforce the terms of the 2006 ceasefire reached with Hezbollah. It was NEVER enforced from the start. The UNFIL forces in Lebanon always turned a blind eye to Iran rearming Hezbollah.
When it comes to Israel and the Jews the world doesn’t care. It’s disgusting that the lessons of the Holocaust mean nothing.
It means nothing, because it never touched any ot them.
Compassion and intelligence is in very short supply and being depleted rapidly. Our “civilization” is in serious decline when Yahya Sinwar can brazenly declare the loss of 100,000 Palestinians is a “necessary sacrifice” and no one sees the inhumanity of that statement, Hamas preventing food and other aid being distributed in Gaza let alone the inhumanity of the October 7 massacre. It will get worse for Israel when the next war with Hezbollah happens and the willfully ignorant will remain so. God help Israel and us!
Israel needs to hit Hezbollah HARD and fast. This is not Gaza with the world looking at them through a microscope, causing them to sacrifice their soldiers on the ground. Hit them with everything you’ve got!
Israel is in deep shit. We could play the what if game. What if Israel did more to make sure Hezbollah didn't accumulate 150,000 missiles. Would a preemptive strike against Hezbollah have been prudent. What if Israel didn't allow itself to be completely reliant on American military equipment, etc. At this point, none of this matters. What can Israel do now to salvage the situation. A lot of Israel's plans about what to do about Hezbollah will depend on what Israel has in its arsenal and how much weapons and supplies do they have. I just read a report today that said the Biden administration is willing to fully back Israel if a full-fledged war breaks out with Hezbollah. Given Biden's track record, we will have to see it before we can believe it. The U.N. could play an important role by enforcing its own resolution but that would be too constructive and benefit Israel too much, so that won't happen. As a layman, all I can do is understand that Israel has confronted many situations that seemed perilous and emerged victorious and the same outcome will happen this time as well.
Don't say Israel is in deep shit. Your words create a negative vibration that has ripple effects - we must STAY POSITIVE and pray. I will say what I said above- Israel needs to strike HARD and FAST. It has the power to do so. It must use its power unhindered by global opinion to take out its enemies.
Israel needs armaments. Their ability to make them is limited, Sinwar is far from stupid. Hamas & Hazbollah want to bleed them down. The rest of what Israel needs must come from the West. We must supply it swiftly and without mealy mouthed limits so that everybody who comes to the birthday party gets a present and no one gets offended. The time act is now, the time to offend (as in offensive) is now, the time to wring hands must wait for later. But, this is an election year. I truly hope that your assessment of Israel's position is accurrate, but wishing (your positivity and prayer) does not make it so. Actions make it so.
Biden said said he had Israel's back unconditionally right after October 7. I know what I think those words mean, I am not sure I know what he thinks those words mean. Why should he act any differently if it is Hezbollah (or any other H-----, fill in the blanks). The UN is a useless, toothless pile of bricks - it lost its way many years ago. Unfortunately this is a moral crisis for the West and our timidity to call out what is happening and not be afraid of calling it out astonishes me. You cannot parlay with terrorists or terrorist regimes. That is foolish Western Chamberlain thinking. Say what you will do, do it, and stop pussyfooting around. Meet your adversary where they are or they will come for you. Oh! They are already doing that!? Where is Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill and their ilk when we need them? While I believe Trump and his group more credible than Biden ever will be, Donald has not always been consistent with whom & how he parlays (e.g. North Korea - another bad actor). I hope that you are correct in your assessment about Israel's success. Now if only the rest of the Western world would stand up to those who seek their destruction at home and abroad.
Ambassador Oren, excellent piece. Appeasement of our (and the world's) enemies (Iran and its terror proxies) didn't work with Obama or now with Biden. Inching closer to nuclear capabilities. Can you imagine how Trump and former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo would have handled this?! It would have never gotten to this stage, but unfortunately we're stuck with a cognitively impaired Biden and a weak Secretary of State, Tony Blinken.
Please REMEMBER that it was the very same Tony Blinken (then a senior advisor in the Biden campaign) along with Obama acting CIA director, Mike Morell, who were the schemers in securing the signatures of 51 former US intelligence officers
"Tragically, a combination of Hezbollah barbarism, UN impotence and America’s fears have brought Israel to the point of no choice."
It is important to realize why Israel is being targeted and attacked by Iran and its proxies. Israel survived and prospered because it embraced Western liberal values and commerce. In contrast to its neighbors, Israel is a multicultural democratic nation with a robust tech-based economy. The Islamists hate Israel not for being Jews, but for being Western. Israel is not "roping in" the U.S. and Europe, we made our bed when the UN, lead by Western nations, partitioned the Palestine Mandate into two states. We created Israel and we are obligated to stand by them. The question is will we do it intelligently or reactively?
It is not simply Israel who is being targeted but liberal Western ideals loathed by both Sunni and Shia radical Islamists. Iran's strategy is to collapse the entire Middle East into chaos hoping the West will abandon it as we did in Afghanistan as a failed effort. Can we afford the reputation of democracy being a "failed effort" and the alternative to be autocratic Islamist barbarism? Other than Israel, does the West have any true allies in the region? Perhaps we've already lost this war of ideology.
My sense is the moderate Sunni Arab nations - Jordan, Egypt, and some of the rich Gulf states - have skin in the game and will not embrace Iran's theocratic nightmare. Notice how involved these states are in attempting to broker peace terms in Gaza. They know they have a lot to lose if this gets out of control and the populist Islamists get the upper hand in the region. Yes, Israel will take a beating in a full scale regional war, but the whole region could look like devastated Syria very quickly. Israel has been a good role model for moderate Arabs and their fate is irrevocably intertwined. Iran (and Russia) cannot be allowed to win this power struggle.
"The fighting stops when Palestinians realize they love their children more than they hate Israel."
I am betting that a majority of Arabs will choose the future of their children rather than allow Iran to destabilize the region as witnessed in Syria. The Israelis and NATO cannot fight this alone. The moderate Arabs have to want this as much as we do and a united front must be presented to Iran and its proxies. If the initiative is lost, this will become an 'endless war' with unimaginable carnage. Europe has allied with Ukraine against Russia. Can the Middle East come together to counter Iran's aggression?
If the moderate Sunni nations have skin in the game, now would be a good time for them to get off the sidelines and step in to achieve longterm regional stability and to recognize Israel in that process. If not, the next heads on the chopping block will be theirs.
There will be no choice with respect to worrying about Lebanese civilians. They have allowed Hezbollah to take over their country, they will have to pay the consequences. That includes a potential nuclear strike on Beirut. Nasralkah and his clan would be gone. Hezbollah is intent on devastating Israel, there is no option but to devastate your enemy first with round the clock bombing, drones and rockets. This is war after all.
A very sobering prospect.
Make Iran pay the price for Hezbollah agression. (Problem is Biden's got his head up the Ayatolla's butt.)
In claiming that the recently reported story about Hunter Biden's laptop (and its contents) as being nothing but Russian dis-information. There's absolutely ZERO credibility with these clowns. In addition, this administration's thirst to remain in power at the expense of one of our closest allies (Israel) simply to appease the Dearborn, Michigan crowd is simply repugnant and without any resemblance of morals!
Israel must not rely on an outside sovereign ally for her security. The worst thing ever imho was the Obama aid package. Think about it.
With the current erosion of northern Israeli territorial habitability, Iran is delivering on its intended strategy to empower non-Sunni forces to disassemble Israeli territorial integrity. Their successes motivate non-Shia states to ensure Israel (and the US) bear all of the upfront costs but do not prevent Shia next strategic aims--convert non-Sunni states into a singular, dominant Shia dominion. Looking beyond Shia and Sunni nations' obsessions with countering Israel's strategic and tactical nuclear weaponry the past 50-60 years is mission critical. Looking ahead to the state of affairs envisioned by Iran (+ Shia allies) and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (+ Sunni allies), emergence of nuclear-armed Sunni and Shia axes in the foreseeable future is probable. Mirroring the US/NATO-Russia-China nuclear stalemate, the default future position is a tripartite, opportunistic Israel-Sunni axis-Shia axis nuclear stalemate. In the 55+ years that the 1968 Nuclear NPT was ratified, 4 countries/states have become non-signatory nuclear powers. As Iran progresses becomes the 5th, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's leverage to become the 6th state increases. The timing to a tripartite Israel-Iran-KSA nuclear standoff inevitability is dependent upon Israeli (and USA) actions in southern Lebanon and willingness to disable Iran's current 15+ nuclear research facilities extending from Tabriz to Bushehr. The current existential crisis for Israel has ramifications for Shia-vs-Sunni tensions which have historically hinged upon alliances to outflank their rival. Kudos to all parties foresightedly recognizing the courage and dread incumbent upon Israeli decision-making.
Cogent analysis. To face such existential challenges, Israel must first get its house in order: 1) wrap up Gaza; though greatly degraded, accept that Hamas can't be entirely eliminated; get the hostages back 2) replace current right-wing government with centrist natl unity coalition; relinquish fantasy of annexing Yehudah and Shomron 3) coordinate strategy with US and allies, agreement with Saudis, and begin reconstruction Of Gaza 4) Working with allies get Hezbullah off northern border. If Hamas can't be obliterated, Hezbullah definitely can't be. These are very sobering realities to come to grips with. Am Yisrael Chai!
After 10/7 all out war with Hamas, Hezbollah and eventually Iran was inevitable. 10/7 never should have happened.
Any sane , well read person knows that all these terrorists organisations are armed and funded by Iran and is the puppet master .
Yet the USA panders to Iran and democrats are worst culprits of that .
How an organisation which has no income stream have so many advanced weapons and money to pay its fighters ?
It may be relevant to note that prevailing wind patterns from the Eastern Mediterranean shores to the Greater Middle East have the potential to deliver fallout without impacting any of the signatories of the 1968 Nuclear NPT to date. All of the calculations, scenario planning, and downstream consequences incumbent upon members of the tripartite USA/NATO-Russia-China factor in mundanities such as weather/wind patterns and natural resource intactness downwind. The relative paucity of arable lands and the persistence of eastward winds from the Eastern Mediterranean shoreline seem a distant concern perhaps, however, long-term strategic thinking in Israel, Iran, and KSA and their choice of strategic alliances with the US or Russia or China are factors in the long run. As in 1973, the immediate delivery of strategic (or tactical) nuclear weapons by Russia to regional actors (Egypt in 1973) at war with Israel could create instantaneous decision-making by Israel onerous but existentially inevitable. Recognition of the consequences of the short hypersonic flight time from Israel to every Shia nation's capital and every Sunni nation's capital is not often considered in public dialogue to date. Perhaps it should be considered now, particularly as Russia publicly has revealed its nuclear strategic re-evaluation currently.
And what if the US refuses to be “roped in”? Israel better have a Plan B.
That is not an option, we were "roped in" when the UN passed the Palestine partition agreement. Israel's only 'Plan B' would be a nuclear strike to Iran to cut off the snake's head. What kind of horrors does that release upon the world?
After Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan became America’s best friend. Perhaps Iran might do the same?
Surely no need for nukes. Taking out the radar warning system (after Iran’s retaliation for the 4/1 attack on their embassy) was brilliant. In all these places (Iran, Syria, Lebanon) give fair warning to the civilians to move from city centers or wherever and then bombs away — but not nuclear bombs — radiation gets around and comes back …
Yes, that would be suicide,but we’re talking Islamist extremists here and suicide becomes righteous martyrdom. If Russia and the U.S. get involved, it could all spiral out of control quickly. This will be a war of ruthless religious jihad to the death. Don’t rule anything out.